Do You Think This Is Possible

Do you think it is possible to wash your skin too much and damage it as a result? why or why not?

Yes, you can wash your skin too much! It is healthy to slough off dead skin cells on a regular basis using a mild soap and even a terry cloth wash rag. However, if you actually scrub hard you risk damaging the 'new' skin that lies just beneath. When you do that, it is like causing abrasions -- you are exposing layers of skin that are not ready to be exposed. This sets you up for a vicious cycle -- you can even cause infection. Even when you have skin that is prone to acne and blemishes, scrubbing too hard or too often can actually make those conditions worse. Better to stay with sensible washing habits and leave it at that. If you are concerned about a skin condition -- seek medical attention; you can't 'wash' away the problem...

Is everything that we think possible?

A Big Yes!Have you ever listend Power Of Spoken Words, Our Power Of Thoughts?We Got This Power.M What So Ever we Think, And We had Already Thought To Do That, It Will Happen. Whether Positive Or Negetive. IT WILL HAPPEN. Sooner Or LaterKeep Saying - I will do that, I want to do, I Will Make It Possible.It will definately Gonna Happen, For sure. Think on it, Make some efforts to do it, Think in Leisure Time.AN Individual Also know, What is Possible. What Not!ALL UPON YOU!You Need That Ability & positivity to make Something, Anything, Everything Possible .Remember.POSITIVITY IS MUST!YES WHAT WE THINK IS POSSIBLE .

Do you think it is possible to abolish war?

It is fundamentally impossible to “abolish” war. Just think for a moment. Abolish means a government or other centralised power imparts its power to force the unwilling to do something. In this case end war. But how do they enforce this “abolishment”? With force? Isn’t that a beginning of wars? It’s the old ends do not justify the means because the means corrupt the ends paradox. If we were to kill all evil people on the planet, we would need to kill ourselves too, because it would be an evil act to do this! Same goes for war. We go to war to end all war? It just doesn’t have any way to be accomplished.It could be theoretically possible to end wars, but certainly not by abolishing them. In my honest opinion the more likely strategy for ending wars is to transition from a fundamental economy of scarcity to a fundamental economy of abundance. Some people can’t even think in those terms, but where it has happened the pressures leading to war are dramatically reduced.

Do you think this is possible?

Ok, I started out weighing 118 lbs. Since I have been more active and eating healthy, I am now at 114 lbs. I am about 5'2''. I would like to get down to weighing between 100-105 lbs. Even 100 lbs would be a healthy BMI for me. Do you think it's possible for me to get down to that weight? I'm 22 years old and have a 10 month old son.

Do you think it is possible for others to understand you more than you understand yourself?

The depressing truth is that not only is it possible but it is in fact more likely that others understand you better than you understand yourself.The reason for this is that our minds are not consistent monoliths but instead harbour a hodgepodge of contradictory and sometimes completely reptilian ideas. Freud’s theory of the mind (with id, ego, and super-ego) was the first to touch on these ideas in depth. The details of his theory (think penis-envy, oedipal-complex, etc) have been largely repudiated but his view that there are important aspects of our mental lives that are not accessible to our conscious mind has not only been confirmed it has been further reinforced and the degree to which our mind is unconscious is even scarier. We are aware of very little of what goes on in our minds and, by extension, about our personality. This is to the extent that we can glean more accurate information about ourselves from others than we can from ourselves. But hold your horses, this is not the same as saying that if you ask your friend about you, you will get insights about yourself. There are other factors at play, they might try to protect you, or they may be jealous of you. But if they told you what they really saw without fear, you would walk away with important nuggets.Not only that we have a mechanism called self-delusion that is there to specifically lie to us about who we are and to mask the uglier sides of our personality. The only consolation is that everyone has this feature. This is why someone can do ugly things and still maintain that “at heart” they know they’re a good person.An excellent read on this topic is Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious by Timothy D. Wilson

What do you think of the possible new gun legislation?

Considering that the anti gun crowd has way more money that they donate to politics and own a lot of media, a lot of the new gun legislation is getting threw on top of the 20,000+ the United States already has. Course the question was what do I think of it, as none of it has been shown in the United States to decrease crime. As none of it has been shown in the United States to effect criminals. I’m not a big fan of doing things based solely on the anti gun peoples emotions instead of logic and common sense. That get passed through do to their way more money and all the media they own.

Do you think it is possible for humans to breathe and speak at the same time underwater without any gadget?

Not without a gadget, no. We would need something as efficient as fish gills for extracting oxygen from the water. Lungs are great for extracting and processing oxygen from the air only.There was the Triton, which comes close to what you asked, but I think it was more of a “pipe dream” than reality. It never made it to market. I don’t think anything else even close to the promises the Triton made has been tried.

Do you think it is possible for a country to avoid economic interdependence? ?

Hypothetically, yes. Suppose there exists some country with all the natural resources needed for survival, and a pretty good sized population to turn these resources into consumable goods. This country would have no need to trade. However, its pretty clear that they could be better off by trading.

Do you think it is possible for a man to be a feminist, yet still desire a submissive girlfriend/wife?

*yawn*Yes it's possible. What you want in your own personal life doesn't contradict your beliefs unless you're expecting other people to play along. If you want a submissive woman, date submissive women. Don't expect women to be submissive.Lexa Michaelides's answer to Is a submissive feminist an oxymoron?Feminism is about not expecting women to behave in any way other than individual humans with their own lives and agendas.So why would it be oxymoronic for a feminist (who is an individual human with their own life and agenda) to be a submissive? There's nothing oxymoronic about a feminist living their life. To say nothing about the heteronormativity of the question (ie. That all feminists are women and they would be submitting to men. All those poor neglected submissive feminist men and Dominant feminist women)!I wrote that from a BDSM perspective but it's still applicable. Desiring a particular trait in a partner is normal. It's only a problem if your desire is a product of socialization that you haven't taken the time to understand and overcome.In this case, do you want a submissive female partner because that suits your personality and you completely understand that she is her own person and you are not entitled to controlling her even if she's “submissive” to you? Or have you bought into the story that submissive women are more feminine and kinder/prettier/more desirable without really giving it much thought?Always challenge your desires. It makes you smarter and stronger.