Does Anyone Remember A Virtual House In Windows Nt/95

What is the difference between DOS and Windows OS?

Both Dos and Windows are Operating systems. But, they possess some features which make them differentiate. These features are listed below:Dos is only single tasking while Windows is multitasking.Dos is based on plain interface while Windows is based on Graphical user interface (GUI).Dos is difficult to learn and understand while Windows is easy to learn and understand.Dos is less preferable by users while Windows is more preferable operating system.Limited users can work on dos while in Windows there are many users.We cannot see mouse in Dos while in Windows we can see and use mouse to click on icons or links.imple text commands are written in Dos while in Windows we operate computer with the help of mouse.In Dos we cannot Play games, watch movies and listen songs while in Windows we can enjoy playing games, watching movies and listening songs.In Dos new hardware cannot work properly while in Windows it can detect and installs software automatically.Application and system software¡¦s did not work properly in Dos while in Windows it runs at a great speed.Dos is not user friendly while Windows operating system is user friendly.Dos performs operations speedily as compared with Windows operating system.

Why can't you create a folder named CON in Windows or MS-DOS?

It goes back to MSDOS. Device names were recognized before path names. "CON" was the console device, "AUX" was the auxiliary device, "PRN" was the printer, along with "LPR". "COM" refers to a com port. There are others. Note that these names ignored the file extension such that "CON.EXE" still meant the console.Windows versions before NT were built on top of DOS, so they followed the same rule. NT kept up with this pattern to an extent, but there are so many paths through Windows that you can get conflicting results. I have tried it yet with Win10, but you could create files and directories with verboten names via a C program that you couldn't access or delete with other means such as the File Manager. There are several other inconsistencies with Windows path names, such as iffy UNC ("\\host\volume\directory\…") handling.

Which Windows version do you like?

Which Windows version do you like?Gosh, that is a tough call to pick which version of Windows I like the best. For me, it is a tie between Windows 7 and Windows 10.When Windows 95 came out, I hated it. When Windows 98 came out, I loved it. When Windows XP came out I hated it and loved it.When Windows 7 came out, I was in love. The interface looked a bit different, but didn’t change that much from Windows XP. It felt like Microsoft had taken everything they had learned over the last 20 years and piled it into one box of sweet goodness. I loved the Aero interface and the basic troubleshooter for computer issues. The OS was a bit more demanding than Windows XP, but not by a lot. It had a lot of support for drivers and using the Windows update function to find additional drivers worked pretty well.When Windows 10 came along, I didn’t care for it very much, mostly it was a knee jerk reaction from listening to everyone complain about it on the internet. I finally bit the bullet and gave it a try in 2017.OH, MY! I love Windows 10. It feels like they took Windows 7 and made it better. My major complaint is that they felt they had to change the locations of …EVERYTHING. The Control panel is still there, but hidden. The network settings are still there, but hidden. It has taken me a bit to get used to it, but now that I know where most everything is at, again, I’m fine.The change to the interface and moving the locations for settings and system tools are the only thing that makes Windows 10 a tie with Windows 10 right now. Give me a few more years and Windows 7 will be a fond memory for me and I will, in the future, say that Windows 10 is my favorite.

Is Windows a ripoff of macOS?

… They are playing catch-up actually. Remember when Internet Explorer was available on Mac OS X and Safari was available on Windows? (No, they were released before. The statement is not switched up).One example is when most PC use Intel while Macs use PowerPC… Later Apple decided to switch to Intel too!Then, someone at Apple ever mentioned that Windows Vista copied Mac OS X Tiger. This includes Calendar, Spotlight vs new Search in start menu, as well as the RSS reader intriduced in respective browsers.Both happened at Apple's WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference).Years after Siri was announced, Microsoft created Cortana (The virtual assistant for Windows, and a reference to HALO). But the story doesn't stop here.In fact, some Microsoft commercials use Cortana to impersonate Siri, always.(Cortana speaks at 0:35)Then, Windows 10 kicks off with Cortana for desktops, and Apple doesn’t have any comments until macOS Sierra is announced. Well, Microsoft got the first Desktop Assistant which were actually Microsoft Bob and Clippy!And as mentioned by other people, it is actually Xerox's idea that a desktop OS uses overlapping windows. It is no secret.To be honest, I am neither Apple nor Microsoft fanboy. In fact, I'm currently using other than Windows and macOS (Think about Android).