Does Being A Man And Outperforming A Feminist In Terms Of Getting What I Need And Want In Life

The main reason that proteins outperform other macromolecules in terms of catalytic ability is because?

If I'm supposed to choose between those four answers it's pretty clearly (B) proteins can contain a variety of R groups. The other three answers make no sense at all.

Why do feminists always bring up the fact that girls don't perform as well in math & science, but.. (details)?

First off it is incredibly asinine to say boys should just try harder. When a whole gender is struggling, there is something at work. Would you be saying the same thing if it were girls who were struggling? Didn't think so.

To answer your question. Telling the whole story would negate their message that females are oppressed and need special treatment. Special treatment becomes superiority as it is now.

More focus is on women's health when they live 6 years longer than men. More focus in on the education of females when they make up 57 percent of college students and 60 percent of grad students. Are they going to say enough is enough? No, they have a twisted idea of revenge in their minds. They are forcing innocent generations of males to pay for things they never did.

Why are people on the internet so anti woman?

Especially on the YouTube comment section? Every time they see a video that speaks bad about women, people thumb it up and praise it. But if someone were to say something anti-men it would get heaps of thumbs down and hate comments calling them misandrists. Usually, YouTube comments are about supporting underdogs. Women were disadvantaged and still are. It is still a man's world. Therefore there is still a widely spread rumor that men are not only smarter than women, but women have barely contributed to society. That is mainly a MGTOW belief. Men have committed way more violent crimes in the past and present so I don't see why anyone would hate women more.

It seems like everyone on the right these days are pro men and anti woman and it is that way in the YouTube atmosphere. If a man were to defend women or even to say something POSITIVE about women, he gets called a white knight or a mangina. But it's perfectly acceptable for people to bash women and not get shamed for it.