Does All This Seem Bad

Why does my mom's death seem like a bad dream?

denial is one of the stages of grief. it is normal. it has only been a week! you should be calling as much as you want, im sure your dad and sisters are having similar feelings. meybe you could go spend some time at home with your family and all of you could talk about her and tell stories. maybe make a memorial or some sort of tribute so that you can really acknowledge her. if she had a favorite place ( like a particular park or beach or a lake) you could go there either as a family or alone. it sounds weird but talk to your mom (or write) it might make you feel better and she can hear you. i am really sorry for your loss.

i just have to add that if your husband has already lost support of you in the time when you need him most then there is something seriously wrong with him...

take all the time you need. if you move on too fast it the grief will just come up in the future

Why does it seem bad to be conservative?

I’m very liberal, but more of a classical liberal than I am a far-left progressive type. To me classical liberalism is American conservatism. We got away from this and then the Republican Party was formed, trying to rejuvenate those same ideas with a progressive element. I honestly believe Abraham Lincoln would be rolling over in his grave if he was able to see what has become of his party.There are two major reasons in my opinion why conservatism is stigmatized: the hijacking of conservatism by religious fundamentalists and the wealthy; and the far-left influence of political correctness that deems any dissent as being immoral and nonintellectual. The irony in all of this is that many progressives have done just as they’d claimed the far-right has: stigmatize any dissention.Another problem with modern-day conservatism is science. Republicans generally do not view science objectively, but instead are usually concerned with confirmation biases. Progressives tend to do this too in my opinion, but not on the same level. Science is supposed to work by objectively finding out why something is, not trying to confirm a stance due to ulterior motives. I find it quite frightening that nearly half of all Americans think the universe is less than ten thousand years old. I also find it frightening that one’s economic preferences determine whether they believe global warming is real, and whether it’s man-made. Ron Paul went into detail in his book The Revolution about how intellectualism has left the Republican Party.What passes as ‘conservative’ today is a mix of the immoral combination of religion, money, power and objective morality. Due to ulterior motives, most conservatives are hypocrites today. They yell states’ rights, but yet want to keep states from implementing their own drug policies. They yell freedom, but yet have supported some of the most intrusive laws against civil liberties such as asset forfeiture, replacing the Fourth Amendment with good faith laws and drug checkpoints on public roads. They also frequently oppose a woman’s right to abortion, gay marriage, etc. The problem is when you have God on your side you can do anything you want. Ever hear the phrase it’s not fascism when we do it?

Why does it seem like bad people come out ahead in life?

I broke up with my finacee because he was a liar, cheat, and user. He was about as round as he was tall, he was a total nerd. He was aweful in bed. I rejected other men, and ex-boyfriends because I loved him and was loyal to him while he was in Iraq. I sent him packages, love letters and was loyal and loving. I found out he was sneaking off to see another woman who found him repulsive. He is not a very attractive guy at all. I gave him another chance. I found out he was into the satanic stuff and dropped him. Now here I am an attractive, loving, loyal Christian girl, crying my eyes out and he is partying and having fun. Here I am struggling as a single parent and he just was offered a high paying easy job. It doesn't seem fair. Does it seem like the evil ones come out ahead in life?

Does it ever seem like everyone around you is in bad mood all at once?

I have gotten into the habit of trying to distinguish entire days that it seems like entire groups of people feel differently. I’m a fan of using “hey how are you?” to get people to talk about it. I’m a serious and sincere person, and perhaps this is why people give me honest answers and know that I don’t mean it as a greeting (hate it when people think it's just a greeting). I have noticed that there are entire days where everyone is on edge, or tired, or grumpy because they admit it. I sympathize after making a mental log of it. Often times I feel the same before even asking them with or without cause, strangely enough. Statistically the majority of people I ask are willing to express this state of mind and most seem to coincide. Those that don’t coincide are people that have what I call “static” behavior that never seems to change, or maybe they just never show it. I’m not even kidding when I say it is one of the premise behind me starting to wonder if we might actually just be a simulation or that there is some kind of psychic drone that affects the entire planet. Then again, if you go around being a jerk to everyone you come in contact with than overall people won’t keep treating you very well.

