Does Anyone Know Any Cool Energy Manipulation Tricks

What are some types of magic manipulation?

There are several types of manipulation employed by a competent magician. The two most prominent are perhaps the skill of the hands and the skill of influencing and deceiving the mind. The term slight of hand is well used. Manipulation of cards, coins and other small objects is a skill set which many magician labor to achieve an expertise.The second one which is often employed is a manipulation of the mind. A skilled performer can manipulate the mind and the perception of the audience using many different techniques. Presentation, timing and misdirection.As a magician, I am not going into much detail. The secrets must be kept for good and all. But there are thousands of books and now DVDs which can be used to learn the art if there is a serious student.I will give just one example of mental manipulation which I use quite often. Let’s take the very common premise where a card is selected by an audience member. In most cases I make certain that the entire audience knows what the selected card is without me seeing it. Now there come a point in the presentation where there is something which, it the audience is concentrating and paying very close attention, my lead them to determine the method of the deception being employed. I need a mental distraction at that moment. I will ask the person if he (or she) is sure that he remembers the selected card. It seems like a light hearted question, but it is in fact a challenge. The person will think of the selected card at that moment, and they miss the clue which might give the trick away.But not only does this happen to the person who selected the card, but everyone else who knows the card will do the exact same thing. The will silently mentally confirm for themselves that they also remember the card.It works like a charm.

Why is energy manipulation such a powerful power to have?

Let's sit and ponder on all the things that make up the world and for that matter the entirety of the universe that involve energy;There is internal energy(that all matter can have due to being made up of atoms), kinetic energy(macro/micro motion), potential energy(gravity, spring, electrical, chemical); if you know technology and anything about humanistic innovation/advancement you will reason with the fact that man himself have in some way manipulated energy; look at the power all around you; the majority of our electricity comes from alternating currents, hydroelectric power; due to the potential energy of falling water doing mechanical work that rotates shafts that generate some sort of power, the vast array of foods that exist on the market that we know and love are concoctions of chemical reactants combined to make food colorings, imitated flavors, preservatives, and all that other good stuff that makes nacho cheese Doritos amazing!We all currently exist in the age of silicon that is damn near in every technological device you can think of and it's largely in part due to its ability to store/maintain energy. But all these examples of man trying to manipulate energy, are just mere attempts that have resulted in significant changes relative to our own capabilities; to truly have the power to manipulate the energy itself with a more impractical/theoretical sense, would result in many unimaginable feats, as well as possible tragedies.By possessing the power to manipulate energy you have the power to essentially control the world; or at the very least everything existing on the world..You can in essence, create a new world derived from your own imagination. Everything as we know it involves energy, anything that lives needs it and must sustain it and anything that doesn't live can basically store it within its atoms. Controlling those two components that summarize all things on the planet; things that live and things that don't, can grant one the ability to control not only life/death but also the grande scheme of things; the framework, the foreground/background that the living reside which ultimately, if put in the wrong hands would be the makings of your typical villain, out to sabatoage the world and everything in it.

How does one use biokinesis on others?

Firstly - be careful how you use your gifts. You will learn that lesson in time.

Biokinesis is no different from any other "kinesis" ability. What it is is a manipulation of energy that produces a physical result. What ever you want to do can be practiced through meditation and simply by trying. Over time you will get stronger and more effective.

Again, be careful and do not affect anyone who does not give you their explicit permission to do so. The consequences may not agree with you.
Best of luck to you.

EDIT: Distance is of no consequence.

What manipulative psychological trick do you most often use and what benefits do you reap from it?

I do the following and it’s not unusual as many others do it, but perhaps not so conscious of it.Interacting with people who are feeling down, and in their own world can be really difficult. So to get them talking I smile and gaze softly making direct eye contact. I maintain a very humble approach that acknowledges them, and this usually gets them out of their shell. It’s a genuinely heartfelt approach and I do feel their sadness, but it’s still considered slightly manipulative.I know they don’t need someone who appears to be confident and strong (because they are not feeling that at all). So when I approach gently, I bring calm positive energy that sends a subconscious message: “She is safe, you are safe, and you can relax with her”. It does work in getting them talking and often feeling better. I’ve experienced it softens very hard hearts.If they don’t respond to me positively, I steer clear and I know it is not a good time.

Can anyone tell me what a psion is?

In modern occultism a psion is a specific type of psychic. In the conventional sense, a psychic is someone who claims to be able to sense energy others are not attuned to. Through this, a psychic can become a medium for disembodied spirits, demons or divination (fortune telling). In the occult community there are variants of psychics: For example psychic vampires believe they, for a variety of possible reasons, need psychic energy and believe they can drain this from other people in order to survive.

Where most psychics believe the energies they manipulate remain noncorporeal, a psion believes psychic energy can be physically manifested and used to bring physically tangible results (even if those results only work on people's minds... like Jedi mind tricks). Psions believe in a wide variety of magic. Some believe in telekinesis, or manipulating elemental energies. Mind over matter is certainly within the realm of beliefs of psions. But is by no means exclusive. Modern psions largely barrow from concepts that may be thousands of years old and others more recent. Much of modern occultism draws from various authors of the late 1700's and 1800's. One such concept that is popular to some psions is the idea of theosophy. This is a concept that was originally from the 1800's and it attempts to combine philosophy, religion and mysticism into a scale model of a "thinking" universe. It is through this that psions believe they can draw psychic energies. But now I am just babbling. I think you get the idea of what a psion is.

Do psychics intuitively know when they are in the presence of another psychic?

Okay the term psychic is always a bit grey in meaning for me so I'll speak from experience.I work with energy (or chi/ki/prana take your pick) and have an unfortunately acute sense of it. Actual psychics or other energy workers stand out. Not in a loud way but it's like going to the beach and seeing almost everyone stretched out sunning or playing in the sand and a scattered handful that are actually moving maybe one is surfing, another is out in a kayak, and a few others are running down the beach.Spotting other people who work with energy is like that, and at it's core energy manipulation is the source of psychic abilities of any kind. There is simply a denseness to the energy around people like that that you rarely find with head blind people.

Is Athiest/Agnostic magick possible? Resources?

Most forms of witchcraft and magick can be adapted to any religion, including non-religions or atheistic viewpoints. Since witchcraft is a craft, not a religion, anyone can practice it. While many ways of learnign witchcraft are attached to some religions and often deities are part of rituals that are described, they can easily be gone without if you do not believe in deities.
Hoodoo, hedgewitchery and the like don't depend on deities... neither does the bare bones of Wiccan based magick.
Seriously... go nuts. You might have to pick through references to deity in your studies, but there is a wealth of practice open to you.