Does Constipation Or Not Going To The Bathroom Make Your Weight Go Up On The Scale

Can constipation cause you to gain weight?

First of all are you constipated or have you just not had a bowel movement? Big difference. If you are constipated then I would suggest a tea called "CHINA SLIM TEA"
come's in a small box and a large box. I have never heard of it causing weight gain, however if you are compacted then you may have a couple of extra punds reistering on the scale.



Does constipation or not going to the bathroom make your weight go up on the scale?

get a herbal laxative tea and have a cup at night...its best to do this in the weekends like on a friday night, assuming u'll be home on really helps.

the best time to weigh yourself is always in the morning, after going to the toilet. constipation DOES affect your weight on the scale. u should weigh after eliminating any kind of waste.

i lost alot of weight a few years ago and was chronically constipated after that, and had to rely on herbal laxatives and teas for a long time...i don't need them anymore though, i'm eating lotsa more fruits and veggies these days.

tip: trying eating a few prunes with a glass of warm water every night, otrher than that, u could try eating 3 apples a day...helps with weight loss or maintenance, and the high fibre in apples helps with constipation....last but not least, don't forget to drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day!
HTH, good luck.

PS. constipation also makes u bloat, so ur pants might feel tight...other than that u could also be retaining water in your body...all this can add up about 6 to 7 pounds! used to happen to me alot n i'd mistake it for weight gain in fat...used to frustrate the heck outta me....

Can abdominal bloating & constipation cause "weight gain"?

I've been bloated for the past couple of days, and having problems with constipation.

I seriously doubt it's PMS, because I haven't had any of the other usual symptoms.

And I've been eating healthy, drinking enough water, and more active than usual.

Is it really weight gain, or can bloating/constipation cause the numbers of the scale to rise even if I'm not gaining fat??

I'm not obsessed, just a bit curious. I've specifically been trying to eat better/get more exercise in order to lose a little bit of weight before the holidays. Having something inexplicable like this happen is a little...discouraging.

Does being constipated make u gain weight?

Yes you do lose weight when you have bowel movements, which is why when you are on a diet or trying to find out your weight, you weigh yourself in the morning when you have not eaten, after you have had a bowel movement. You won't get fat from being constipated but it may make you bloated, try some tablets or stuff like weetabix and bran flakes for breakfast and jacket potatos or fruit and vegetables. Xx

Can being constipated make you gain weight?

As long as you are not having regular bowel movements and continue eating you will gain some temporary weight. But once you go that should be corrected.

If you are on any medications, they dry you out and constipate you severely.

You can help this by taking a stool softener daily (not a laxative) and drinking Prune juice or eating dried prunes. They are an excellent laxative.

Vegetables are roughage and they allow things to move (if you know what I mean) They allow for air pockets and avoid the impaction. It is ghastly.

Good Luck with the problem. and have a Merry Christmas.

Alli - Does it cause constipation?

Ok I hear everyone upset they are running to the bathroom with alli; I am having the opposite effect. I am not counting fat but I don't eat a lot of red meat. Mostly chicken and little pork. Last night we went out to eat and I had peanuts; salad with blue cheese but only ate about 4 bites. I had two rolls with some honey butter and about 5 pork ribs and a cup of garlic mashed potatos. You would think I would have side effects? NO, I had nothing. Not even a bathroom trip. I also had a big class of water and two martinis with my meal. Here is the crazy thing I usually have bad bad reflux esp with a drink(meaning I choke on food hours after I eat it if I lay down) But with Alli; even last night going to bed 2 hrs after dinner I had no problems which is weird. Is here anyone else exp this? I am not sure if there is weight loss yet I was at my dr monday that is my first time on a scale in many months. I do feel my jeans fitting better. But i have about 90lbs to lose

How much weight does a glass of water add to the scale?

1.316 lbs

Why does my scale say I’ve gained weight but I haven't eaten more than 3500 calories extra to gain a pound?

a few factors can play roleYou haven't been eating the calories you you are eating. (Miss calculation) pretty common.You ate a high carbs meal and it happened to be salty. Or consumed some extra sodium which in return can cause water retention. And high carbs can refill glycogen in liver and Muscle fully. Which in return can cause weight fluctuations as compared to when you were carb depleted.Your eating at too big of a deficit and not allowing any space to your body. Thus your body is bound to respond and is now holding on all the calories stored fat it has. Will correct itselef in a week or so.Maybe you got constipated for a day or, you haven't pass any toilet. That can too be a factor.You have actually hit a weight loss plateau! You have reach a point where you can no longer lose weight with the same calories and workout your body got use to it. It call body's homeostasis stage. You our bodies like to stay the same and not change because change is hard, thus you will have force your body to change. Take a diet break for a week than go back hard and heavy and see what happens.Other than these stress hormones level wether all this can be a factor in a day-to-day weight fluctuations or even in a week-to-week sometimes.However stay consistent with your diet and workout program and don't give keep doing what you are and eventually the weight will come off. Especially if you were loosing weight and it suddenly stopped, it's just a little bump on a journey will go away.For more free tips and tricks for fat/weight loss or pmotivation visit: