Does Anybody Know Some Tales That Involve Having Different Colored Eyes

What does it mean to have a Multi-Colored Eye?

Heterochromia (also known as a heterochromia iridis or heterochromia iridium) is an ocular condition in which one iris is a different color from the other iris (complete heterochromia), or where the part of one iris is a different color from the remainder (partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia). It is a result of the relative excess or lack of pigment within an iris or part of an iris, which may be inherited or acquired by disease or injury.[59] This uncommon condition usually results due to uneven melanin content. A number of causes are responsible, including genetic, such as chimerism, Horners Syndrome and Waardenburg syndrome.
A chimera can have two different colored eyes just like any two siblings can—because each cell has different eye color genes. A mosaic can have two different colored eyes if the DNA difference happens to be in an eye color gene.

There are many other possible reasons for having two different colored eyes. For example, David Bowie has the appearance of different eye colors due to an injury that caused one pupil to be permanently dilated. Another idea about how this can happen is if an early viral infection while in the womb turns an eye color gene on or off in just one eye. Occasionally it can be a sign of a serious disease.

A common cause in females with heterochromia is X-inactivation, which can result in a number of heterochromatic traits, such as calico cats. Trauma and certain medications, such as some prostaglandin analogues, can also cause increased pigmentation in one eye.[60] On occasion, the condition of having two different-colored eyes is caused by blood staining the iris after sustaining injury.

And here's a picture(that's what i guess your talking about):

Well hope i helped!

Do you know anyone with 2 different colored eyes?

I have met someone with two different colored eyes but I can't remember who it was.

BQ: It would be cool to have two different colored eyes. How many people can say that?

Why do white people have different colored eyes?

Here's a better question for you. Why does white people have different colored eyes than Asians, Blacks, or Mexicans?
You never seen a mexican with deep blue eyes or green eyes unless they marry a white guy. You always see asian and other race than white, have brown eyes or darker shades of brown.
And they have different hair colors than the rest of the other races, blond, brunnette, red etc. And yet some of white people are very racist, why?

Do some people's eyes truly change colors depending on their mood or is this just an old wives tale?

My eyes change color from brown to green, I'm not sure if it is mood related or seasonal.,.

If I have brown eyes, and my wife has blue eyes, what color eyes will our baby have?

That depends on your genetics (you being the one with brown eyes.) Did either of your parents have blue eyes? You could have all brown eyed children or half of them could be blue eyed and the other half brown eyed.Blue eyes are a recessive trait which means that in order to have blue eyes you would need two copies of the blue eyed gene. So your wife having blue eyes has two copies of the blue gene and will pass it down to you children.Brown eyes are dominant which means that if you have one brown gene and one blue gene your eyes will still be brown. Therefore you might have two brown genes or one brown and one blue.If you have two brown genes then your children will all have one brown gene from you and one blue from your wife. In that case your children will all have brown eyes but your grandchildren could have blue eyes if your children married a blued eyed partner.However if you have one brown gene and one blue gene then half your children would get a blue gene from you and a blue gene from your wife and have blue eyes. The other half would get a brown from you and a blue from your wife and have brown eyes.

How come women with green eyes were considered witches? what year was this?

I'm a bit reluctant to post my face online but I do have a close up of my eye.

Green eyes are quite common in the UK and I know several people with green eyes, all female and most had at least some Welsh or Irish heritage. For some reason green eyes are more frequently seen on women than they are on men.
My Great Grandfather was the only man I personally knew who had green eyes.

As for the whole witches thing, yes, green eyes were once considered a sign of a witch because they were so unusual and there were a whole other host of ideas about green eyes like a green-eyed baby being a changeling left by the fae, that all green-eyed people were untrustworthy, that green eyes were a sign you had made a pact with the Devil etc.
It was around the same time that they had the witch hunts where mobs would go out lynching suspected witches and dunking them in local ponds. The famous witch hunts were in the seventeenth century but it happened many times throughout history and began around the time that the Malleus Maleficarum was issued.