Does Dixie Carter Realize That She Is 50 Years Old And Nobody Paid To See Her

Looking for a manager to help me with my music career, any ideas??

I am a soul/R&B singer in Dallas, Texas. I know about the open mic, I know about A&R's, and PLEASE dont remind me about American Idol. I believe that every individual has a way that they want to get "out there" and I would like to know if someone knows anyone or even a site to find a manager for a new young artist? Ive done shows, but I actually live in a small city near Dallas and when I say, nothing, I mean NOTHING OR NO ONE here knows anything. Seems like 3/4 of the US wants to be an artist. Any help??

Why do the smartest people choose physics?

I think it is a stereotype more than anything else.Subjectively speaking, two of the smartest people alive today are Daniel Kahneman and Edward Witten. Both are at Princeton. One is a psychologist and other is a mathematical physicist.Everyone probably knows the work of Ed Witten in Math and Physics (string theory).Kahneman along with Amos Tversky, developed a model to explain decision making under uncertainty.Expected utility theory proposed that decision under uncertainty is driven by expected outcomes. But expected utility theory was violated under certain conditions.Kahneman and Tversky, through their years of research proposed Prospect Theory.[1]This gave rise to a new field of study known as behavioral economics because of close collaboration between Kahneman and Richard Thaler.Is their work any less important or less challenging than the work of a physicist?I even asked this question to Physics students and you can read their responses here:What do physics students think of psychology?If you trade in the stock market then probably you have an urge to take profit in your winning investment and double down on losing investment. It is quite irrational but most individual investors do it everyday. It is called Disposition Effect in behavioral economics and very few investors (mostly professionals) are immune to it.Every morning when I wake up, I remind myself that I am quite irrational and try to avoid as much irrationality as possible in daily life including in investing.Knowledge of behavioral economics can serve well and help you from losing money. All this thanks to the effort of Thaler, Kahneman and Tversky.I wanted to add one more observation. I went to college in India during 80s. The best and brightest people in the country opted for engineering via IIT. The reason was probably better job prospects. Physics was certainly not a desired subject during my time.Footnotes[1]

Tell me a random fact about China that I probably don't know.?

Anyone has access to tabacco and alcohol, even if you're 3 year old.