Do You Thinks It Wrong For A Boy To Learn The Facts Of Life Of Their Mother

How old were you when you learned "the facts of life" and who told you?

Source: Photo by Louise D. Jewell (My first ever time kayaking! 2014)Mom’s voice called out from the livingroom, “Louise, come in here. I’m talking to your sister about the birds and the bees. You can listen too.” I stopped dead in my tracks. I broke out into a cold sweat.“Yech,” I blurted. “I’m not listening to that yucky stuff.” And with that, out the door I fled. My mother’s reprimand trailed behind me, “Louise! Don’t be so stubborn.”You see, I had no time for all things related to boys and sex. I was a ten year old kid who just wanted to live her life. Her way.All I wanted was to climb up my favourite tree and curl up with my Nancy Drew Mysteries Stories book and read. My idea of pleasure was reading, running and racing down the hill on skis.Two years later, I looked down and saw blood on my underwear. I cried out in horror, “Mom! I’m bleeding to death,” Mom rushed into the bathroom, took one look and laughed. “Louise! You’re a woman now!”Life as I knew it crashed before my eyes. “No! Mom, I don’t want this.”“Well, you can’t stop it, Louise. You’re going to bleed every month now.” Her voice took a somber tone,“And you need to be careful; you now can have babies.”I gagged in response. Did Mom just say babies? I had three younger siblings and I recall them being babies at one time or another. I had no interest in babies.“But I just want to climb my tree, Mom! How am I going to do that when I’m bleeding all over the place?” I imagined my little brother climbing up behind me and blood dripping on his face. Yep. I had a vivid imagination.Mom shook her head and pursed her lips, “You need to stop climbing trees and start acting like a lady.” And then she proceeded to show me how to attach a sanitary napkin to a hideous white sanitary belt.I hugged my tree and said goodbye. My life as I knew it had changed forever.Fast forward:I married in my early twenties and later gave birth to two beautiful babies. They are now 30 and 31 years old. My grandbaby will soon turn 3. My life is richer since they entered into my life.I went into premature menopause at the age of 30 (non surgical). That was a happy day for me. I only wished I could climb a tree once again!No matter. I’ve got all sorts of other fun things I can do. Whoever said the little girl in me died that day was wrong. I am alive and so is she. It’s called, “child-like wonder.”Posted October 7, 2018.________Question answered: How old were you when you learned "the facts of life" and who told you?

Why do single mothers think there capable of raising their sons alone?

you cant say a child is going to be a certain way because of there parents. im 19 and my sister is 21 so were not that far apart we both got disciplined the same way my parents showed both of us the same amount of love and Im only 19 a good job I have a house with my boyfriend and im pregnant right now so I have a pretty good life and I have never been in jail and have never done drugs (weed doesn't count its not a drug) and shes some where with her boyfriend addicted to heroin with a warrant out for her arrest and dropped out of highschool in 9th grade. we were raised the exact same way and we turned out to be complete opposites. the parents you have can effect you in a negative or positive way but it doesn't matter how your parents or parent raises you if you fall into groups with the wrong people.

My son's mother is promiscuous, can I get my boy from her?

Get an attorney and try to prove yourself the better parent. If you can't, then see your son as much as possible and be a good father. He will choose you soon enough if you are there for him at all times, because he will trust you and rely on you.

My parents disapprove of my boyfriend because his father cheated on his mother?

I am sorry that your parents are so judgemental when they really don't have anything to judge your boyfriend on. He can't help the fact that his father was a cheater.

I was divorced from my boy's father when he left me for my best friend. My boys are now adults and take marriage very seriously and their commitment has never been taken lightly. (Both are married and they are very good husbands; they wouldn't think of hurting their wives and destroying their families because they know what it does to the children; they have been there.)

Do not fall for their attempts to discourage you from having this man in your life. If he is your choice for a mate; stick with it. He can prove himself to them by his actions. I am sorry they won't even give him a chance.

You and he are the only ones who can make a decision on what you want out of marriage and how you will deal with your choices. Divorce happens for many reasons and it is not fair for people to judge something like that on their own prejudice feelings. I am sure that your boyfriend knows more about divorce and how it hurts the children than anyone in your family does. He will work harder to see that his family is stable and that noone has to endure the pain that he has seen.

