Does Anyone Know The Answer To My Question

Can anyone answer my questions that I've asked?

“Can anyone answer my questions that I've asked?”They might be able to, John, but it might help to specify which of your questions in particular you would like answers to.I would point out that a lot of them would be quite easily answered by pasting them directly into Google. These are not the sort of questions that Quora is for, really.Some of your questions would be more likely to receive answers were they to be more clear and better edited: for example,“How did Iran lose azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, inguesshetia and Crimean and Central Asia the whole of it to Russia?” or“How were the Persians not well equipped and not better equipped unlike the Greeks who were better equipped and well equipped and well trained too and Persians weren't any of this at all?”I note too that Quora is adding topics to your questions. It might help your quest for answers if you were to add topics yourself when posing a question.Finally, you might consider filling in your profile. People like to know something about the person posing a question - and perhaps reassurance that you are not just seeking homework help for, for example, a course on Ancient History!

How do you know if someone answers your question?

When writing your question, you can pick an option where Yahoo emails you when someone answers the question. Otherwise, you can just go to "My Activity" and look at your questions.

How long generally does it take to get an answer for any question through Yahoo!Answers?

It depends on several factors, including time asked, subject matter, and difficulty. If a hard chemistry question, it may take a couple of days. If a "Your fave flavor" type, you may get 30 answers in 5 minutes. Note "your fave" questions are violations.

Does Anyone Know The Answer To This Riddle?

So, my senior leaders play this game and it goes like this..

I'm going on a picnic.... And I'm bringing.... Hamburgers.

I'm going on a picnic.... And I'm bringing.... Manderen Oranges

And you have to say what you want to bring, but its a riddle, so you can't just bring ANYTHING.

Does anyone know this riddle?



How can I know if my question is answered in yahoo! Answers?

Click your name. Click the tab that says My Questions. Look at the questions, underneath them it says how many answers. Click the question to read the answers.

What's the most polite way to answer "can I ask you a question?"

If someone begins a talk with ‘can I ask you a question ?’ that person feel some anxiety about asking you and this is an attempt to calm things. I think it is more of an expression that really says, ‘I am not sure I should ask you this question, so let me know if you do not want to talk about this, please’I often answer something like ‘you can ask, but I can’t guarantee that I will answer you. If I am comfortable answering or if I know the answer, then I’ll try to give you an answer. “If that is too formal or rigid, you can always say, ‘let me hear the question’.