Does Drinking Laxatives Help You Lose Weight

What laxative does it take to lose weight?

Are you bloated, retaining water you really did not give any information for why you asked the question? I do not know how safe a laxative would be, so asking you doctor would be recommended. However, you could try apple cider vinegar to lose around 10 pounds in a week. If you feel constipated increase your liquids and you could try Dulcolax which is a gentle stool softener. Laxatives are a quick fix to losing weight and can do more harm in the long run if you use them for prolong periods. Increase your fiber (fruits and vegetables) and reduce fatty foods and limit whole grains because your body may not be able to process these. I suggest visiting you supermarket’s dietitian for other live style changes that may help reduce weight safely. Alcohol is very high in sugars so watch any amount consumed. Too much sugary drinks will help cause weight gain. Here is a website about laxative abuse: What It's Really Like Living on Laxatives to Lose Weight I hope this information is helpful.

Can taking laxatives make you lose weight?

taking laxatives is a trick people in fight training use to make weight when training for competitions. it is not a very healthy thing to do as it dehydrates your body. There is a healthy alternative to this. Go to a health foods store and get some kind of herbal body cleanse. they generally are a 1 week process. What they do is detox your body and flush out your colon (similar to an enema but no intrusive anal probing) of all the build up inside you. The average 30 year old has anywhere from 12 to 25lbs of fecal buildup in your colon from eating red meat and certain other foods. So basically if you use one of these safe body flushes you could lose at least 10lbs in 1 week! yay!!!

Does taking Laxatives make you lose weight?

Yes, and all the water in your body to help you stay alert, and hydrated. Ex lax pulls all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy - dont use it - it really causes a mess and a stink.

How does taking laxatives make you lose weight, is this process dangerous, and are there safer methods with equally effective results?

If you are really interested in reducing your weight quickly and laxatives to lose weight can be the best option. Laxatives are inexpensive and effective. Therefore, it is best to use laxatives to lose weight instead of opting for other slimming products that offer no results.However, most people are not aware of laxatives to lose weight. You better do a thorough research on the Internet to understand laxative efficacy. This will help you get the best weight loss product that suits their health.Laxatives are weight loss pills taken daily for best results. You'll be able to find reviews on the internet laxatives that help you get a fair idea about the advantages and disadvantages of their use. Reading through reviews of laxatives, columns and expert testimony will let you know exactly how this method reduces the weight.It is very important to increase the consumption of drinking water while taking laxatives pills because it prevents dehydration. Drink more water per day will also be beneficial in reducing the volume of food you every day. In fact, it is the natural way to reduce the desire for food, resulting in weight loss. Laxatives twice daily, morning and evening regularly is an effective way to reduce your weight quickly.The most important thing you need to understand before taking laxatives is the presence of food in your system. You should not take laxatives without anything, they can damage your system. The main objective of laxatives to remove debris on your system. This will flatten the stomach, reducing its weight. These are some of the main advantages of the use of laxatives. Therefore, if you are planning to use laxatives to lose weight, you must ensure that you have a bathroom nearby

How do laxatives make you lose weight?

they don't :( they just make you feel like you are lighter. It's addictive... but it's really bad for you. Trust me, I do the same thing for the "instant satisfaction" feeling of being empty... but laxatives will just hurt you.

How can I lose weight with laxatives? What are the best ones?

You can’t, laxatives empty your large bowels containing already digested food, there warer is further taken so the stool won’t be diarrheal, also electrolytes are exchanged, thus taking laxatives without any proper need can induce low potassium states AKA hypokaliemia, causing muscular weakness, and worse, fatal cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation. Digestion and uptake of food takes place in the small bowels, not influenced by laxatives.We once had an overweight American lady tourist brought in who had collapsed on a touristic boat ride, fortunately a group of resident GPs were also on that boar, they took turns performing chest compression and beathing into her, after she arrived at our place shocked into normal sinus rhythm and waking up, but having many ribs broken during that long CPR needed to have a tube shoved down her throat into her trachea to mechanically ventilate her (or she would’ve choked to death), for the duration it took for her ribs to heal, about two month it was. Her potassium was extremely low, she abused laxatives in the stupid and totally mistaken belief that that would help her lose weight. She almost died, if it weren’t for those docs so conveniently present on the same boat she was on.

Will taking two laxatives a day help me to lose weight?

Pills or liquid, herbal or otherwise, laxative abuse is a common form
of "weight control" in people suffering with Eating Disorders. The use
of laxatives as a way to lose or control weight is not only dangerous,
but irrational. The actual purpose of taking a laxative is to
stimulate the large bowel to empty, which occurs only after the food
and it's calories for energy have been absorbed through the small
intestines. Essentially, a person taking laxatives to control weight
is only going to cause their body to lose fluid, which can
potentionally be followed by periods of water retention and an
appearance of bloating (causing the sufferer to want to lose more
weight and ingest more laxatives). The reason people suffering from
eating disorders seem to lose weight while taking laxatives is because
in most cases they are increasingly watching calorie intake and
restricting food consumption, inducing vomiting, and/or compulsively

Continued laxative use can cause bloating, cramping, dehydration,
electrolyte disturbances and imbalances, cardiac arrhythmias,
irregular heart beat and heart attack, renal problems, and death.

Phenolphthalein, a popular ingredient previously found in many brands
of laxatives has now been recalled by the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration, United States) due to studies indicating that it has
been linked to cancer.

Withdrawal symptoms can be expected in stopping the use of laxatives
after a continued period of using them as a "weight loss" method.
These include, abdominal cramping, mild to severe constipation,
bloating, mood swings and general feelings of fatigue and "feeling
sick." In less severe cases the symptoms will usually subside in about
2 weeks, but in cases where a person have ingested handfuls or more
laxatives on a regular basis, it may take longer and require medical