Go for what you want out of life. Tell your parents that you love them dearly but that they are making a serious error in judging someone who they have not and choose not to meet. Tell them that you will decide what your future holds, with or without their approval. Let them know that your first loyalty will be to your husband if they choose to exclude him from their lives and that the decision that they make will be the determining factor in whether or not you will have an active part in their lives.

This is very sad and very unfair but they are asking you to choose between the love of family and the love of a partner. They need to reconsider their behavior. Good luck to you.

How do i explain puberty to my little brother?

he is 10 and about to be 11. it is fifth grade when they start to teach about those things. And our dad did not raise us. It is just me, my mom, and my little bro. i am a girl and i think it would be kind of akward, dont you think. Trust mom would be way worse than i could be, si i guess ill do it.
I just dont even know where to start.
i have started to teach him that babies are born through th vagina, cause my mom got it into his head that they were born through "cutting open the stomach and taking out the baby" i know that is a way, but not the natural way. He doesnt even know what a period is, i know that he is not a girl, but he should still know that part so he knows about reproduction and all that. I dont want him to just hear about it through school or his friends, cause i would like to know what goes through his mind.

Was Jesus a Momma's boy and a failure in life?

i guess, i just dont understand why that looser never got with any females, all he ever did was hang out with guys. Thats a bit ***** if ya ask me. Also who really knows what the story is with jesus apparently stuff was lost in translation of the BIBLE over the years. Like the king james version of the bible how it was written in that version to suit the needs of king james and his need to divorce his wife. Whos to say the cult leaders are wrong?? just because protestants and catholics are so commercialized they are accepted as the correct religeons. If you think about it they are cults, its a dude standing in front of a huge audience telling people how to live their lives, and they do it, thats some crazy stuff man. well anyway yeah he was a mammas boy and a bit queer and a bastard if ya think about it cuz where was his biological dad all those years?? Joseph was just a step dad. So? and wouldnt that make mary a bad woman for having gotten pregnant premaritally? so its ok for the holy spirit to spread his seed to unmarried women but humans cant?? wow what a huge contradiction of the bible.
So he was a mammas boy bastard failure, cuz the world is still messed up....

Am I a bad mother?

For circumcising my newborn son? My friend was over and she was watching me change Aaron's diaper (my son) and she noticed he was circumcised. She didn't put me down or anything, but she said how unnecessary and painful the procedure is and that I shouldn't of done that to him. That I've mutilated a body part of his for life that he can never get back, that sex when he's grown up is better with a foreskin, and on and on. I always heard it was cleaner and guys can get infections if they're not circumcised so I did it to him for those reasons. Plus I didn't want him to feel different around his peers, because hoenstly I saw one back in high school that wasn't and it looked nasty.

Anyway so does this make me a bad mother? What if he grows up to hate me bc I took the choice away from him? Does anyone have experience with this?

To HONOR a BAD father?

I think it is easy for some to come here and stand on their soapbox and say "Do it because it is in the Bible and God commands it."

However, that does not solve the anger I read in your words.

It is obvious your father has affected you for so long and you have held on to this anger for so long.

The real question is:
Why have you held on to this anger and How will YOU honor your father?

Will your memories of him swallow you up into rage or continued anger or will you move on and let the memories give you peace?

It sounds like your father has never been held accountable for his actions. A father is nurturing and there to teach their children right from wrong. Unfortunately, he has taught you what not to do as a father.

As an adult, you might find peace and closure in talking with your father about his previous and present behaviours that affect you. However, you can not take on your brother's battle or your mother's battle or feelings that is for them to do. Speak only to what affects you.

If you suspect your father "consistently steals money from the corporation" then call the police to investigate. If you have proof, even better.

But you need to heal for your sake and your children's sake and your family's sake.

Use statements such as "Dad, when you did this....(name the event that affected you) it made me feel this way...(name your emotion). Could you tell me what made you act that way dad?"

Or make a statement such as, "Dad, it occurred to me that I've never heard you say sorry before and from that it felt like you didn't care about any of us and that really hurt."

Let your dad answer.

Do this with no anger and in a calm voice and see what happens.

As an adult you have two choices - you can mend the relationship or weed it out of the garden and never talk or see him again.

Either way, your child(ren) will be witnessing how you handle the situation (good or bad) and make their own judgements about it.

But first and foremost, you need to heal.