Do You Think We Should Have Equal Opportunity Or Affirmative Action

Affirmative action and equal employment opportunity laws have goals that conflict with the principle of?

You for President

Which is better and why: affirmative action or equal opportunity employment?

Equal Opportunity.

We have had affirmative action for 60 years now. Since that is not working, they are asking for reparations as well. If reparations do not work, what else will they ask ?

Affirmative action is systematic racism institutionalized against white Americans and Asian Americans. More and more Asian Americans are beginning to realize it these days and siding with Republicans on this issue. AA affects Asian Americans very badly.

Also, how is it fair that RECENT black immigrants from Africa countries take advantage of AA? Their ancestors were never discriminated in America. It is unfair such recent black immigrants get advantage due to AA when there is a qualified white/Asian American whose ancestors have lived in America for centuries loses that opportunity.

AA does NOT work in country like America that has high level of immigration from all over the world every year.

Affirmative action gives unqualified people positions they shouldn’t be entitled to. You can’t justify a system where a child of an African American millionaire (like the Obama's daughters) get admission on a diversity quota ahead of a poor white coal miner’s child from west Virginia.

How does affirmative action promote equality of opportunity?

In essence, the debate about affirmative action is a debate about what does and should constitute 'merit.' Most of us tend to agree, consciously or unconsciously, that scarce opportunities, such as college admissions at a desirable school, should be given by those with the power to do so to the applicants who most 'deserve' the  opportunity. It is unfair, opponents of affirmative action or other diversity programs will scream, to 'take' the opportunity from one student who scored higher on objective test scores and grades and 'give' that seat to a student who didn't do as well on those same criteria. But this argument is completely circular. God did not come down from the sky and tell us that success on standardized tests and previous academic achievement were the true and only measures of merit. This is not a law of physics discovered by Newton or Einstein. These criteria were chosen by us, as a society.  The fiercest and most vocal opponents of affirmative action, not surprisingly, are the families and classes of citizens who are very dramatically more likely to 'succeed' according to these criteria. Proponents of affirmative action, the most articulate ones at least, are simply trying to introduce a broader, more complex, and therefore more just set of criteria by which to judge who deserves scarce goods and opportunities. In my opinion, it's almost astonishingly obvious that tying future educational opportunity to past academic success is decidedly unfair. Prior academic success of a student (grades, test scores, etc.) is a criteria that tells me much more about the quality of his or her teachers and schools than it does about the worth, value, or potential of the student.

What do you think of Affirmative Action?

I believe that everyone is equal to everyone else until proven otherwise...if a person can complete training then they deserve the job...base things on thier abilities not thier race, sex, or anything else...affirmative action (if it is a long lasint policy not temporary) can have reverse and negative effects....they allow the mindset that the people they are helping are too weak to sustain themselve and allow them to rely on government help...i believe it was implemented to give those who have been given the disadvantage based on tradition a foot hold in the business and political world....but i promise that i would shame ot no end to be accepted to a university over someone else (who was better qualified) just because i was borna women and he a white man....this is just discriminating against another group....what do you think?

Is it racist for white people to be against affirmative action?

I think we have long ago lost sight of what being racist means.  It has instead become a political playing card used when anyone would have a differing opinion on policy for things like affirmative action, immigration, etc.  It is sad, because by doing so lose sight of the real racism that exists not only in the US but worldwide.  The mass genocides and clan on clan killing in African and Middle Eastern countries defines racism in such a way we can barely comprehend in the US.  I think it is important not to generally lump anyone into a category based on differences of opinion in general.  While it is quite possible to be against affirmative action based on racist reasons, it is quite possible to disagree with it for non-racist reasons.  It can even be argued that a group of primarily white politicians inferring that the only way an African American can get into a college or job is by them passing a law requiring it could in itself be considered racist.  I think before you group people as being racist for simply having a different opinion you should try talking to them.  I think you will find, if you can be receptive, that most of them will simply disagree on a policy basis that is not racially motivated.

Isn't affirmative action unfair to a lot of people?

i think that race/ gender/ ethnicity shouldn't matter when getting into college, or getting a job, but isn't affirmative action bad for america. Because for college admissions a female applicant has the same chances of getting into a college as a male applicant with a score that is 50 points higher on the SATs than hers, isn't that unfair to the male applicants that got 25 points higher than the female applicant, isn''t it also unfair corporations because they may have to choose an unqualified canidate for a job just because they are a minority. I agree with what the affirmative action movement stands for, that everyone has an equal opportunity, but isn't it unfair to some qualified candidates for universities/colleges and for jobs that they may not be accepted or hired because the corporation/ college has to make up their quota.