Do You Wish Your Bo.obs Would Just Disappear

When i lose weight does man boobs disappear?

Depends on what kind of man boobs they are is their fatty man boobs (pseudo Gynecomastia) then exercises like cardio and weight lifting will make them go away.

if they are larger than you think you should be (lets say your not that fat but their like c-cups) then you most likely have Gynecomastia which is when you have a hormone imbalance and have more estrogen then testosterone and it causes glandular tissue to grow in your chest in other words their actual boobs and no amount of exercise will make them go away. if that is the case than theres only two ways to make them go away 1. surgery 2. hormone therapy.

also several products can cause Gynecomastia to occur such as steroids, marijuana, soy products and any other thing that increases your estrogen.

hope this helped.

What do you eat to get big boobs and butt?

taco bell
pizza hut
mc donalds
and the excercise is answering the door to collect the delivery food

How do I reduce male boobs (fat near chest)?

The approach I'd take, is to try to increase testosterone levels. Testosterone is considered a 'destructive' hormone that makes young men do silly shit 24/7 from the age 13 and up. But it isn't. Testosterone is a restorative and relaxing hormone. To increase testosterone you need to eat well, lift heavy, and learn to chill.Start with diet: Eliminate excessive carbohydrates like wheat (bread and pasta), grains (corn, oatmeal, cereals), and starchy foods like potatoes. Eat mostly meat and vegetables. Eat a variety of meats, eat fat and cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for testosterone production. Eat egg yolks, ditch the whites. Take fish oil. This is going to help reduce inflammation and promote rest. Eat organic food. Toxins get stored in fat. Conventionally farmed animals eat all sorts of garbage like moldy, pesticide covered corn and wheat. The mold and pesticides get stored in the fat of animals. When you eat conventionally farmed meat, you get exposed to the mold and pesticides as well and guess where it goes: far from your important internal organs and it's stored as fat. Organic food has less pesticides so you'll reduce your toxic load.Avoid plastic. It mimics estrogen. Don't drink water out of plastic bottles, don't store meat in plastic, don't use plastic cutting boards, etc. Use stainless steel, glass, or ceramic for food prep and storage.  Don't eat soy. It mimics estrogen. Soy is found is most packaged foods. Eat meat and vegetables and you'll be set. For exercise, check out the website T-nation (testosterone nation). It's all about lifting and bodybuilding. They have some articles on how to lift to increase testosterone levels. And the final peace of the puzzle is to learn to relax. You need to sleep 8 hours/night when the sun is down. So sleeping from 2AM-10AM is not good. You need to be asleep by 1030PM at the latest. You can also increase testosterone by learning meditation or something more 'move-y' like Tai Chi or Qigong. Take cold showers. No idea why this works, but it helps with weight loss and is basically free energy. Hope that helps,Nate

Will my boobs go away after I start MMA training?

** this might be the answer you are looking for.

depending how heavily you train, you may lose some size in your chest (1/2 cup to a cup) but you will make up for a lot of that in firmness and a natural uplift. -- Increased activity and higher metabolism can cause women's breasts to shrink slightly with a loss of fat tissue.

Do chest muscle building exercises get rid of man boobs?

If you are using exercise to get rid of man boobs (and you should be!) then you need to have the bench press at your disposal. Yes the lowly old bench press has been the stable of an athletic figure for years and its not about to change now!Now I know what you're thinking? If I do exercises for my chest wont this make my chest just look bigger and even worse? Let me try and answer that. I believe exercise and healthy eating are two of the best ways to get rid of man boobs, however, I do not recommend that chest exercises are the only exercises you do! No, no, no!Your chest workouts should form part of an overall exercise program that work the whole body not just the chest. That said, this article is going to teach you how to effectively use chest exercise to get rid of man boobs.The bench press builds the Pecs, front delts and triceps, building the top of the chest into a more muscular appearance it can often detract from the saggy appearance of man boobs and helps hide this when wearing t-shirts.To strengthen and build the upper chest both flat and inclined bench are recommended, with 8-12 reps during each of your 4 sets. It is important to keep good technique by maintaining control of the weight during each rep, as well as using the full range of motion - not stopping halfway.If new to lifting and if lifting heavy weights, keep your feet flat on the floor. As you lift the bar try pushing your shoulders forward and squeezing your pecs at the top of each rep to keep maximum tension on those muscles. Remember to keep a slight bend in your elbow so that you do not lock out.Keep your hand grip on the bench just outside shoulder with when you really want to build the thickness of the chest, having your hands too close together will result in you using your triceps more than we want to in this particular instance.The bench press is a fudamental exercise to get rid of man boobs and should be a staple of any good program.For more great tips and info on how to get rid of Gynecomastia and man boobs once and for all visit How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally.

When going through puberty do streach marks on your boobs go away?

I am 14 years old. And when I look at my boobs in the mirror, I see stretch marks, and I was wondering will they go away. Grown women don't have stretch marks on their boobs. And I want to know,, when I stop growing, will they go away?

I'm only 13 with 36DD boobs?

okay, so i'm only 13 and i'm going to high school next year with 36DD's. they're very annoying at times and i can't stand them most of the time! i wish they would vanish but i realize that won't happen anytime soon and i'm trying to just forget about them and it makes it A LOT easier when i have a really really really good bra on and i only have few that i consider extremely good like that so i was wondering, where can i shop for bras? i'd rather do it in person so i can try them on and what not. so it would help a lot if you could name some stores that sells bras for big breasts. and if could, see if you can find any nice ones that aren't just plain white or whatever. that would make me soooo happy (: thanks!


When will the bony gaping hole in between my boobs go away!?

gain weight

Will reduce permanently their boobs all those lesbians that wrap their boobs to flat them ??

You can never permanently reduce breast size by wrapping them down. Females produce estradiol, also known as "estrogen" along with estrene- both being female sexual hormones which are responsible for growing breast tissue and "milk" glands.

Wrapping boobs will not reduce their size because you still have breast tissue underneath. Guys don't have boobs because they produce testosterone in their testes. Women only have 1/20 of the testesterone that men do. Testosterone reduces breast size and also makes you hornier.

It's weird: eunuchs (males who have been castrated, ie had their balls cut off, lol) grow breasts. How, you might ask? Since they have no more testosterone being produced, estrogen and progesterone start to rise, growing actual breast tissue, not just fat.

Concerning the information I just gave you... you can see what you want to do... though breast reduction surgery or a mammectomy/mastectomy is always another option (albeit drastic...). :-/