Does Hamon Come Back In Jojo

Does Hamon come back in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

So I'm on episode 4 of Stardust Crusaders, and I'm kinda disappointed that they are using stands now instead of Hamon. Do they start using it again in this season or later arcs? Does Jotaro learn to use it? Or do they switch to some new ability? I don't really like stands and hope they go away eventually. please no major spoilers and thanks

Anime question, is Hamon gone for good in Jojo?

So I just started Stardust Crusaders, and suddenly, we have stands... Stands are pretty bitchin', but I'll miss the sheer manliness of Holy Sunlight Sparkling Breath (Yes, it's manly, shut it). Are we going to get hamon back? No plotline spoilers please, just whether or not we keep the ripple

Can Joseph Joestar still use hamon? Why or why not?

He gave up training when he married Suzie Q as he wanted a peaceful family life and harmon attracts trouble. The lack of training caused him to lose most of his advanced techniques but he still has harmon.Hermit purple is the embodiment of harmon. As araki says in Jojonium. He imagined Harmon as vines that wrapped around the users body. So Hermit Purple is basically the Harmon stand.You see he uses it briefly when fighting Dio at the end of stardust crusaders. But Dio is so powerful it has little effect.By part 4. Joseph is extremely old and forgetful. By not using Harmon enough, he didn't benefit from the slow ageing effects. His old age in part 4 has likely left him too weak to use harmon. As it is said that he has had a heart attack, which is why he uses a cane.Harmon relies on the heart pumping blood around the body. His weak old heart probably could not generate enough harmon.

Why did Hirohiko Araki essentially do away with The Ripple/Hamon/Sado by the time he wrote JJBA Part 3: Stardust Crusaders?

Thanks for the A2A, Gaby George. Parts 1-3 and (very little of) 7 spoilers ahead.There are two ways to explain the disappearance of Hamon from later parts, out of which one could be considered in-universe while the other is more related to the way Araki works on his manga.In Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency we learn that Hamon is the energy wave identical in nature to the sun's rays, basically allowing the user to conduct objects with it's power. However, the Ripple has several weaknesses - the user has to be able to breathe properly and the blood flow of his/her body must be strong enough. This forces the users to fight using ranged arms such as scarfs or soap bubbles. In Stardust Crusaders we see Joseph Joestar trying to trick Dio into touching his Hamon-filled body, which sadly does not really work. One could assume that this makes stands the next step on the ladder of evolution, considering the fact that we see Dio using a stand most probably belonging to the late Jonathan.To conclude, Hamon and it's part 7 counterpart known as Spin are the paths to develop one's stand.Second explanation is a rather prosaic one. Araki enjoys creating unique stories, so featuring Hamon again would probably seem boring to him. The Ripple allows it's users to maintain their youth for a long time, which is most likely the reason why he decided that Joseph should cease his training. It would be very easy for him to steal the show from the younger JoJo's, contrary to his more of a background, mentor role.

Who do you think is the strongest Joestar?

Joseph. I say this for these reasons:He is both a practinioner of the Ripple and a Stand master. A bridge between Jonathan and his descendants if you will in terms of powerHe’s faced off all three of the Pillar Men when he was only 19 and then Dio in his 60’s. Both ages at which normal people would be quite vulnerable due to either youthful inexperience or an aged body. That and a lifetime of being targeted and facing off smaller adversaries.Lost his arm but was able to fling Kars into deep space by distracting him long enough for him to be propelled by stray debris. I guess you could even call that luck (and incredibly detailed writing. Araki is probably a pillar man himself)Has seen so much death and destruction yet still tries his best to be a loving father to his children and father figure to his grandchildren, unlike SOME people *COUGHjotaroCOUGH*.He’s lived long enough to be a grandfather. I think he’s probably the only Joestar to actually live a full lifetime. I’d elaborate more on Joestar deaths but that would be spoiling it too much which is very rude.thisJotaro is a close second because hello! He can punch things and stop time?With that said, I do not have access to the manga (I know its online but I much prefer having the physical copy, also I’m lazy) so most of this information I’ve gotten from watching the anime so I might be missing some huge things.Thanks for reading!

Why did they change the JoJo anime/manga supernatural powers from Hamon to Stands?

The answer is based part monetary and part practicality.I read a series of interviews and stories about Araki but unfortunately, I can no longer seem to find this information… So I will just summarize what I remember.In the late 80s when the manga was first appearing in Shonen Jump the battle tendencies *wink* of the characters was fairly ordinary and did not stand out from the other manga of the time. Basically, everything was all about “power level” and all the manga at the time utilized a chi-like attack as seen in Naruto and DBZ. For all intents and purpose, the energy blasts from Hamon really did not stand apart from the energy blasts of DBZ and Naruto or any other fighting style that was dominant in the 80s.JJBA in its first two arcs had a dedicated, almost cult fanatic, following but it wasn't wildly popular because it blended in too much with other fighting styles at the time. Araki also realized that he would constantly be forced to increase the power level of enemies to make more and more exciting fights as the arcs progressed. This is one reason why I feel DBZ and Naruto have really fallen off because they have become boring they are basically just filled with a cluster-fuck of atomic explosions that should wipe out the entire planet on every issue.When stands were released in the early 90s it was a game changer it allowed for fluid dynamic fighting without ever having to increase power level. Araki could pump out endless amounts of enemies all fresh and powerful but without ever having to find a illustrated means of showing who was more powerful. In the early mangas you would recognize an enemy was more powerful by their power level or by the size of their chi blasts. By switching to stands he could illustrate a more powerful villain by creating a more powerful stand skill set.Sales drastically jumped when this “new” style of fighting was released and it really put JJBA on the map as a major name in Japan.