Does Anyone Know Any Chinese Jokes About Drinking/drunk People Post In Chinese In Advance

Drinking Style Horoscopes?

right on target
my bf cancer cant hold his liguor will pass out
my friend a aries is dying of cancer because of it
my ex sister inlaw a sagg wont quit even though she has cancer
my friend a pisces is drowning in the drink
my friend who is geminis is quite when drunk
me a pisces cant stop until drunk

Why do some Chinese drink hot water?

Chinese are very smart and they have lot of wisdom passed on from one generation to next generation. In fact drinking hot water with meal is very good idea, they believed in it for thousands of years and I also, now believe it too, cold beverage will bring down the body temperature and it slow down the digestion. Scientifically it is true and it is a fact, because enzymes./bacteria and all biochemical reactions work best at body temperature than at lower temperature.regardsSaPS: I have seen with my own eyes during my recent trip to china, that all bottles of soda, beer, and bottled water will go back untouched in the restaurants , and Chinese literally do not care for cold drinks at all.They are extremely disciplined, extremely hard working nation, and all they will drink warm/hot water or green tea, nothing could entice to change their mind,They take the advice of their elders/teachers very seriously, grand parents are almost worshiped there.Also some very bright writers are saying it improves the quality of water, because in modern china, water quality is going down, yes, it is partially true for drinking hot water, but Chinese drank hot water for thousands of years, for health reasons, when the water around the world was not so questionable, (they knew it for thousands of years ahead of time, than other civilizations, that hot water is beneficial, these are my thoughts)SamFollowing paragraph is to explain no matter how good a thing is : but excess of everything is bad: therefore use in gold/pearl/ best food in moderation.For example : we know Chinese pearl makes a woman/girl very beautiful, but too many and too much pearls on her, will not make that woman beautiful at all, the point is : Moderation applies to all fields even drinking hot water/green tea, activities, and every act of life.

What kind of freedoms do Chinese have but Americans don't?

China has a sort-of-lawless type of freedom. No open container laws, few enforced safety regulations, rarely enforced driving laws… there are many things you can do which you would get fined for in the USA.Freedom from gun violence - guns are very rare in China. Terrorist attacks and other violence are done with knives and bombs.Less police violence *if you are/look Han Chinese*. Does not necessarily apply if you are an ethnic minority or foreigner.Freedom from being challenged. Most Chinese people are non-confrontational and do not like to get involved in a crisis. They also tend not to directly challenge others even if the other person is wrong so as not to make them “lose face”. You can spout off whatever unpopular opinion you like or cut in line at the store and only rarely be challenged. Again, may not apply if you are not Han Chinese.Related, the freedom to cheat and exploit others. Scams and abuse (in the workplace, at home, etc.) are very common in China compared to the USA. Police rarely find and punish culprits, and bystanders do not get involved. A boss in China is able to help far more abuse on his/her subordinates than most Americans would accept, and there are thousands upon thousands of different scams and fraudulent products around.Freedom from religion, by and large. Religion has a limited and highly regulated presence in China.Freedom from crushing medical and student loan debt. They do exist, but not on the same scale.Freedom from tipping. Chinese people generally don’t tip and not only does that put less pressure on the buyer, it also makes totaling your bill much simpler.China is a great example of how some freedoms are very good, while others are very bad. This answer is not meant to say that one country is better than another, but only to show my honest observations of what people in China are able to do that would not be allowed in the USA.

What do Africans think of the Chinese?

I will tell you what we do not think. The following does not apply here:The Chinese are our saviourThe Chinese are our neo-colonial mastersThe Chinese are the silver bullet solution to all of Africas problemsThe Chinese are a fair and equitable partnerThe Chinese care about our wellbeing beyond healthy commercial dynamics that favour themWhat we believe and know about Chinese is:They are a willing partner in commerce. Where deals can be struck without being lectured to as to what to do with our countries in return.They do what they say they’re going to do. No room for double speech.They deliver on time and on budgetThey are efficient and relentlessThey love stability in foreign relations rather than instability.They are pragmatic and believe in real politikThey dont hide their true intentions and the fact that they are motivated by self interest. A desireable quality, as you always know where you stand with them.This is what we think of the Chinese in general.In South Africa they think nothing of living amongst blacks and pursuing commercial and retail enterprises. They are exceptionally industrious and single minded. They also gamble alot which is quite odd considering how hard they work to earn their money in the first place.