Does Anyone Know What To Do.i Keep Getting The Error The Module Encountered A Problem While Trying

Manager.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close, on start-up?


There are 3 step to repair manager.exe error

If you got manager.exe error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. I think your computer is already very dangerous, and you should fix it immediately. There are many ways to fix manager.exe error, according to my experience, I think the following method is very good, you can go and try it. I hope it can help you:

* Step 1 - Download a manager.exe error repair tool,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you pc for Free.
* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! Enjoy it.

Here are the url of manager.exe error repair tool:

How can I solve the "Couldn't mount CD ROM error" in a Kali Linux USB installation?

As per my experience with installing Kali Linux this problem is for i686 architecture (32 bit) of Kali Linux.Don’t you worry there is simple command that can solve this problem while installation.When you get this error just hit “No” when you get the pop-up “Retry mounting CD-ROM”. You will see that installation failed, don’t panic just hit continueThen you could see all installation steps listed down on screen and you have to select Execute a shell (the terminal) from that list than type the following command.mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /cdrom
look in most cases the “sdb1” works but in case it may be “sdc1” or “sdc2” or may be different just try to see the options by hitting Tab key after typing “/dev/sd’ .If you get back to prompt without any error, you are done! The problem solved just hit “exit” command to exit the terminal and you’ll again see the installation steps again then select “Detect and mount CD-ROM”Welcome back to the World of Hacking to be Unhackable!The quieter you become the more you will able to hear!

Windows error 0xc0000098 when booting from USB?

I'm trying to install Windows 8 on a laptop, and am getting error 0xc0000098 when booting from the USB drive. The solutions everyone offers for this error require you to get into Windows setup, but it's trying to get there that causes the error. I was able to boot from this drive an hour ago, but on turning the computer off and on again, I started to get this error. I can't boot from a CD, as the laptop doesn't have a disc drive.

Any ideas for solving this problem? The only thing I'm able to boot to is the USB drive (accessing anything else in the BIOS just leaves me with a black screen), and every time I do I get the error.

Hardware problems detected?

Windows Memory Diag Tool is just that - to check your memory, is it not?

Did all of the tests complete successfully? Or did some of them come up as fail?

If you have two sticks of RAM, take one out and run an extended test (press T for this) - it will take a while but it's much more thorough (go watch an episode of Scrubs or something!)

If you still get errors, try the other stick of RAM.

If you get errors for one stick and not the other, you have faulty RAM my friend.

If errors come up for both sticks (unlikely but possible), it's worth sticking in another RAM module to check.

The Diag Tool doesn't check any other hardware (to my knowledge)

If you have only the one stick of RAM, ask a nice friend if they could lend you one for testing purposes.

RAM is dirt-cheap on if you use DDR2 (DDR is more expensive cos it's not being produced on as big a scale now while DDR3 is just expensive cos it's newer technology)

When I run my project, it says "import NumPy as np ImportError: No module named NumPy". Nevertheless I have NumPy in my computer. What can I do to fix this problem?

Hey it will be useful if you tell us which machine your are using (windows/Linux/Mac).Anyways I will give you an generic solution. Whenever you import a module, python will search for that module in some specific directories. To know which all directories it will search, use the below code snippet.import sys
Make sure that the NumPy module resides in any of those directory.If your NumPy module does not present in any of those directory, then add your NumPy module to the python search path by the following code snippet.import sys
import NumPy
If doing above does not solve your problem, try installing the NumPy using pip.sudo pip3 install numpy
If you are using ubuntu, you can try the below command also.sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
Enjoy Coding…..:-)