Does It Mean That You Love Yourself When You .

What does it mean to LOVE YOURSELF?

Step one is to forgive yourself for all the things you know you have done and feel guilty for.
Step two is to asses yourself and find out what your strengths are, what your good points are, and what you are good at.
Step three is to learn to appreciate yourself for all those things that you are good at, and to start telling yourself that you are a good and worthy person, and you deserve to be happy.
Step four is to periodically do something that will improve you. It could be to start an excercise program, to quit smoking, to lose that pesky five pounds, or to do something you have always wanted to do like learn to speak French.
Whatever it is, it should help you in your life, and make you happier about yourself.
Next, every time someone gives you a compliment, you have to say "thank you" and mean it, and accept it as a truth.
Every day after that, work toward being the person you always wanted to be. That is how I did it. Good Luck!

What does 'love yourself' mean? How can a person love thyself?

The phase, ‘You have to love yourself before you can love someone else’ is yet one more example of pop-psychology, conventional wisdom.The basis to the phrase might mean, it is important to be self-confident and offer something in a relationship. Because if a person has self-esteem, a sense of pride and goals in life, they likely worked to improve themselves and their lot in life (i.e., loved themselves) and therefore can offer something of value in the relationship (can not love someone else).Unfortunately, well-meaning people love to utter trite, worn-out pop-psychology-phases, not because they are applicable to another person or situation, or add any value, but because they are comforting, because they are so commonly overused and familiar.A person could have achieved everything possible in life, and before going out on a date, still expect a well-meaning friend to offer the same empty platitude, dressed-up as some kind of kernel of wisdom.If offered the same, ‘You have to love yourself before you can love someone else’ round of unsolicited advice, a good way to handle this is to pierce your lips and reply back with a forced-smile and closed-eyes, “I think I got it handled…but thank you…”

What does "love yourself so no one has to" mean to you?

Love yourself so no one has to.

^ to me, it means love yourself so you don't have to depend on anyone else. i've been through a lot, and i always told myself that so it could get me through tough times. nobody loved me at the time, so i hated myself. and as i grew to love myself, i let more people into my life. thats my interpretations of the words. whats yours?

Must you love yourself before others can love you?

Anybody can love anybody, but It is clear you are talking about something else. Just because someone can love you does not mean that they want to have a relationship with you.
