Does Cortizone 10 For Eczema Get Rid Of Eczema Scars

Does Cortizone 10 work well for eczema?

You didn't give details on the eczema you are treating. If cortizone 10 helps you, you shouldn't use it long term. Always research eczema ingredients, treatments and long term use.

Finding and keeping yourself away from eczema triggers is very important. Some triggers are eggs, cow's milk, wheat, Our child has an instant reaction to any eggs whatsoever, and cow's milk and some things in store bought bread. You can look into drinking goat's milk if you have a milk trigger, that tends to not cause reactions when cow's milk does.

As far as treating the eczema and itch and rash, what worked for our child to stop the itch in seconds and heal the inflammation is Salcura Dermaspray Gentle. It's #1 in Britain, over the counter, all natural ingredients, no mess whatsoever. There's a case study on line with pictures, you can research the ingredients and look at user reviews. The spray has dozen's of great things about it. It was an answer to prayer for us when a European friend happened to tell us about it.

We've used Salcura Gentle about 6 months now, we used to bandage and tape our child to prevent him from scratching till he bled. After one day of using Salcura we removed the bandages permanently. His skin looks perfect to the doctor now, who didn't bother to ask what product we use on him. We've also reduced the number of sprays per day on his eczema from 4 a day, now to about 1 spray every 2 or 3 days as needed. There's a stronger formula for adults named Salcura Intensive. I hear it's great too but will have a stronger smell until it dissipates a short while later. The spray absorbs very quickly, usually in 1 or 2 minutes.
I recommend salcura especially to anyone that has stubborn eczema where nothing else worked.

Bottom line, we found Salcura to be about 10 times better than anything else we tried on our child.

Note: I'm a happy parent trying to help you know about a product. I'm in no way affiliated with Salcura

Cortizone 10 cleared my stretch marks?

I KNOW THIS IS WEIRD BUT MY ARMS ARE LIGHT AND I HAD RED STRETCH MARKS ON THEM,because i have winter eczema I've been applying the cortizone now its 4 day later and my stretch marks are gone, could the cortizone have done this?

Does betamethasone cream helps to remove eczema scars?

No.. quite the opposite. With continued use of a strong cortisone like betamethasone, it can lead to thinning of the skin and helps to prevent the laydown of healing connective tissue. If the eczema has been controlled, then I'd advise you to stop using the cream.

Do I have Eczema? Small bumps that look like scars?

My condition first started on my right hand middle finger; the skin below the bottom part of my nail got very itchy and had many tiny little bumps. No matter how much lotion I put it was very dry and eventually the skin cracked from the dryness. After about two months I went to the doctor to figure out what was going on, and he said it may be eczema and that it could spread, and that it is probably triggered by my frequent contact with water (washing dishes at work). Also note that the itching was the worst at night, and hardly itched in the daytime. He gave me fluocinonide cream for my finger. The cream helped my skin heal and soothes the itch, but I have to reapply after a couple of days. That part of the finger also never feels smooth anymore (mainly on the side, the top part feels like normal skin) no matter how much moisturizer I apply; it always has a dry feel to it.

Next thing I know, two more fingers on the same hand get a spot that itches at night and gets tiny little bumps when scratched. After that, I noticed dark spots forming on my chest in between my breasts. Then spots formed above my belly botton and now there are also spots on my hips and below my belly botton, along with both sides of my ribcage going down my waist. For my sides, the bumps are small and red. The ones on my hips are bigger. Upon closer look, they look scar-like. One spot below my bellybutton definitely has a scar appearance and is darker than the other spots. Applying the prescribed cream helps when they itch, but does not change their appearance. The bumps do not crack or bleed when scratched, but most of them do not itch, and if they do, it's only at night.

At this point, I believe it may be Seborrheic Dermatitis, but in spots instead of an overall rash, and does not look severe or gruesome as most pictures show. My legs, arms and face have not been affected, only my torso and lower abdomen.