Does Bleeding Gums Can Cause Heart Disease If I Swallow The Blood

Dentists aways have told us that 'Gum Disease' can cause *Heart Disease* if left untreated.?

But Dentists have never told us really the reason WHY and HOW it happens.
-->Human Biologically speaking... How does Gum Disease affect the Heart, that being a long 2 feet apart from each other <-- ??

Is it cause sometimes weeks-old food from Under the Gum finally comes out while chewing and then gets swallowed? And the Heart can't take Rotton Food through the blood stream to well ??.......or

What is the real reason ?

Why do I keep feeling like im swallowing blood? ?

Sinus drainage is at it's worst when lying down. Try some over the counter allergy tabs like Benedryl and see if that helps. If it was really blood, you would have the unmistakeable taste in your mouth.

My gums bleed when i brush my teeth?

Although it might seem normal to experience a little bit of bleeding while brushing or flossing, it shouldn't be ignored. Bleeding gums could be a sign of a number of dental problems, but it's usually a symptom of gum disease, like gingivitis. In some cases, the causes of bleeding gums may be the result of injuries or infections of the teeth. Rarely, bleeding gums may be a symptom of other problems pertaining to your mouth or body. While bleeding gums are usually good signals that you have gum disease, causes of bleeding gums can also result from:

• Brushing too hard
• A vitamin deficiency
• Taking blood thinners or other medications
• Bleeding or clotting disorders
• Hormonal changes during pregnancy, resulting in pregnancy gingivitis
• Dentures that don't fit
• Mouth sores

Other medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease, leukemia or scurvy
Regardless of your situation, it's important that you don't self diagnose. Only a dentist or medical professional can determine the causes of bleeding gums and offer the right treatment.
The best way to stop bleeding gums is to see your dentist. Your dentist can give you tips on how to stop bleeding gums in between dental visits. That advice might include some of the following tips:

• Use a soft toothbrush -- and brush properly! Brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a
day and after meals. Hard brushing can further damage the soft tissues of your mouth.
• Floss at least once a day and be sure to floss beyond the gum line to remove more plaque.
• Control bleeding by applying pressure to the area with a cold compress.
• Rinse with salt water or hydrogen peroxide to keep the area clean. Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol, which can dry out your mouth.
• Stay away from smoking and other tobacco products, which can irritate bleeding gums.
• Eat a balanced diet and limit snacking between meals. Carbohydrates and sugars feed dental plaque.
• Try an oral irrigation device, commonly known as a "water pick," to clear debris from around the gum line.
• Have your dentures aligned as needed.

Are gum infections and periodontal disease related to other health problems in the body?

Our teeth are designed to last for a lifetime however there is an increase in number of people that wears dentures and those are usually the elderly. Tooth cavities and gum disease or periodontal disease are painful conditions that may lead to more serious and difficult dental health problem.

Anything that happens with your dental health there is an effect in your overall body health. If you have a gum problem or unhealthy mouth it overloads your health and your resistance to illness is decreases.

According to research there are several health problems associated with periodontal disease such as pancreatic cancer, stroke, diabetes and heart attack.

Studies proved that gum disease or periodontal disease is associated with pancreatic cancer. As one of the leading cause of death in United States. Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that affects our pancreas and it is responsible for producing the digestive juices that break down our food and to prioduce hormones that control our blood sugar level,like insulin and glucagon.
There are also several health problems such as heart disease and stroke that studies proven to be associated with poor oral hygiene. According to research that men with gum diseases were more likely to develop pancreatic cancer and one possible reason for the association is that people with periodontal disease has increased levels of carcinogens and bacteria in their mouth that contribute in promoting cancer cells.
Preventing the growth of bacteria in the mouth is one way of preventing the development of other health problems. Extra care of oral health is beneficial. brush and floss regularly to prevent bacteria build up. regular visit to your dentist for professional cleaning and also to prevent certain oral health issues to occur.
to know more about periodontal disease and its implications and how to counter it visit

Why does the throat bleed after brushing teeth?

THROAT BLEED?The roof of your mouth, the lining of the upper airway, and the lining of the esophagus are extremely vascular, the tissue is also very tender and fragile. Simply eating potato chips can make small lacerations without you even knowing it. And because of the high levels of mucous sand saliva, clotting is slowed down and hindered, causing prolonged bleeding. I'm guessing while brushing your teeth, you must've accidentally hit the back of your throat or roof of your mouth enough to irritate it causing the bleed. Toothpaste has a magnesium in it, and it acts as a vasodilator as in it increases the size of the blood vessels, the body send more blood to fill the bigger space. So now you have toothpaste bringing more blood into the mouth, and you are jamming a plastic stick with rough fibers everywhere in your mouth.The bleed could also be from your gums due the traumatic brushing pattern.VISIT YOUR LOCAL DENTIST.

Is nose and gums bleeding common factor during pregnency?

If nose and gums bleeding happen heavly during pregnency ,then what could be the solution of this problem? How it can be cured? Is it environmental factor?(im living in UAE-Sharjah) or mother internal hormonal factor?