Does America Manipulate All Decisions Taken By United Nation

Is the United Nations controlled by Jews?

The United Nations Gender-related Development Index (GDI) ranks nations by inequalities between men and women in longevity, health, knowledge and living standard. Muslim nations rank at the bottom.

Or maybe, possibly, perhaps, it is possible that there's something wrong with Islam?

Do the big nations have too much power in the United Nations?

That is just a convention. All the nations have equal power. However, they enjoy some special privileges. They do not have any problems in getting recognized by the chairperson. Also, they have to provide a solution at any cost during the crisis. As you can see, these are some advantages for a big nation, but that clearly does not win those small nations cannot win a MUN. Just think, can someone even become a big nation without the support and alliance of the smaller ones? Of course not. You just need to learn to use all your powers. If you do so, no matter whichever nation you are, you can always win.

Should The United Nations Security Council be expanded to include more permanent members?

I believe the United Nations Security Council should erase the “permanent member” theme completely out of their system.These “Permanent Members” have an oligarchic control over the Security Council- and they can manipulate any course of action according to their own stakes, rather than World Peace and Prosperity.By simply voting against it, they can override an entire resolution. Even if there are 14 votes for the resolution, if a P5 state votes against it- it fails.According to the United Nations Charter, democracy and equality is one of the key aspect of the UN.Well, giving a powerful country an immense control over the Council is not equality, nor democracy.There should not be more countries which are Permanent members, there should be none.There are 15 members of the Security Council, and if each one of them will have the ability to utilize the activities of the United Nations protecting their country’s interests, the United Nations will be no more than a support committee serving countries and their aims in achieving dominance in their region- and thus, be even more useless.

Will Donald Trump destroy The United States eventually?

Woe to those that think trump is an incompetent buffoon; we’re being lulled into complacency. I’m scared. It’s all a show to keep us confused. He doesn’t care a ratsass about Kim Jung Un but everyone else seems to. No one is looking at the big picture. Xi’s expansion of china’s influence in the western pacific and Africa, Putin’s manipulation of the Brexit issue which is causing discontent in Europe, potentially leading to the breakup of the UK,(while it may never be known if Putin had anything to do with the US election, the attention is having the desired result), and trump disrupting the Americas. This could be the end of free civilization for the world. Will trump be reelected in 2020? I don’t think there will be an election. Once the world economy collapses, it will be easy pickings. Anything will be accepted. He doesn’t want the Mueller investigation to end as that would force the issue too quickly. It’s all talk, and the media bought it hook, line, and sinker. You don’t need guns, just make everyone’s money worthless and the people will accept anything to stay alive. Disrupt decades old international alliances, make everyone distrust the police and the judiciary, hamstring congress, then rule by executive decree. Hitler was an amateur; he relied too much on his underlings. The mistakes of the previous despots must not be made again. (As in get it right this time or we can’t let it happen again.) His cronies have been made leaders for life, why not him?

What methods do candidates use to win votes in the united states. ?

They set up web sites like Huffingtonpost to spread lies. They put off legal action if they are ordered to produce their long form Birth Certificate. They speed up legal action and buy people off to hasten the results from Troopergate. They use sexual smears as is being leveled against the Palin family. They use big media to smear and win elections by causing an economic meltdown to link McCain with Little George's economy. They get the US Supreme Court to make decisions to make Obama look good and McCain look bad. They send their candidate on a rock star type of trip around the world and cover every aspect. They manipulate church shootings when their candidate is anti guns. They hire a vast world of sewer rats to make the news to suit them. They create a world of lies and hate, communi$m, and try to make it look glamorous.

Does America's future look bright?

I have a baby daughter. As a member of a family that escaped Islam, I have for the first time great hope for my baby.

I hope Islam survives the revolution against it's terrorism-supporting governments as it's people fight to be brought into the 21st century (I'd settle for 20th). Who knows? Maybe my daughter will join Islam herself when it has given up it's world domination goals. So much beauty. Such a waste.

Thank you to the West. You have been very tolerant. I know you will treat Islam like you have Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and help them to learn to be successful without losing their cultural heritage.

When did America as a country really start to suck?

I'd pin our decline into suckiness around late 2003 or so. Certainly after late 2001 we were in decline, but it took Bush to shove us over the edge into outright suckiness.

The sad thing is, the leading presidential candidates we have now are a bunch of charlatans. They're not going to be able to reverse this.

And before people get all angry and tell me to "leave if you don't like it," don't worry about me. I have property in foreign lands, just in case things really go sour in America. But my own life here is pretty good; it's just the country in general that sucks. Through good financial decisions, I'm just fine.

Is Colin Powell a man of integrity or is it a facade?

Colin Powell has a carefully groomed image as a man of integrity. We saw him leave the Bush administration mid stream, and hear him talk of being misled. Would a competent Secretary of State be so easily misled. Seems like it should have been easy for a man in his position to see through the false evidence he reported to the UN. The we look back to his role in covering up the massacre at My Lai.

Face it he knew he was being used to help start the Iraq war. There is no way the most famous pilot of the Texas Air National Guard or his 5 time draft deferred side kick had the credibility to get the war rolling. They needed Powell's uniform and reputation. It seems that Powell went along with the plan of this preening adolescent president. That is not the actions of a man with integrity. That is the actions of a coward.