Why does my boyfriend seem distant or in a bad mood after we have sex?

Before sex, like days before sex he is always like more talkative and seems like not annoyed and he laughs a lot and stuff and then after sex(which is great sex, we both get turned on a lot) but he always seems like he is annoyed of me afterwards. I want to mention it to him.
I read that one or the other in the relationship(meaning either the girl or boy or both) will feel that sex is the only thing that brings happiness or whatever and the rest doesn’t matter. I feel like he might realize he doesn’t want me but only for sex but I know that’s not it. He says he loves me and wants to marry me and everything but why does he always get annoyed seeming or whatever. Like I annoy him a lot or he’s like in a bad mood or something. Idk how to explain. I always jokingly say “you’re grumpy today” or something and he says he isn’t but I know he is.
It’s every time we have sex that he acts this way.

Why does it feel like bad things seem to happen all at once? Is this really true for most people or just our perception?

Oh dear, this is such a sad question. The only reason you would ask it is if you are having it happen to you right now. There are times when it seems everything that can go wrong does. And when it does what do people usually say, something fatuous like, ‘These things are sent to try us and you will be the stronger for it when it is over’, or some such rubbish. In truth though it is probably a perception as when you are going through a bad patch you are mentally cowering awaiting the next blow, and sure enough, one comes. It could be we are so convinced something else will go wrong we perhaps create the situation which ensure it, the self fulfilling prophecy. This could be the time when we have to be most vigilant, as sharp as we can be, correct in everything we do rather than preoccupied with the things going wrong as they can take our eye off the ball.Now is the point where the ‘fatuous’ remark has to pop up, but this time it is really true ‘This too shall pass’, or ‘Unto the day is the evil thereof’. From bitter experience I know that such times do come to an end, you will start to win again and good things will outweigh the bad. But in the meantime you have to keep up your guard and endure.Best of luck.

Why does everything always seem worse at night?

I wont use big words or anything but I will talk from experience. The truth of the matter is that I feel as though the darkness shows you a world of loneliness of when you can not even see the great things in life that are around you. Darkness is when you think and wonder about everything in yourself that is truly bothering you. Even that of what you are afraid to admit to your own self. Darkness is also when what you feel inside is found on the outside all around you surrounding you, and whispering softly in your ear "I am your weakness. You can't run I will always be with you."

Why do bad things always seem to happen in the month of March?

All my life bad things have always occurred in the month of March. In fact I actually dread the month of March coming. Already I can feel the bad things coming in. For example my little sisters Guinea pig is dying, and she thinks we all hate her. Even though all of my family is very nice to her, ( she just has trouble making friends) I have been overwhelmed with school, work. I can sense the tesion in everyone! In the past my brother died in the month of March ( one of the many reasons why I hate it). That terrible tsunami happened in the month of March, Whitney Houston just died to! It also seems to me that even little bad things happen in March too. Everyone I know has something bad going on in their lives in that time? When I was very young I recall asking my grandma " Why is there a lamb laying with a lion on my bible? ( had one of the children's versions) Again I was very young at the time but I seem to recall her saying that " The month of March comes in like a lamb and our like a lion." I just want to know what does this kinda stuff happen in thus month specifically. Please to rude comments/ answers.

Everything in this world seems evil to me. What should I do?

Its not that the world is evil… Its that you fail to see the good people…I used to feel that the world is evil and why do i keep meeting bad people… Later I realised that I was not the bad person… i was blind in identifying the wrong people in my life… Be selective in who should enter your life and stay on…Selective filtration of people is important at least for the sake of your good mental health… Do good only to those who deserve otherwise yr expectation will lead to disappointment…You do not need a heart ache… Last but not least, stand up for yourself. No one else is going to stand up for you except for yourself.Do not go around complaining the world is bad…The world was here even before you came into this world.If you do know Tamil, please listen to this beautiful song. A good heart never sleeps…Always think about doing good for those… But remember be selective to who you do…