Does Anyone Have Any Sad Stories I Can Read

Does anyone want to read my story?

Does anyone know a goos sad wattpad story?

People have told me that my story that I wrote on wattpad was sad. It has romance, but no killing. It's about a girl who self-harms.

Here's the link if you're interested:

Other sad wattpad stories I've read are:

Just Jack by SeanPowell:

Smoke Rings by IantheNerd:

Reasons to Live by HisBeautifulMess:

That's all I can think of at the moment, but enjoy!

I've read all of these and they're really good :)

Does anyone have any sad stories I can read?

So I was looking over a few greentext stories and I found this:

The story makes me feel so sad, I want to read more, could some of you guys post your best stories or link me to a site that has similar styles of stories?

Who agrees with me that this is one of the saddest stories ever??? read*?

almost as sad as my great grandmother getting viciously mauled and killed in her own yard by her neighbors pitbull. they are a vicious breed that should be extinct!

Read this very sad story !?

Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.

sorry it was too long they made be cut that end off

Does anyone have any touching story starters or ideas?

describe the worst date of your life
write about a time you lost something important to you
write about a prom. anyone's prom. maybe even your parents
take the reader behind the wheel of the worst driver you've ever known
a story that begins with, "why didn't you call me?"
a characer who is trying to gain access to a private club or organization
Begin a story with, "The last time I saw my mother was 15 years ago."
Invent a character who must choose between the lesser of two evils
Write a story w/ a phone call starting at 3 am
A wedding during which the bride or groom changes their mind