Does He Like Me Or Are We In A Really Comfortable Friend Zone

Does he like me or am I friend zoned?

There is a guy I like and I read alot about this, but he does some of them and acts friendly and flirty at the same time. He does these:

- He makes eye to eye contact when we talk.
- He looked a bit happy and surprised when my friend told him that find him handsome. But I didn't tell her, she just made it up.
- He looks happy when my friend isn't on the bus, we talk more those days.
- He doesn't look uncomfortable when my foot or arm touch to his.
- He says hey everytime he sees me in school.
- He likes to show off his weird talents and enjoys watching mine.
- He looks around and stops for 5 seconds when he sees me.
Please help me! I know these mostly mean he likes me, but a boy best friend can do these as well. I also heard he has a girlfriend. *looks confused*

How to friend zone a really clingy guy?

So I have known this guy for about five years now but we got really close the past two. We've always been really comfortable around each other and he's always been very clingy and touchy and protective with me I have always thought of him as just a good friend but in the past few months he's became even more clingy I've always known he's had a crush on me and he's never tried to hide it but hes been making it so obvious the last few weeks he keeps sitting on my lap, giving me hugs and holding me from the back he puts his arms around my shoulders and touches my hands. But today he basically said he likes me, I like a guy right now and he knows this every time I bring up the guy he gets jealous I do not like my friend though! Anyway today he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me he tried kissing my cheeks and my head but I kept moving my head away he tried holding my hand but again I kept moving he did this all lunch when I went to go to class he walked me and I asked him which of my crushes he liked more for me? He said I would choose neither if I was you I would choose me. I love having him as a friend hes literally like my older brother but he's so damn touchy with me how can I tell him to stop? Also is it to late to friend zone him can we still be as close?

Am i in the friend zone?

there is this girl i met about 3-4 months ago ish now and since then we have become atleast good friends. I pretty much always go clubbing with her every week and whilst im there i have noticed her looking accross the club at me and looking away when i see her, asking me to come to see her, inviting me to go clubbing if not already planned and we have often danced sexually together (grinding).

I have stayed round her house for the night a few times and have slept in her bed once and we spooned/ kissed a few times in bed and i tried it on but she said she wasn't that easy. Btw that was all whilst we were both heavily drunk.

Anyway we talk alot and today she said something that took me a little by surprise if im honest and that was "literally think we should, we would be the next big thing bro!" YES she called me bro!, now this is one of them things that boys take very far compared to how girls mean it to sound.

So if she called me bro does that mean im in the friend zone??

she has only called me bro once.

Why does a guy I like act like he friend-zoned me but he still treats me really special compared to other girls?

Relax, you haven’t been friend-zoned. Friend-zoning is what girls do to a guy when they believe he isn’t good enough to date, but they still want to keep him around because the attention he gives them feeds their ego, but I digress.Now, this goes against my better judgement, but I am going to explain a little bit of how men think. Please do not abuse this knowledge I am about to share with you, okay? The reason he treats you different or “special” compared to other girls is that he holds you in higher regard and may even harbour a burgeoning affection for you. Essentially, you are special to him. He’s trying his best to keep it on the “down-low” to see how you react to what he is doing, but since you’ve noticed, he’s failed (we men are not that good at being subtle).Another reason for his slow and steady approach is that he is attempting to cultivate an environment where he feels both comfortable enough and confident enough to actually make a move on you when the time is right. For us guys, putting ourselves out there like this is awkward A F: not only are we making ourselves completely vulnerable (a situation most men hate being in), but we’re also making a proverbial “leap of faith” and hoping you reciprocate our feelings. You would be surprised at the sheer number of females who react to this sort of confession unfavourably (by cringing, giving a look of horror/disgust, laughter, etc.) and crush the guy’s ego either thoughtlessly, or even worse, deliberately.Remember, you like him and he obviously likes you. Just be patient, he’s fixing to make a move on you.

How to Friendzone a guy?

give him 'dead convo' - when he tells you he likes you and you don't really know how to reply, just say 'lol that's sweet' or 'aw' and that's all. Don't compliment him back if you feel uncomfortable with it.

Also, if he's telling you he likes you whilst he has a gf, it's a bit jerk-ish of him?

When you guys get talking about relationships or he asks you out, just be honest with him. Tell him you don't see him in that way and you like him as a friend.

It's a harsh way i guess but some guys/girls don't really understand 'no'

My crush and I are super close and comfortable around each other. I don't know if we friend zoned each other or maybe he likes me. He makes it hard to tell, so what do I do?

My ex-fiancé and I spent a lot of time together casually as friends before we became a couple. We were, as you described it, “super close and comfortable” with each other. But it never would have become anything more than a good platonic friendship if one or the other of us hadn’t been willing to speak up and ask what was going on, or to make a move to make it something more.Relationships are founded on and maintained by good communication.