Do You Think Uae Should Conquer More Territories And If So Which Ones

Why Do Immigrants only come to white countries?

because its developed, they want a better life and the east asian countries had strong politics, so couldn't be asked going through that

Why did Turkey lose so much territory in WW1, and will they ever get it back?

Modern day Turkey did not exist at the beginning of WWI. Turkey was the secular state created by Ataturk as a result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottomans allied themselves with the Central Powers of German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This made sense considering their arch rivals in Russia had joined the Entente Alliance with Britain and France.

Germany began a war of aggression against the Entente in 1914 over the assassination of a Austro-Hungarian noble by a Yugoslav nationalist, a matter of frenzied interest by the Austrians, Ottomans and Russia.
In Germany's opening attacks against France, they invaded the neutral nation of Belgium who Britain had pledged to protect from aggression. This tied Britain into the war against the whole of the Central Powers.

The Allied attacks on the Ottoman Empire were patchy. The landings at Gallipoli for instance were an unmitigated disaster. Britain had believed the Ottomans would collapse easily and this proved to be completely wrong as the Turks thought with incredible tenacity.
Britain faired better investing in wartime alliances with Arab nationalists and doing their best to fund and arm revolts against the Ottoman rulers in all their Imperial possessions. Unlike Britain, the Ottomans did not have enough reserve troops to replace those being lost and didn't have the industrial capacity to match the military materiel the allies could field. They had a number of resentful colonial regions which the Allies successfully turned against their masters and by the end of the war the Ottoman empire was gone, with little more than Anatolia remaining.

After the war the newly created Turkish state did not seek to regain any Ottoman colonies and established good relations with the French and British. France and Britain took control of the lost Ottoman colonies (Syria and Lebanon became French). They were mostly administered as puppet states before full decolonisation after WWII.

Britain never occupied modern day Turkey and holds no territory belonging to them. Both are currently friends and part of the NATO military alliance.

Who do you think would be the first country to conquer Texas, if it was allowed to secede from the rest of the United States… Mexico, Arab Emirates, or the U.S?

Texas as a nation would be around the 5th largest in the world. It is a nation that possesses high tech with a significant portion of US military weapons designed or manufactured here in Texas. The Texas national guard would be the 4th largest army in the world. If you were to bring all the Texans home serving in the US military and openly recruit then Texas might field the 3rd largest military in the world.Texas is also one of the best armed states in the world. There are literally more guns than people in Texas. Any invader would feel like a grasshopper in an ant’s nest. Texans are typically well trained and practice with firearms on a regular basis. There’s enough ammo in Texas at any given moment to fight a prolonged war and Texas private citizens probably have the third largest ammo stockpile in the world.I am curious where you would even get the idea that Texas could be conquered. The idea that Mexico could do it is laughable. Mexico’s military is an aggrandized police force and about the size of the Houston and Dallas police forces, except Texas police forces are usually better armed and trained than Mexico’s military. As an independent nation Texas would do quite well. It’s key lacks are mineral resources but other than that has an abundance of manufacturing, high tech, agriculture and most other resources. Texas has a substantial and generally well educated population with most of the least educated likely to flee to California or similar states if Texas were to become an independent nation. Business friendly regulations and government would draw industry to Texas. So would the educated and skilled work force that resides here. Texas would be a major economic power on it’s own right. This isn’t 1870 when Texas was still sparsely populated and mostly agricultural. So it would be other nations worrying about Texas conquering them not Texas worrying about invasion.

If India were to invade the UAE, what would happen?

India during the last two decades has become 4th militarily most powerful country in the world after the United States China and Russia. India has also developed itself to become technologically advance nation and has developed and self sufficient in high speed data and words processors while also demonstrate to be capable to develop and manufacture on their own sophisticate state of the art highly accurate weapon system such as high speed Brahmos guided missile for anti ship, anti airplane and anti guided missile warfares as well as jet fighters armored vehicles warships and artillery/MLRS. India through purchase from russia has an aircraft carrier capable to launch airstrike missions far away from its base and escorted with a flottila of guided missile cruisers and destroyers and along with this flottila are also supply ships, LSTs, oil tankers and deep sea long distance diesel-engine submarines. If India were to invade UAE on a one to one fighting scenario UAE will be no match against India and within days after India landed their marines and infantry divisions on the coasts of UAE and after a short lived fightings a full unconditional surrender by UAE will be declared and UAE forces ceased to fight and laid down their arms. And UAE becomes a new colony of India. But if India were to invade UAE on difference of religious believe then the scenario of war becomes a Holy War and would involve many Islamic countries including pakistan bangla desh iran UAE afghanistan iraq oman south yemen saudi arabia egypt etc on one side and on the other side are budhist countries ie india nepal bhutan burma laos thailand south korea north korea china mongolia and japan. And it could be the start of World War III.

Why is life in the UAE considered being expensive?

Why are so many Expats working/living in the UAE complain about how expensive life is in the UAE?

Well, rent and school fees are the main expenses but mostly rent is paid or accommodation is provided. After the increase of the financial requirements to sponsor a family, also school fees shouldn't be such a big burden no more and not to forget that in other countries public schools are supported by tax money, which is deducted from salaries)

In which country workers/employees receive a taxfree salary with housing allowance? Free healthcare? Cheap transportation?

I am in the USA right now and when I look around, I really do not see any reason where low or middle income people have a better life.

Tax have to be paid (mostly state and federal), mostly to own a car is essential to go from A to B, gas is expensive, electricity and water are expensive, phone calls cost more, in relation to the paid salary also groceries are not any cheaper (unless you receive food stamps) and good health care costs you arm and leg.

Talking about work: modern slavery in the UAE? Low income worker in the USA (like daycare providers) mostly do NOT receive healthcare, do NOT have any vacation days during the first year and end of service benefits? What is that.

Even the "normal" employee receives mostly just 10 paid vacation days the year (30 in the UAE) and maybe 7-10 days paid sick leave (much more in the UAE).

My question to Westerners complaining: what's cheaper in the USA than in the UAE your company doesn't compensate you for?

To Indians, Pakistanis, etc: the UAE has a higher living standard than your home country. Therefore you receive a higher salary. How much would you have to pay to receive healthcare like you do in the UAE? If even available.

Why and where is life in the UAE expensive?

Why is it okay for Muslim armies to invade other nations in order to "improve them"...?

It seems like you guys are ignoring my question.

It is NOT okay for non-Muslim countries to invade and conquer...I agree with this, and I have frequently read comments from Muslims condemning Europe for invading the Americas and condeming Europe for invading Africa and condemning America for invading wherever.

And yet it seems like it IS okay that the Muslim armies built their empire based on invasion and conquest. The very beginnings of the religion involved massive amounts of warfare. How was the Islamic empire any different from the Kufaar ones?

What is world's tallest building today?

-the tallest freestanding structure on land Burj Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates