Does Anyone Mind Looking Over This Book I Made

Looking for a book named the fog...?

"Fog" by Caroline B. Cooney? Losing Christina series. 1989. (various covers)

"The Shevvingtons are perfect. Mr. Shevvington is the charming, handsome principal of Christina's school. His wife is a dedicated English teacher. When the Autumn fog rolls over the coast, Christian and Anya begin boarding at the Shevvingtons' home, where Christina discovers that nothing is as it seems. Anya is slowly losing her mind, and Christina knows the Shevvingtons are behind it."

Has anyone read the book Night by Elie Wiesel??

I fully agree with the answerers- you should do your own work or at least TRY and make an effort to answer them on your own. Believe me, Night is a very easy novel to write about. But since you seem to be in jam.....

1) Sighet, Auschwitz, Poland, Buchenwald, Germany

2) A student studying the Jewish way of life. Fascinated by God.

3) The Jews had to dig their own grave in a forest.

4) "The officers were billeted in private houses, even in the houses of Jews. Their attitude toward their hosts was distant but polite"(7). The Jews thought they were nice and could do no harm.

5) They were surrounded by barbed wire but a Jewish council was appointed.

6) They were transported in cattle cars. They were tortured by the heat and thirst and there was little room to move.

7 "Jews listen to me! I can see a fire! There are huge flames! It is a furnace" (23)! Study that quote and you'll figure out the answer to the second part of your question.

8) Auschwitz. Men went to the left, women went to the right. He would never see his mother or younger sister again.

9) Chief doctor at Auschwitz. Left= Gas chambers Right= Labor Camps.

10) Because everyone was working as hard as they could, yet no freedom. The only way to "freedom" was through the chimney. Get it?

11) A Kapo is a prisoner who is in charge of a block or barracks.

12) If the baton pointed left, you go to the gas chambers. If it pointed right, you live. Anyone who was considered weak, sick, or old were sent to the gas chambers.

13) Full of pus. He had to have an operation.

14) The Russians were coming. He didn't stay because he thought him and his father had a better chance of survival if they left.

15) "The officer came up to him and shouted at him to be quiet..... The officer dealt him a violent blow on the head" (106).

16) I think he thought he was not going to make it.

17) I forgot, sorry.

18) He was in the hospital because of food poisoning

19) He thought how could his own God, the one that he looks up to, allow this to happen.

20) Oh no you don't! I've done more than what I should. Read the novel, sweetie.

Does reading books and novels expand peoples minds?

It depends on what you read.

If you choose books with concepts that can alter the way you look at the world, and your mind is open to new thought, reading can certainly expand your mind.

Reading for entertainment can improve communication skills, including vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. Reading for entertainment can also put you in the shoes of another. You can travel to distant lands without leaving your chair. You can experience history in a way that brings it more to life. I've lived through countless wars and turbulent historical times, I've walked through fields and mountains of places that I'll never see in person, I've let my imagination soar in the dreams of others. I read young adult fiction that puts me more in touch with the issues my own teens are facing. What you take from a book is entirely up to you.

Not every book is going to increase your knowledge and critical thinking, or open you up to expansive thought. You need to choose the books that will leave an impact.

Does anyone know how Samara "the ring" was born?

Samara was born with mental powers...not evil powers....but she was very powerful.
Ring 2 establishes that her mother, Evelyn Osorio (Sissy Spacek), gave birth to Samara at a Christian hospital. She always claimed that Samara's father was "a monster from the sea" and finally tried to drown her when she still was a baby. It is revealed later that Evelyn tried to drown Samara because she told her to.
Afterwards Evelyn was taken to a mental institution and Samara was adopted by Richard (Brian Cox) and Anna Morgan (Shannon Cochran).
Samara possesses the power of "projected thermography" - she can "burn" images into the mind of other living beings or on any recording media. After taking Samara home, Anna had a hard time concentrating and sleeping - her mind would be filled with gruesome images when her daughter was around. Samara's presence made the horses on the Morgan's farm go insane and die, which threw her mother into a deep depression. Samara also never slept and her adopted parents soon were terrified of her. Finally Anna Morgan attempted to kill her by pulling a garbage bag over her head, hitting her with a brick and throwing her into a well. Anna then committed suicide by jumping off a nearby cliff.
Samara lived on for seven days, her spirit creating the cursed video tape after her death. After anyone watches this tape their phone rings and Samara will answer and say "seven days". Seven days later the viewer will suffer a terrible death unless they have shown someone else the tape so that Samara still will be heard.


