Does Apartheid Mean Racism

What does "APARTHEID" mean?


What is the difference between racism and apartheid?

Racism is a way that people view others based on racial stereotypes and past experiences. Racism is often characterized by giving another person different treatment based on their race. It includes giving anyone belonging to a specific race special treatment while not extending that same treatment to those of different races.Apartheid on the other hand is a system of government where those who pay taxes are allowed to vote while those who do not pay taxes are not allowed to vote. In South Africa under apartheid those lines were racially defined. Native Africans were not allowed to vote because they were exempt from taxes. Certain other ethnic groups were also exempt from taxes and not allowed to vote. Some groups of white South Africans were not allowed to vote. The problem with a system that only allows certain ethnic groups to vote is that they will vote for politicians who will exploit nonvoters. This system increased the racial segregation in an already racially segregated country. Those who did not vote ended up being more oppressed because their voice was not represented in the government. The entire system of government becme synonymous with racism. Now when apartheid is discussed it is an idea that can never be seen as separate from racism.

What does the word racism mean to you?

I have a hard time defining the exact perimeters of it, I generally don't just call absolutely everyone racist, like it's become custome to do recently, I usually try to just reserve it for the very few people it makes sense for, It can be hard to describe really but, I guess 2 types of racists, the left and the right, the left isn't that interesting, they basically are just people looking to make excuses to keep up the illusion of equality, so there must be someone to blame, and so it became us, I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of the leftist racism, the rights racism is more confusing to me, because it's based in something that, while I try my best to understand, I simply don't, not really, I can't relate to this emotion, they have a desire for preservation, of their gene pool, I don't actually think there is something "wrong" with that inherently, though I don't personally understand it myself, that's why they get so mad about race mixing or immigration, they have a desire to keep their appearance? I suppose? I can level with people who are maybe worried about the IQ gap, as it's almost undoubtedly biological, and interestingly, I've noticed many on the far right don't actually take issue with Eurasian making, so some of them definitely just seem to be concerned about the IQ gap as well, but for some it's not really about that, they would probably cry if they took a DNA test and found out they weren't 100% "pure" or something, it's weird, I've never been particularly attached to the physical appearance of white people, I think we look rather unattractive, if I'm gonna be honest, also to suggest that perhaps the "pure breeds" of today won't really be around anymore, because it would make more sense to gene mix us together, makes them uncomfortable, they relate the preservation of culture to that of keeping around their race, as if to imply if "pure white" people didn't exist anymore, cheeses would vanish with us or something, it's illogical to me, culture can be shared, and no matter what the left says, sharing culture is a good thing. So yeah, I can't really think of anything other to call it than racism, because it's a weird disgust of mixing a part of us with something else, so what else does that really suggest, other than complete disdain for other racial groups?

What does the word Apartheid mean?

Apartheid means "separateness", or "the state of being apart", literally "apart-hood") was a system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP), the governing party from 1948 to 1994. That is an academic definition available in public. Separateness starts earlier than that. 1948 was legislation. It is based on the fact that Caucasians consider themselves fully evolved humans and the darker people not fully evolved. Apertheid starts the first time the Caucasians encounter black people in Africa. As they went about doing trade with eastern empires they met these dark skinned people who were living a different life from theirs. At the same time Europe saw the dawn of an idea by Charles Darwin who published his paper on origins of species. A very brilliant idea which unfortunately took other forms mainly Eugenics. This filed of study produced generations and generations who looked at other races as useless and themselves as useful. It was a tool used to put a black man in his place. It is responsible for most imbalances on earth today. In 1948 it got a new name Apertheid where human beings were separated from apes.

Is the US an apartheid state?

Whites are in power despite being the minority in the country. That's the definition of Apartheid, is it not? Now I know, I know what you're thinking.. Whites are still the majority according to the 2010 census.. But that was nearly 10 years ago. Also:

1) lots of black people and other minorities don't participate in the census.

2) the census does not count illegals

3) the census classifies a lot of non-white people as white, such as MENAs or some biracial who choose to identify as white as one of their races.

In reality, the numbers are stacked against whites. They are already the minority in this country. And if you remove those whites who are over 65 years of age, then whites are basically done. So a racist minority has all the power. Textbook Apartheid.

How does racism in South Africa compare to racism in America?

The apartheid (a system of racial segregation) was enforced in South Africa by legislation until 1994. It was quite recent historically, and even after all Nelson Mandela had done, “the vestiges of apartheid still shape South African politics and society” [1]When I first searched for neighborhoods in Cape Town, Google autocomplete suggestions were:​From my limited experience living in both countries (mostly in California and Western Cape), South African had bigger problems with racism. Segregation seemed more significant, even languages spoken differed among ethnicities.Of the 11 South Africa’s official languages, 9 - all except English and Afrikaans - are Bantu languages. In South Africa, Bantu languages are mostly spoken by black people while merely 3% of black people speak English as their first language, leading to more racial segregation [2].[1] Apartheid[2] Race, ethnicity and and languages in South Africa

Does the word “yuppie” would mean or refer to any sort of racism, directly or indirectly?

No, I don’t think so. I first heard the term “yuppie” when I owned a fitness center near downtown Seattle and it meant young urban professional. There was another term one heard a lot back then, “DINK” which meant, dual income no kids. It referenced young couples with no income and significant disposable income. That one has died out but yuppie has managed to stay in the lexicon and anyone of any race can be a yuppie.

How has the Apartheid affected the racism in South Africa today?

I no longer answer question concerning race because I find the overwhelming majority of them to be highly offensive, self-serving, a waste of valuable time, and/or trolling.We can talk about other issues, but no longer those that concern race—I’m just not interested.

Is Egypt an Apartheid State?

Israel is an Apartheid State, they are ethnic cleansing arabs to create a jewish state if you look at the map Israel has wiped out the arabs.
In Egypt people are dying because of the revolution the army attacks people there's no apartheid here..

Wikipedia is not a reliable source anyways. But I have plenty of videos you can see online of how Zionists are ethnic cleansing arabs.

Some people are envious of Egypt and that is why they claim that we are extremly racist we have our problems but we are no way "extremly racist" as someone here claims. Besides it was not the Arabs who keep illegally invading other people's homeland and it is not the arabs who have the most brutal history of slavery. We had some but arabs did not treat them half as brutal as some Western countries did.

As opposed to other countries who persecuted Jews for years the Arab took them in until the Jews from all over the world decided to create a jewish state and in order to do this they obviously brutally murdered the arabs. So are certainly not the most racist and we did not have the same history of brutal colonization and slavery as the West for instance.