Does Anybody Know Where They Sell Pretty Cool Pokemon Stuff Online Not Like Walmart And Toys R Us

Any stores where I can find Pokemon plush toys?

I live in Chicago and I really wanted to get some pokemon plush toys! Do you guys know any stores where they sell a wide variety of pokemon items? You guys can also recommend some Pokemon stuff, whether it be video games or plushies! Thanks guys! :D

What stores can you find the Diamond and Pearl Pokemon Cards?

I saw PLENTY at Walmart, and I've seen some at Target. Toys R Us carries them, and even K-Mart. Best Buy has them, and Sports Authority.

Or online, you can get them at,, or any store website such as Other sites could be trading card sites.

They sell for average of $3.99. I hope I helped you out!

Pokemon help!?!? Starter/Theme Decks Vs Booster Packs?

I'm just starting to get back into Pokemon cards and well I only have the original first generation cards. I dont know what to get anymore lol. Since all my cards are out dated and stuff I don't know how to get restarted.
So can you give me some info on Starter,Theme and Booster Packs
Will you also give me the types of packs and decks to start to get?

Can we buy a squirtle plush at a store and not online?

A lot of shops in seaside towns seem to sell lots of Pokemon toys.
I live in Scarborough and theres often loads in our beach shops...

Try charity stores, game stores, car boot sales.

I can see why your father isnt keen on online shopping.
there are a lot of dodgy, unreliable and unsafe site out there.

But If you really have a hard time finding one and online becomes the final option i would reccommend / com
it is a very safe and reliable website to buy from.
I use them a lot and have never ever had a problem with them.

Good luck!

Why can't I find Percogesic in stores anymore?

I used to be able to purchase Percogesic at Wal-Mart, CVS, Fred's, and various other stores, but in the past several months, have not been able to find it. I have been ordering online at, in case anyone else is in the same predicament, but the shipping can be kind of costly! Just wondering if anyone had any information that I had not heard?