Does Heart Rate Increase In Workouts Help Burn Fat

Heart rate to burn fat & lose weight?

No, you will burn fat at the aerobic zone just as well (or more so) than at the fat burning zone. The only problem is sustainability. It's better to burn fat by doing a workout for 1hr at lower intensity than burning it for 30mins at a higher intensity. But as to not make this any more confusing - if your heart reate is above the "fat burning zone" you'll be burning fat.

Does asthma raise your heart rate, thus burn more calories?

Just what it says above. I have asthma and i can barely do even a light jog for ONE minute without having to take a break. Im starting to run everyday, hopefully making my lungs stronger; but since asthma increases your heart rate, do you burn more calories because of it? Not sure if that makes sense, but if it does please help.

Im 13, if that even has anything to do with anything

Does a high heart rate burn more calories?

No. A high heart rate means that your heart has to work harder to pump your blood through your body, meaning it is not as healthy as a heart that is slower. It means that your muscles are not as strong and need to compensate and work harder; therefore, having a slower heart rate means that your heart and muscles are stronger.

Purging is never good for your health. You should stop focusing so much on calorie consumption and more on general health; purging can lead to liver disease/failure, osteoporosis and other diseases. Exercise is important; it will strengthen your heart and your other muscles. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn (that is why men are typically warmer and have a higher metabolism; with more muscle mass, they use up more of the calories they consume for energy rather than fat). But fat is still very important, because without it, your organs can fail. Everything in moderation. Eat a healthy diet, exercise. Don't purge. It won't do you any good.

Does vasaline help me burn more fat during exercise?

Your trainer is most certainly correct. It will make you sweat more and you will lose more of the water weight that your body is holding on to.

Boxers have been using a product called Albolene for years to drop weight fast so that they can make their fight weight. It is a make-up remover but they found that when applied to the body, it makes you sweat like crazy, helping them reach their weight goals.

Vaseline will give you similiar results.

You can read more about why and how it works at and it can be purchased at or in drugstores like Eckerd, CVS.. etc.

Good luck.

EDIT : You want to apply the Vaseline or Albolene to your problem areas like your love handles or lower stomach that you just can't seem to lose the fat from. Boxers apply it to their whole stomach and upper body to maximise the sweating. For the normal person, it is more practical to apply it to the areas where you have ttrouble losing weight. You should see an improvement in those areas within a week of using the product and continuing your cardio.l

Do people with higher heart rates burn more calories?

Do you mean higher resting heart rate?Do not use the resting heart rate as the benchmark for calorie burn. If two people are of the same weight, their resting heart rates may not be the same. Due to genetics one may have a larger volume heart than the other. In that case, his or her resting heart rate will be less. The TOTAL volume of blood delivery remains the same. Thus the calorie burn is the same. For an average person it is about 5 liters per minute.Another factor is that an endurance trained person will always have a lower resting heart rate than normal.Which makes resting heart rate irrelevant in any calculation of calorie burn.

Does having tachycardia burn more calories than a normal heart rate?

This is a very good question. Based on my education and knowledge, metabolism is the defining factor in calorie expenditure. Metabolism is related to physiological processes including core temperature, amount of lean muscle mass, overall bodyweight and exercise intensity.A high heart rate is a small component of caloric expenditure (if at all) and typically individuals with low fitness levels have a higher resting heart rate. Said individuals do not have a high metabolism, however. Tachycardia can be viewed in the same way.Fit individuals with a high metabolism usually have a low resting heart rate which is the opposite of tachycardia.Best wishes.

Does cardio really burn fat?

Cardio burns calories, and only burns fat if the amount of accumulated calories burned are sufficient to induce it.To lose 1 pound, you would have to approximately burn 3,500 calories. Spread it out over a week would mean 500 calories deficit per day. Hence, with proper diet coupled with exercise, such as cardio, that helps to reach your calories deficit, over time, it can lead to fat loss.With that being said, the reason why there are many people claiming that cardio does not burn fat is due to a few factors:The duration of cardio is too short. In order to reach the fat-burning zone, your cardio session has to be a minimum of 30–45 minutes at the right intensity.The intensity of cardio is too light. More effort equals more calories burned. If your intensity of your cardio is always too light (too easy), definitely you will not be burning sufficient calories to stimulate fat loss.Your body is too used to the same intensity. Since your body is used to the similar intensity, your exercise will be less efficient in calories burning. Hence, fat loss is much less compared to varying intensity cardio.To be able to burn fat efficiently with cardio exercises, there are two types of training zone:Fat-burning zone. Running at this zone is the best to target fat loss. However, it requires at least 30–45 minutes in general to reach the fat burning zone. Hence, your cardio sessions cannot be too short. To calculate your own target heart rate zone to reach fat loss cardio, you may use the SevenFitness - Target Heart Rate Zone Calculator for Cardio ExercisesHigh Intensity Interval Training. To burn a huge amount of calories within a short period of time, HIIT cardio training is the best for busy people. A HIIT cardio training is as shown below.To know more fitness tips and sample workout templates, check out more at SevenFitness, a Diet and Exercise Tips Blog.

What EXACTLY does cardio workout do?

A cardio workout (if done right) keeps your heart healthy, reduces fat, and can keep you in better shape..which will help in life.

A good workout is running/jogging (which you seem to already be doing), and biking. They both increase heart rate,which in turn keeps your heart "in shape."

As for the treadmill question; it all depends on how far and fast you go. if you go slow and not very far (in terms of miles ran) then you won't see visible results right away. If you steadily increase your pace weekly (even a small amount each week) you'll keep your body challenged and the weight will drop.
However, I also suggest eating healthy to drop weight. Drink lots of water (8 cups/day, at least) and cut out pop or a lot of caffeine if you drink it. Also, eat more whole grains and fruits/veggies, and less fatty foods and red meat (this helps the cardiovascular system).
Good Luck! Stay healthy!

Does drinking coffee before exercise really increase calorie burn?

Caffeine is a stimulant that acts directly upon the central nervous system, as a result of which you are able to push harder in a workout.Caffeine is quickly absorbed in the body in some where around 15–30 minutes but it hits its peak stimulation in 50–75 minutes.Caffeine is also responsible for increasing the release of feel goof neurotransmitters such as dopamine, Which effects pain and increases your endurance.In simpler words, getting sweaty will be much more enjoyable and you can easily out perform what you did yesterday,Various reasons for having coffee before your workout:Accelerates fat loss: Caffeine helps to use fat cells as energy source and hence act as an aid in fat loss mechanism. So it definitely increases your calorie burn.Increases performances: It provides with you with an extra edge and higher metabolism rate which enhances your overall performance.Decreases muscle pain: As a result of this you can take more reps at higher resistance and increased body endurance.Prevents diseases: Caffeine stimulates the release of high amount of Anti-oxidants which increases body immunity against free radicals.Now the question is when should you have coffee. If you workout in the morning then have it 30 minutes before your workout and if you go to gym in evening then have it before 7 otherwise you may hinder along with your sleeping cycles and can end up having less time for recovery.Hope your query is being solved.