Does Anyone Believe In Ghost

How can you make me believe in ghosts?

Make you? Like force you? No I do not think you can force people to believe anything. Even at gun point they might just tell you what you want to hear, do they really believe it? Probably not. The whole under duress thing.Some people say seeing is believing, but in the age of the fake - that is gone too. Even if you saw strange things - it is not necessarily a ghost. Its just a strange thing.If you watch ghosts on tape on youtube you get a good cross section of stuff. It will get you interested but that leads to more questions than answers. It is a real can of worms the supernatural is. It does not answer ANY questions and just creates more questions. Questions that eventually only God can answer.So no I, nor anyone can make you believe in ghosts or for that matter much anything. Except pain. Pain can always be taught. Join a local dojo for lessons in pain.

Anyone believe in ghost ?

I do believe in ghosts... there's too much evidence to say they're not real... Plus, i've experienced it.

Why on earth does anyone believe in ghosts?

there goes my halloween...thanks I suppose every time I don't brush my teeth your going to tell me a puppy dies...

Does anyone believe the bullshit on the show ghost adventures?

the old episodes were cool
the new stuff is crap!

As someone who does not believe in ghosts, how should I react to someone who is convinced they are real without causing offense or upset?

Question: As someone who does not believe in ghosts, how should I react to someone who is convinced they are real without causing offense or upset?By not reacting to them. If they press you, you can tell them you don’t believe in ghosts.It’s no skin off your back whether they believe you or accept it. Just don’t be rude to them.Don’t try and talk them out of their belief or you’ll just end up wasting your breath. You really will just waste your time.It’s just like telling them you don’t believe in horoscopes, astrology, conspiracy theories and reality tv. You don’t bash them or their beliefs.

Does anyone believe ghost stories if ever told by someone really close who wouldn't lie in this matter?

This page is for you my friendGhost Confessions StoriesEnjoy !!!

Does anyone really believe in ghosts or spirits living amongst us?

I don't believe in ghosts or spirits living among us because I never really encountered a ghost in my life. But many people claim to have seen a ghost. Some say that they never really believed in ghost until they saw something strange (paranormal) happening or has happened to them to which they cannot really find a scientific explanation to it. The science behind such an incident may exist. Or there could not be any scientific explanation at all. Nobody really knows because science keeps changing everyday. What you are learning in science today in school/college is what was inferred from experiments in the 20th century, on which people are today researching and finding  new things which you might be totally unaware of. After all, science is a really vast subject with many fields. One might not have the knowledge of all the current things of all  the fields in it. And people usually tend to analyse a situation base on the knowledge they have or what they have studied. And when things do not fit into the explanation they think should be, they infer that it was paranormal or simply ghosts exist. So what I think is, whether ghosts are real or not really depends on how you perceive a situation.