Does Ecclesiastes Show There Is No Life After Death

What does Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 mean? Is there nothing after death?

King Solomon was inspired to write: “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.

How true those words are! Really, who recalls ancestors of two hundred or three hundred years ago? Often even their graves are unknown or long neglected. Does that mean that there is no hope for our dead loved ones? No, not at all. Martha said to Jesus regarding her dead brother, Lazarus: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (John 11:24) The Hebrew people believed that God would resurrect the dead at a future time. Yet, that did not stop them from grieving over the loss of a loved one.—Job 14:13.

Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 states: “As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all . . . There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place to which you are going.” What is Sheol? It is the common grave of mankind to which humans go when they die. In the grave the dead are completely inactive, without movement, sensation, or thought of any kind. They are in what can be likened to a deep sleep.

The Encyclopædia Britannica (2003) describes Sheol as “a place of neither pain nor pleasure, punishment nor reward.”

Can someone explain Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 to me?

Everything in the Book of Ecclesiastes is written from the perspective of a man who wisely examines all things in the light of natural reason.
The key word of the book is "Vanity"; but better rendered in modern English as Futility, or Frustration. In the context of the natural creation, everything is futile and meaningless because it all eventuates in death and decay.
This is the undeniable lot of mortal man.
The key phrase in Ecclesiastes is "Under the Sun".. Everything said must be understood in this context. The author makes no allowance for anything beyond this life, since that is not observable through the natural senses or natural reasoning.

Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light. These things were vague and uncertain in Solomon's day; but as Jesus said "Behold, One greater than Solomon is here."
Only through the Gospel and the testimony of God the Father, who validated everything Jesus taught by raising Him from the dead - only through the Gospel is the Futility of existence removed through the hope of eternal blessedness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

John 11:25-26

Those who believe enter into light; those who disbelieve remain in sin and darkness.

What does Ecclesiastes 9:6 mean in the Bible?

The unconverted / unbelieving person thinks that the best a person can do is to enjoy himself while he can. Life is unpredictable. You just do not know what is going to happen to whom. He frequently observes that ‘righteous’ people receive what the ‘wicked’ deserve, and vice-versa. So, while you can, you should have a good time. Eat drink and be merry. Such pleasures of life are tangible things which you can lay hold of, whereas, try as you might, you can never find out the meaning of life. What is the point of it all — especially of all our hard work ? Not even the wisest of men knows the answer, despite his claim to do so (See Ecclesiastes 8:15–17).Because death is the end (Ecclesiastes 9:1–10)All sorts of people are running life’s race. But there is no telling which of them are pleasing God and which are not. Nobody knows whether his deeds are earning God’s love or calling down his hatred (v1). In any case, whichever way we live, we all come to the same end. We share a common destiny — the grave (v2–3). It is better to be alive than dead (v4). You are conscious. You are somebody. You get something out of living. But the dead know nothing, gain nothing and are forgotten (v5). Whether they were good or bad no longer matters. They are gone. Never again will they share in all that takes place under the sun (v6).So this is how the unconverted / unbeliever thinks. Live life while you can. Enjoy what you can enjoy — food, drink, luxuries, marriage — but enjoy it NOW! This meaningless life which God gives you will soon be over. Put away anything mournful or serious and life life to the full. Soon you will not be able to. You are going to the grave, where there is no activity, no planning and no wisdom (v7–10).Postscript: Does life have any meaning ? Our time on earth is comparatively short. The earthly stage remains, but different actors are constantly passing across it. Generations come and go, but nothing is ultimately different. This is how many people see life — and Solomon identifies with them. But is life really pointless ? If not, what is its true meaning ?The message of the book of Ecclesiastes is that life is not worth living unless we live it for God who, I might add is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the one who taught us that living for God, means loving him.

Christians, what does Ecc 9:5&6, Revelation 20:18 and Acts 2:34 mean?

Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 This means that when someone dies, they are no longer conscious. They cannot think, feel, communicate, or comprehend anything.

Revelation 20:18 doesn't exist.

Acts 2:34 States that David did not ascend to the heavens. Meanwhile, the bible also states that David was an 'agreeable man in Jehovah's heart'.

What do both of these scriptures mean? It means that when we die, our spirits do not go to heaven or hell. Deuteronomy 18:10 "There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire..." Also, when we die we are incapable of doing anything, we cannot see, hear, think or feel. Another point... in order for someone to be tormented, they would need to be conscious do they? Yet, what does the bible say about the dead? Would it be possible then for them to be tormented in hell?

Hope this helps :)

Why is Ecclesiastes called skeptical wisdom?

Ecclesiastes is skeptical of ancient Israel’s traditional wisdom. The Book of Proverbs suggests that if people trust God and do what is right they will prosper materially and socially. Generally speaking this may be true. People who are immoral and foolish tend to suffer bad consequences. Ecclesiastes, however, opens up a different perspective which shows that the traditional view can be overly superficial.Ecclesiastes expresses the view that human work, whether practical or intellectual, achieves nothing of lasting value. Hard work brings people stress and anxiety in the present. In the longer term it is overtaken by death. Thus nothing meaningful is gained by the work we do. Whether we’ve done much with our life or virtually nothing, we all end up as dust.This certainly seems pessimistic and yet some interpreters of Ecclesiastes believe that the book has a positive message. Contradictory interpretations suggest that the author may be deliberately ambiguous. Possibly the book is meant to be read in either a despairing or joyous mood. Thus people’s work may not pay off in this life but perhaps there is hope of being with God beyond death.When I read the book it usually seems more skeptical than hopeful. However, there are clearly some moments of brightness. Whatever may be true of the work we do, what God does endures for ever. In the present God gives people material things to enjoy and wants them to be glad of heart. ‘Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him’ (Ecclesiastes 8:12). In that verse there is no skepticism, simply an endorsement of the traditional Israelite view.I think that Ecclesiastes reflects the ambiguity of life in the world as we know it. it offers a different perspective on Israel’s traditional view of wisdom without denying that there is truth within that. As we look at the world we see much that makes little sense and that could bring us to a place of despair. Ecclesiastes sees life in an honest and matter of fact way. At the same time it encourages readers to ‘Remember your Creator.’ In so doing the author suggests that there is a life beyond this strange world of ours that can be for us a source of hope.Blogging at William Bates Wisdom

Which of the four possibilities do you think is more correct after death?

first: there may be an unknown realm and space in another unknown place after death. Second: death may exist in a different form. Third: The life that may become the reincarnation of other creatures or animals after death exists. fourth: Perhaps in reality all the imagination and statements after death are false, death may be eternal Unconscious and feeling.

Jehovah witnesses, no concious awareness after death?

When a Witness presents Ecclesiastes 9:5 and others to support their belief of annihilation, at first glance, it can truly catch one off guard. But as with every text that is presented there are many factors that have to be taken into consideration: Author, writing style, point of view, context, the milieu in which it was written, etc. As one takes such influential factors into account, the meaning and purpose of the text will become clear.

Solomon’s demeanor, in modern terminology would be best described at this time, as a secular humanist in:

His ‘life is meaningless’ attitude (Eccl 1:2),
His admonitions to eat, drink, and enjoy life (Eccl 5:18; 10:19),
He is seemingly indifferent about morality (Eccl 7:16-17),
His apparent denial of an afterlife (Eccl 3:19-21; 9:2, 6),
If he does not deny it, he at least admits complete agnosticism about the afterlife (Eccl 3:22).

The Watchtower is using Solomon’s writings to substantiate their doctrine of annihilation, but af