Does Anyone Else Find The Playstation 4 Power Indicator Light Distracting When Watching Movies In

Why do you waste time playing video games when you could be out enjoying the world?

Let me tell you the story of a deeply intelligent person who “wasted” a lot of his time growing up playing video games.My boyfriend and I met in college, where we were both part of the honors program. He was brilliant in so many ways. An amazing musician, a top-level scholar, an accomplished athlete, a humble yet fearless leader. What I didn’t know when we first started dating is that he was also a devoted gamer.This didn’t make sense to me at first. Forget my own secret Sims addiction. This guy was so accomplished, but here he was, telling me that in high school, he used to play HOURS of video games, sacrificing sleep. Granted, he still managed to have a social life and get good grades, but with his talents, wouldn’t he be better off doing something else?Fast forward five years into our relationship. We are now “adults” and my company asks me to move to Germany. I am excited but also terrified – how will he find a job in this extremely competitive job market? He sends off application after application, but they all want someone who speaks German. We’re both anxious all the time. What if he can’t stay?Eventually, he starts getting offers. But the companies aren’t quite the perfect fit. Until… he is invited to work at a video game company, which releases some of the most popular games. Part of his interview? Defeating a boss in the game he’ll be working on.Moral of the story is – don’t judge someone by passions you deem as “less than.” Video games provide many people with relaxation, community, and an opportunity to build a world based off their imagination or to learn storytelling skills. My boyfriend and I are objectively successful young people, who travel and see the world. But sometimes, it just feels good to live in your imagination. And other times, your hobbies lead you to rewarding careers and experiences. There are healthy ways to have a relationship with video games. Too much of anything is a bad thing. But video games are not objectively bad, or objectively a waste of your time. We all have different hobbies. And that’s okay.

How do I get rid of a gaming addiction?

I am so glad that you have recognised this as a problem. Well done, pat yourself on the back for this. No, I am not being sarcastic here.I had this exact same problem during my college days and it turned out very bad for me and I ended up in mediocre job and even worse scores in my college, probably there was no one to guide me and mainly because I knew the problem and I didn't do anything about it.What you can start doing is have a timer set for everytime you start your gaming session. The reverse timer like 2 hours. The advantage with that is you cannot go snooze it. Once you complete your 2 hour quota for the day, no matter what stage or level you are on, you need to put down your controller and move out of the space. It will need a lot discipline and determination.If you tend to ignore the alarm, ask one of your friend or family member to intervene and stop you, but they need to do it very politely and after that you need to honor your agreement and discontinue it.If you want to take it further, then do the following -Reduce the timer from 2 hours to 1.5 hours after a week and a week later to 1 hour.Eventually after 4 weeks take up some time for gaming once in 2 days for 1 hour and then reudce it to once in four days for 1.5 hours.Have cheat days like on a Sunday afternoon or saturday afternoon, like 4 hours straight once in a month. No problem in having this, but you need to ensure that it does not repeat again in the same month.Reduce online multiplayer gaming, stick to single player campaigns.Keep rewarding yourself, like after you finish your assignment, game for an hour or so.Absolutely no gaming when you need to meet critical deadlines for a assignment/home work/project/exams.I used to game everyday for close to 2 years. But now i game once or twice in week for 4-5 hours on total.Like I mentioned before, you need some discipline and determination to sort this addiction. It is not totally bad, but anything in excess is really harmful.Messgae me of you need more help.

How can we help a 13-year-old "very intelligent" kid who is addicted to iPad video games (iPads are provided by schools and parents have little control on its contents or time limits)?

Please see your physician and ask for addiction treatment to reduce cravings.In your case playing games produce short-term reward that may engender persistent behavior despite knowledge of adverse consequences, i.e., diminished control over the behavior.The essential feature of behavioral addictions is the failure to resist an impulse, drive, or temptation to perform an act that is harmful to the person or to others Each behavioral addiction is characterized by a recurrent pattern of behavior that has this essential feature within a specific domain. The repetitive engagement in these behaviors ultimately interferes with functioning in other domains. In this respect, the behavioral addictions resemble substance use disorders. Individuals with substance addictions report difficulties in resisting the urge.Behavioral addictions are often preceded by feelings of “tension or arousal before committing the act” and “pleasure, gratification or relief at the time of committing the act”.One treatment is taking Naltrexone one hour before playing. It drastically reduce cravings, consumption and uncontrolled desire. Naltrexone, a mu-opioid receptor antagonist approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, has shown efficacy in controlled clinical trials for the treatment.

Can we see normal videos using vr glass?

Of course you can. But you want to experience the true VR enjoyment, you should know these common sense:First. VR headsets like Oculus Rift & PlayStation VR are often referred to as HMDs and it means that they are head mounted displays. Even with no audio or hand tracking, holding up Google Cardboard to place your smartphone's display in front of your face can be enough to get you half-immersed in a virtual world.Second. The goal of the hardware is to create what appears to be a life size, 3D virtual environment without the boundaries we usually associate with TV or computer screens.So you must switch your normal video to 3D format for playing on VR devices, you can download a third software to convert normal video to 3D format.There are many software to choose, If you don’t want to spend much time searching these, I recommend one i have used for years, it’s safe and user friendly, most important is that it can 100% lossless output the video and with fast speed. You can follow here to convert the normal video to 3D format.

What is the difference in quality between: BD, HD, 720p and 1080p?

1080p and 720p both are the formats of High Definition (HD). 720p is the short of (1080 x 720), where 1080 is representing rows or width and 720 is representing columns or height. And the ultimate output(in pixels) will be the produced by multiplying both of these figures. Similarly, 1080p is the short of (1920 x 1080). 1080p is the newest and obviously the better video quality than 720p in terms of smoothness and sharpness. Sometimes, it is also considered as full HD, particularly in LED TV’s.BD or Blu ray Disk format is even more advanced than the previous two versions, and you can enjoy more clean and crisper video content quality in this format. Most of the newest media players are coming with this technology built-in.Nowadays, UHD (Ultra High Definition) and 4k TV’s are rising in popularity, because these are even 4 times better than Full HD TV’s. Though this technology is far better than the standard HD and Full HD, but it is also high in price as well. If you are curious about this 4k technology, you can compare prices and other features of this technology with 720p and 1080p TV’s at any recognised price comparison and review site.Another important thing to notice is that you can play 720p format on 1080p dispaly and vice versa. Similarly, if you own a full HD smart TV, you can play all the previous formats as well as BD and 4k content for viewing better quality video content.