Does Anybody Else Hate Cleaning Their Makeup Brushes

Can acne spread with a makeup brush?

I think maybe the make up itself. Wash your face three times a day...with cleaner. I do believe the acne can spread that way...the pus of acne spreads when you pop zits.

I kinda hate putting eyeliner on my waterline does anyone else?

yes same i find it irritating and it makes me squirm. not only that i have quite small eyes so it makes my eyes look worse and very small so i just line my top rim and lid! then use mascara on my bottom lashes which has a nice effect but more natural!

Haven't been brushing my teeth in quite some time?

You bleed because you have gingivitis. You will want to use Listerine twice a day, morning and night.

You will also want to floss.To properly floss you make a "C" shape against the tooth and take the floss up as far as it will go, which is over the top of the tooth and under the gums. You will bleed at first, but it is ok since it is necessary. You will stop bleeding as your gums heal.

Right now, you shouldn't start with the whitestrips. Your teeth are going to be too sensitive. Heal up those gums first, and get used to brushing. When you are ready for the whitestrips, use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth the week before and during the whitening process. Be sure to use a "soft" toothbrush, and you really should be putting too much pressure when you brush. You just kind of do a light touch to your teeth.

At some point you will have to go to the dentist, at least for a cleaning. You also probably have some cavities going on. I do suggest that you start a good oral hygiene routine before going since it is easier for them to do their job if your gums are not all swollen from gingivitis.

Do makeup artists use the same products on all of their costumers?

They do.

However, a good makeup artist will clean the products after every client with alcohol to avoid contamination. Also, he/she will not apply the products directly from the container (like lipstick) but will use clean brushes to do your makeup.

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans did not brush their teeth. What happens if I stop altogether?

I’m obsessed with my teeth. I got braces when I was 7, along with all kinds of apparatuses and headgear, and I saw the orthodontist every month for eight years. As a grown ass adult, I still wear retainers. Because of all the pain and effort and money that went into my teeth, I take care of them compulsively.Several dentists have told me that if everyone had teeth like mine, then they’d be out of business. That’s right. My teeth are so awesome I put dentists out of business. I only get them cleaned once a year, and even still the hygienists are always all “wow, there’s nothing for me to do here…” Dentists literally exclaim at how “beautiful” my teeth are.I don’t mind bragging about my teeth. My parents paid a lot of money to make them awesome, and I have put in an ungodly amount of effort into keeping them awesome.My whole point here is that I know about teeth and how much keeping them clean can pay off. So, when I first met my now-husband, I was horrified at the state of his mouth.I wish I had a picture. His gums weren’t pink — they were kind of purple and grey, and they bled. Seeing as I put my mouth near those gums, I had to confront him about it. I discovered that he hadn’t brushed or flossed or gone to the dentist in five years.I was horrified. By this time I was deeply in love, but I must admit that this made me second guess things, haha.So I packed him off to a dentist. First he had to have a really expensive root canal done by a specialist (apparently his teeth have three roots instead of just two, so he can’t get anything done by a regular dentist). And then they told us that he had periodontitis, which means that he had big pockets in his gums that were filled with calcified “bacteria fortresses” (those are the the dentists actual words).The good news was they thought he was young enough that he could be saved. He had to undergo several “deep cleaning” sessions. These were painful, since the doc had to get right up under the gums to attack the bacteria fortresses. They gave him valium and the gas just to get through the cleanings.Turned out that it was all worth it! Three years later, his gums are pink and healthy, and he doesn’t have any more pockets. Thanks to me, he got fixed up just in time to make a full recovery. If his anti-toothbrush lifestyle had gone on much longer, he would have ended up with irreversible gum damage and possibly even bone loss.So, brush your teeth. Don’t be like my (wonderful) husband.