Does Anyone Have Advice On How To Schedule Protests Or Find Out When They Are Happening

What happens if someone DOES protest?

I don't think she'd ALLOW him of course, but what's she gonna do if he just stands up and says it before she can say anything? Also, I'm not worried about him proclaiming he hates me as the reason - he's smarter than that. I'm sure he could come up with something that sounds more reasonable.

I'm seriously at my wit's end with this man. I mean, seriously...I've busted my a** trying to make him like me and he just can't see past the fact that I'm taking his son away. (Should add here that I've never once attempted to do that, they still see him VERY often and I would never even dream of making him stay away from them, for any reason.)

Am I allowed to protest when my husband is in the military?

I'm just asking a question. I'm not trying to get your opinion on whether or not I should take part in anything.

It certainly doesn't mean I don't support the troops or my husband. There are things going on here (protests being held my locals off base that have to do with how careless a group is being with live ammunition within only a few meters of local civilians). Whether I'm married to a man in the military or not doesn't mean I should live to please him, but it also doesn't mean I act careless either. I wouldn't be doing anything to disrespect him or put him in a bad light. I wouldn't be arrested because I wouldn't be doing anything wrong. When is voicing a concern wrong? I do feel sorry for women who live their lives under the label of their husbands though.

I can support my husband and support my beliefs as well. If I did indeed take part in this protest that would be off base DOES NOT MEAN I DON'T SUPPORT THE TROOPS OR HUSBAND.

Is it legal to run over protesters that are blocking the road?

Sure, why not?The issue is not that it’s “legal to run over protesters”. As if were suddenly open season on pedestrians. That characterization is intentionally misleading.The real issue is that we’re not going to hold drivers liable when protesters make dangerous conditions and they get hurt in the scuffle accidentally.With traffic behind them, drivers are effectively trapped. The only thing they can do is wait, get out of their car and abandon it on the roadway, or try to get by the protesters. And they do get right up on protesters and try to sneak by them. But protesters know they’re more likely to get injured, which gives them power in that relationship. So, cars come to a standstill. Everyone knows if you play chicken with a car, the car is going to win. Sue the driver. And the driver—who really has nothing to do with the protest—is in hot water. Protesters rely on this. That’s why they do it.Death and injury is such a well known risk of injury for playing in the road, the state is saying they don’t care. If you’re going to intentionally create a risk of death by playing in the roads, the state doesn’t even want to deal with you. We won’t even try to protect you from your own stupidity. You’re assuming the full risk of death and injury. The situation should work itself out.The solution is real easy: don’t protest in the road and block traffic.

How do you start a protest at City Hall on the Sims 3?

I saw a protest playing the sims 3 once. You can't start it but if u see it all you do is click on city hall and select the "join protest" option

What do protesters hope to accomplish?

Protesters are attempting to change something that is bad that will not change naturally because too many people are comfortable with the status quo. It has worked in the past. Why do you suppose Christians who aren't Catholic are called Protestants?