Do You Think This Guy Had Feelings I Will Answer Yours

Signs your guy friend secretly has feelings for you?

Let's back up a step -- *why* are you asking this question? What's *your* stake in this? Are you interested in a romance with him? Are you worried that his romantic feelings might interfere, because you want only a friendship? Do you want to wear his heart on your charm bracelet as a prize?

Figure out what you want. Then talk to him about it. If there are the beginnings of romance on one side and not the other, talk it out, figure out what *isn't* going to happen, and then relax with what you do have. If the two of you have the poise and courage, let him fall in love with you and work with the experience. So what if the good-night hug means more to him than to you? It's still good for both of you, and it's nobody else's business. I've been through a few of these lopsided relationships, and they were great from both sides. Just being allowed to love someone, even though she saw me only as a friend, was still a wonderful maturing experience.

If it turns out that you both kind of want to try a romance, then check that the friendship is still the solid foundation, and go for it. I've been there a couple of times, too -- and I've been married to the second one for over two decades.

If you're having feelings for him, and he just wants a friendship -- well, see the first paragraph, but then you're in my spot. Go ahead and love him, as long as he can handle accepting without giving in the same vein, and learn what a stable romance is like -- at least 70% of it.

Either way, good luck. Be open and honest, leave your ego in your purse, and hug lots while you're talking. Listen a lot, and think about what he's saying. Clarify things that have significant consequences. Just that much communication is a big step.

Signs a guy is starting to have feelings for you?

He cant stop looking at you,every time your talking to him he looks down or somewhere else,he gets nervous around you,he gets shy in front of you,He behaves different with you he doesn't behave the way he braves with friends,and main thing If he get jealous he definitely have feeling for you :-)

How do you know a guy itsnt lying about his feelings?

By his actions. If he is lying he eventually get tired of faking his actions and reactions and will let you down again and again.
If he seems continually happy hanging out with you and being your man then he has true feelings for you.

How do you know when a Capricorn guy has feelings for you?

I kinda have that same quality. Usually if im interested in a girl, Im never really super obvious about it. I would understand if you felt confused b/c im rarely ever bold or flirty or super confident when I 1st meet girls im interested in. Based off past experiences when im "just nice" back to girls who show interest, they take it as just being nice, but not interested. I cant speak for all caps, but im sure some can relate. So If your friend is texting you and wants to know whats going on with you, I would say there's a very good chance he's feelin you. If he wasn't interested, he more than likely would not be textin you or asking what your doing.

Girls, have you ever confessed to a guy? Guys, what do you think?

That has happened about 3 times to me (girls approaching me first)... I was always surprised! The 3rd time was the charm... I got happily married.

The first two times it happened... it was kind of veiled... and then as they saw I didn't understand... they were more clear about it.

I just saw them all as really good friends and didn't know they would/could see me in a more intimate way. I under-estimated myself... I just thought they were way too attractive and popular to be interested in me.

So... I know it might be risk-taking... but, go ahead and try. I think you can do and say it in a way that doesn't put either of you on the spot. Just talk about all the qualities you like about the person and tell them you are fond of them for those reasons and needed to tell them. If the process is meant to evolve from that... it will... you can still add... to what you have said... as you deem appropriate. Nothing ventured... nothing gained! I wouldn't do it as a confession... you set yourself up for feeling rejected... if he doesn't share your attraction.

I was just rubbing my friend's back (now my wife) as a friendly gesture when she told me how she felt toward me. It didn't register...and she had to hit me over the head bluntly before I got it. I wasn't a naive person either... I just had it in my head we were really good friends and she was too attractive to find me appealing. All the jock types were always hitting on her. I was just a skinny, quiet, intellectual type. I don't know if "your interest" lacks insight like I did or not?

Timing is everything... give it a whirl!

My girlfriend has feelings for someone else while with me.. what should I do?

If you love someone you would not have feelings for anyone else. Sure you can think other people are attractive but if you truly love someone then you will not want anyone else. Even if she wants to work things out she can’t magically lose feelings for this other guy. You’re worth more then that, do not let yourself feel like you have to compete with another man. Good luck :)

A guy, my friend proposed me and wants to know my answer. I don't feel for him in the way he feels for me. What should I do?

The question you asked is totally blows my mind. Because your story is almost like me because yesterday I proposed my friend and she is in confused that what to do or not.First of all you have to look back and search about that guy's relationship with someone or not. It may happen that the guy who proposed you is in a past relationship but that doesn't mean that he is a bad guy. Make sure that he doesn't try to cheat you. Some guys are like that they are just taking pleasure and after at all throws girls because he can't handle 3 or 4 girlfriend, be careful in this matter. If the guy loves you more than there friend than say yes because you are lucky in this matter, after at all if you want to check that he is a good guy or bad guy than try to understand his body language, way of talking, is he serious about you, which type of friends he like and etc. And by doing this things if you start liking him and see something good than say yes because he is only the person that can keep you happy and after at all don't busy in just love do your study continously because career is first than love relationships. Thank you very much.Sorry if I did any mistake.