The characterization of Samara in The Ring followed very closely that of Sadako Yamamura in the 1998 film Ringu. Samara appears to lack Sadako's power of "blacking out" her image from footage taken before her death, presumably because this would have made the hospital footage of her impossible. Samara was also a full decade younger than Sadako when she was killed.

Mind stimulating books?

Okay, I have a bunch of possible suggestions:

There's a book called "Plato: Five Dialogues"
It features five of Plato's early dialogues in which he writes down the method and philosophy of Socrates. The dialogues are Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo. You can either buy the book--it is very cheap at only around 6 dollars--or you can find these five dialogues on line. Socrates is a lot of fun to read about! The reading level is pretty difficult, but it's just easy enough that a high school student could make their way through it, and potentially learn a lot!

Next, also philosophy
"Meditations on First Philosophy" by Rene Descartes. You can also get these online for free, or buy a book of them. Pretty difficult, but on the easier side as far as philosophy goes. These Meditations were the start of modern philosophy and will get you thinking! Probably a good way to improve vocabulary.

Other non-fiction:
(MY BIGGEST RECOMMENDATION) I'd recommend "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman," or "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" Both are by Richard Feynman. Feynman was a physicist who won the noble prize in 1965 for his work with quantum electrodynamics. Like Einstein, he's become a cult figure thanks to his very interesting character. These two books are interesting stories from his life. The books are hugely inspiring because he is such a genius and he made his life so interesting. They are a very good introduction into the mind of one of the greatest thinkers of all time. They are also easy and VERY fun to read!
(There's also a collection of the two books together called: "Classic Feynman: All The Adventures of a Curious Character." Easily one of my favorite books of all time)

Sci-Fi can be a really interesting genre if you're reading the right people. I'd recommend Arthur C. Clark and Isaac Asimov, though you've probably already read some!

How does mind control work?

1st.. you want to know what you want. Using hypnosis or suggestive psychology on someone won't go anywhere unless you understand and can map how you want things to happen.

2nd.. Map out how you want things to happen. If you want something to go a certain way, you have to understand how someone will react to your action or communication to them. You can't control someone who you have no idea of.

3rd.. Take control of everything.. from the way they feel and supplement their feelings with the way you "think" they feel.

The more confident you are and the more belief you have in your actions.. the more they come true. You can control anyone if you think ahead of your actions and conversation. Try playing out the entire conversation in your head before you have it... see how it goes and see what you can do differently. It takes practice but MOSTLY remember why you are doing it.

How is reading books good for you?

It widens your vocabulary, you develop better speech and grammar. It gets your imagination going as well which develops your brain by making it more creative. It also helps your eyesight because you're not watching TV or on the computer.
You become more aware of the world, know facts, how other people live, about wars, and also prepares you for things in the future like having children, getting married, career choices. Reading is also classed as fun, and can also make you more respectful towards others because you get to know characters situations and learn from mistakes made by them.

What is better for the mind: Reading thousands of books or watching thousands of movies?

Hmm.Tricky question.Maybe because I love to read.I love that feeling of having a book with you when you are on a trip somewhere or even just relaxing at your home on a weekend.I am one of those people who love the smell of the fresh pages of a book, who like to live in a world of imagination, who give the characters in the books they read, a personalized view and who love to experience the journey of the characters in the book.Yes, I agree that visual medium is a strong domain to enjoy and experience art, but somehow of all the books I've read which have been turned into movies, I've felt a strange kind of disconnect.I felt as if someone just tampered with my view of the characters and the story in general.I think that is the thing about art - Each mind processes it in a different manner.But as per me, the layering of human emotions and the essence of a story can never be projected better on a screen than it is on paper.