Does Any One Really Know

Does anyone really know anything? Or do we only know what we think?

Ok. So you are a human. A curious human. You see things around you. You observe what is going on around you. You record your observations and then finally you come to a conclusion.You observed many a things. Now you are thinking about what you observed. The question that comes to your mind is why, why does a particular thing display such a behaviour. You search for similar trends and based on some experiment you conclude something.Now you tell this to other people and they keep on sharing. If your finding is confirmed then people all over will come to know about it.So what initially started as your thought is now known by people all around. People usually learn from experiences, either from his own or from someone else’s.So to answer the question, we know what we think and experience and share our experiences and thoughts with other people. Others also come to know what we think and you can say that everybody knows at least something.Thank you.

Does anyone really know anything?

isn't knowing something only a concept you create based on your previous "understandings"?
Perhaps you only think you understand, and no one really knows anything.

Does anyone really know what to do with their lives?

All my life ,people have been telling me I do things wrong .sometime i feels that i'm the most fuckedup person on this planet.But when i look around and I see  everybody else is infinitely more fucked up than i'm. then i say to myself 'you are doing god man'Before taking any decision or action  in my life i always ask to myself 'is that what you want or is that what people expect of you ?Why everybody is not on beach ?  because They are so wrapped up in their own insecurities .

Does anyone REALLY know what they are doing?

A2A: I read a book once that contained interviews with several Nobel laureates. I'm sorry that I don't remember the author or title. I would like to find it again. A recurring theme was a feeling of inadequacy and fraudulence. They felt as if they had cheated, guilty that their understanding of their field was less than that of their colleagues or peers. They tended to underrate themselves and overrate their peers.When I was little I thought the adults and older kids knew the answers to my questions. I was waiting for my vocabulary to grow sufficiently to allow me to ask the questions. What is this place? How did it get here? What am I?Nobody knows anything.Everybody knows a little bit. The more they know, the more they realize how much they don't know, even about their own field. Together, slowly, we seem to make progress, though every now and then we discover that we've all gone off on a tangent of misunderstanding and negative progress. Even Einstein had shortcomings of understanding. If he didn't "get it", then who does?

Does anyone really know what "bedroom eyes" are?

It's not just the eyes. But the eyes are definitely the focal part of the deal. A woman bats her eyes gently and gives a sly grin, maybe brushes her hair out of her face. If the guy hasn't picked up on something by then, he's been dead three days.

Does anyone know how to control the a1c my is really high 14.2. I been trying to lower for few month.?

If your ac1 is 14.2 then I hope you are seeing a Doctor. This is bad and if this bad your Doctor should be telling you what to do. My guess is you are not doing what your suppose to do at all so have a short life.

Hi, does anyone know what 석 주 (Suk-Joo) means? I really want to know.?

I am a native speaker of Korean but 석주(Suk-Joo) just sounds like a girl/woman's name. (It can be a guy's name though. 석주 is kind of an asexual(unisex) name.)

I just looked it up in the dictionary and it says:
석주(石柱) a stone column, a pillar of stone

But we would probaly say 돌기둥 instead of 석주.
석주 is a very rare word unless it's just a someone's name.

Do you ever really know another person?

We often say ‘I know who they are, they would/wouldn’t do this/that…’ or ‘I love him, even though I haven’t seen him in years but I know who he is…’ Can you truly say in absolute certainty that you know someone even though what you have is only an experience of a part that person?Human relationships are too complex and varied to describe. Some people you get to know better, and quicker, than others. Some are easy to read. Some are hidden behind their own thick emotional walls. In most cases, you need time and patience.But, now and then, you meet one person or another that touches you in that particular way, after one meeting or one long conversation. You go away carrying a piece of that person, maybe because it looks similar to your own, or because it fits your own perfectly. You feel that you know that person.I don’t think anyone can truly, fully know anyone else, at least not without a shitload of time continuously talking and getting to know each other. Uhm, actually.. no, I don’t think anyone can claim they can truly, 100% know anyone else. Almost all humans don’t truly know themselves, in fact. To ever assume so is pretentious oversimplification.You worded it beautifully, though- can you truly say in absolute certainty that you know someone even though what you have is only an experience of a part of that person? Logically, no- but we often feel so, right? We don’t need to know every quirk or hobby of a person to feel like we know their essence, their morals or personality or how they would likely respond to our joke. And then we say, we know that person. It’s not accurate, but I won’t blame anyone who have felt so.And these kinds of relationships are treasure- those connections with other people forged within just one long conversation, that manifests stronger than years of superficial friendship. Kindred spirits. I’d say to say you really know someone, you need shitloads of time and a little bit of this magic.