Do You Vote Why / Why Not If You Do Vote How Do You Usually Vote

Do you vote? Why or why not?

I have voted in every Primary since being able to vote.
Why you ask? Because so many men and women gave of their own lives so that I could have the right to vote in a America. You ask do I think my vote matters? Yes, I think my vote matters in the fact that I have voiced my opinion at the polls. Do I think the electorate is listening, NO.

Do you vote? Why or why not????

I haven't missed a vote since 1971, when I first became eligible to vote. I always voted on an absentee ballot when I was away from my home town.

I vote because it is my civic duty and responsibility as a citizen of the United States.

Our country cannot long survive the apathy of it's voters. Those who are eligible to vote and yet do not, don't deserve the privileges of citizenship. If you don't vote, you don't have any right to complain about the results!

I don't. Never have, never will.I believe sovereignty rests only with God.In the secular world in which I live, the people constitute the state & they locate sovereignty in the state. So the state is now sovereign.This is a SECULAR, EUROPEAN creation which the British empire exported to the world. This did not come out of the world of Hindū - Manū Dharma.Recognition of anything/anyone else as sovereign other than God is Mahā-Patkā (Gravest sin/Blasphemy). It is unforgivable.

Why do we have to vote?

it should be mandatory that all the party members should join in the institutions and take up the cvourses for different level , political member who wants to contest for conselor post should take the diploma level and starting level course and one wha has taken the higher level councilor course only can contest for the post of mayor and the institutoin should welcome all party members .
this may avoid unnecessary influemnce and people who know politics only will contest
each contesant should know the worthness of our country ,citizen
developments ,wealth ,resources and the poverty line which has to be eradicated or washed away
how many indians cast thier vote
the % is somewhere around 45 % or less ,
the segment are as follows
1 ) people who vote for money
2 ) people canvassed for vote
3 ) party men
4 ) groups

who should come forward for voting

young sters
wise people
middle class
women of all ages

Where i need to go to cast my vote ?
many avoid voting because it a big task to locate your booth
and normally if you are working for a private firm ,you don't find time to reach the booth

what can be done for increasing the vote ?

Instead of citizen moving to place's for casting thier vote ,
a mobile voting system can increase the numbers.

There should be a system to appreciate the people who have casted thier vote by issuing them a responsible citizen card
in which a rating can be given on every vote casting which can be considered for exchanging the points are rating for government schemes

100 % vote casting can develop a strong nation and the power to
implement various schemes for the development of te nation

who can become a candidate ?
only those who have taken the course and step by step promotion

A counsilor to chairman to mayor to mla or minister al should have
good track record and must get a clean chit from the public

this is my point of view ,i welcome your comments

Why do you choose to vote?or not to vote.?

I don't know. I live in a district hostile to my political positions, and my vote almost never counts for anything because it's strictly always going to be for that one side. Especially given Americans current policies.

I think I vote because of defiance. I feel obligated to support, even if it does little or nothing to help my cause. Personally I think I'd rather do more in other ways, and that my vote is less substantial than those other ways.

I think people worship the vote so much, that they fail to understand what are nation is.

Know thy self.

I appreciate being asked to answer your question, but if I understand you correctly you’re asking me why I choose not to vote. That is not at all true. I not only choose to vote, I advocate loudly and clearly to everyone around me they need to also.Everyone who is able to vote in America has both the duty and the obligation to do so. It is the absolute minimum amount of civic responsibility each citizen in our country has. It’s disgraceful, in my opinion, that so few who are able to do so in our country do so. People all over the world envy our ability to vote for our leaders, and too many take it for granted to the extent they can’t be bothered to do so very little toward creating and sustaining the democracy we say we value.I choose to vote. I choose to speak out, write letters, show up, make phone calls, attend meetings,stay engaged in local politics, etc. And I believe everyone else should do so also to the extent they are able—that is the very core of our “great experiment in democracy”

Why do you think prisoners should NOT be allowed to vote in an election?

Okay, I don't claim to be Canadian. But in general, the reason to NOT have criminals voting.....
First off, voting is not a right, it is a privilege. Prisoners have lost the privilege of driving, living where they choose, drinking, etc. Why let them vote?
Second, didn't they already make a bad decision? Whatever got them into prison shows that they are at that point lacking the proper decision making skills. Why should they have input on who is running their country?
What is the cost of either getting them to where the voting takes place, or getting the voting to them? I know in America it costs a lot to house inmates. This is an unnecessary cost to the general public, since voting is not necessary to life.
And isn't that what prison is supposed to be about? House them, feed them, clothe them, and maybe give them an education if they haven't graduated, and maybe a skill in hopes they will work and not commit crimes, many of which are money motivated. But voting is not something necessary to keeping them alive and safe. And yes, part of the thing is, we have to protect their safety, while protecting the safety of the free public. If you transport them by busses to vote in public, are you not endangering the general public, and possibly the other inmates as well, if a few try to escape on their trip out to vote? If you bring the voting in to them, then you have to have people oversee that, people who are going to know about voting, but have no clue how to protect themselves in a prison ( I was a prison guard for a bit, my mom still is).
Since those people are PAYING a debt to society, I don't think they should be able to influence that society until the debt is paid back.
I hope my opinions and thoughts help, even though I am an American. But I cannot resist helping out on some of these things. Good luck.

I'm registered, I vote and I don't think it matters much. We have a very weak democracy and need a new system. So why vote? To know what you believe and to register that belief with society.  Politicians do keep track of it, and adjust their positions accordingly. A big fallacy is that many of us believe that we do make a difference, individually, and so vote for a likely candidate, “to make a difference”. Of course this is exactly what politicians want. All they have to do is gain a small advantage in your thinking (perhaps on only one small point) in order to gain power and stay in power. Clearly one individual vote does not influence the outcome of any election, so not voting is rational from that standpoint.So what to do? Vote your beliefs! Vote for any candidate that is proposing and/or voting for what you think is best.   If they are not Republican or Democrat (aka "The Corporate-ocracy”) then vote for another candidate. Staying home sends the same message, but not as well.Why should you vote ONLY your conscience?Because your views count in "public opinion", and can be adopted by others who often note of how others vote.The candidate closest to your conscience/beliefs should get your vote. But you must vote to have an impact.Should you vote Republican or Democratic?  Yes,  if you think the system of voting is giving us good government ( less than 20% of people according to the Gallup Poll).  What if I don't like either choice of the electable candidates (which are only the Republican or Democrat candidates)?. Then you should vote your for any other candidate.The "elected representative" form of government in the USA is systemically flawed.  Lobbyists and their money control the politicians (who cast real vote, the one on legislation), and you don’t have a lobbyist (unless you are very rich).  Until we change the system, the current flawed system will prevail. All the election tinkering, e.g., electoral college change, new campaign financial rules, etc. won't help.But we can change to a strong democracy. See  @A Government You Can Love