Does It Really Take A Billion Dollars To Run For President

If you had 1 billion dollars how would you successfully become president with no prior politics knowledge?

I couldn’t, and wouldn’t.No amount of money can substitute for solid knowledge for any given job or the desire to be in that job. I suppose I could engage a battery of tutors to bring me up to speed on the fine points of government, law, and political theory, but that is no subsstitute for experience coming through the ranks from local school board to mayor, to state assemblyperson, to governor, to senator, to president. Moreover, I have less than no desire to ever be in politics at all, let alone be president. I’ve had people tell me I should run for office, and I have declined emphatically. I think I’d do a far better job than the moron who currently has the job, but that is saying very, VERY little.Money does not mean competence in any given field. You can buy information, occasionally experience, but you can’t buy smarts, and you can’t buy the traits that make one a good political leader. And you definitely can’t buy the desire to do the job.

Why can't President Trump use the 14 billion dollars confiscated from the Mexican drug lord to build the wall?

It would probably be the only way that Cheeto-in-charge could even remotely come close to fulfilling his campaign promise of having Mexico pay for his vanity project.Unfortunately, reality steps in the way.First and foremost, there is no confiscated money. Not yet anyway. El Chapo's trial in the U.S. only began a couple months ago. That $14B is one of the things that the prosecution is seeking. That amount is only an estimate from the DEA as to what El Chapo has earned running his cartel. That estimate doesn't include operational costs of the cartel. El Chapo's actual worth is more likely to only be around 3 or 4 billion. Even then, assuming a likely win in court, whatever assets are actually physically acquired, the final amount may be less yet.The next hurdle is what actually happens with forfeited assets. They are not simply deposited into the treasury to be spent on whatever those who control the purse strings desire. The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 established the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund. That is where all the money goes. The rules as to how those monies are used is laid out in 28 U.S.C. 524 (c). The Attorney General is authorized to use those funds to pay any necessary expenses associated with forfeiture operations and investigative costs.The bottom line is that there is currently no way that one penny of that money could ever be used towards the Wall, or for that matter, any other government expenditures.Sources:The Fund28 U.S. Code § 524 - Availability of appropriations

If you were offered 4 billion dollars or the Presidency of the United States, which offer would you take? Why?

Hello there OP,I’d take the money because I’d have to be paid more than $400,000, per year plus the benefits ($50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment)[1] to put up with being the US President. The amount of time, energy, and creativity needed to fulfill the job is best left to those with the ego to actually want the job. The President is not free.This is supposed to represent $ 1 billion in $100 bills.[2] This times 4, it just about right.$ 4 billion will free you from everything except death and taxes. I’ll take the billions and go off to do my work, my way (for a pleasant change), and see what turns up.CiaoFootnotes[1] Trump has said he does not want to take a salary, but he may have to[2] Proof That a Million Dollars Isn't as Much as You Think

Is Kanye actually going to run for president in 2020?

No it was a publicity stunt

Why did Donald Trump give up his billion dollar business and choose to become the President of the United States which pays him only $400,000 a year?

Your question contains two inaccuracies. First, the “billion dollar business.” We don’t know how much his business is worth, what its total revenue is, or how much of that revenue ends up in Donald Trump’s pocket. It is a privately held company, not a publicly traded corporation, and Trump (unlike his predecessors going back decades) has not released his tax returns to the public. The tax returns would detail how much the business earns and how much he, personally, earns.Second, that Trump gave up his business. He should have dissociated himself from his business, but he did not. “Turning management over to his children,” even if he actually did so, is not the same. It is still his business, and he can make decisions as president that he knows will help the business.Even if he did properly dissociate himself from his business, that would not be “giving up” anything. The more normal approach would be for someone in Trump’s position to move his assets into a blind trust. That is, a trustee would manage them, and not let the asset owner know what is being done—though he would still get any profits.Trump seems to be using the presidency to divert money from taxpayers and other sources to his properties—and, ultimately, to himself. The $400,000 salary is gravy.

Do presidential candidates really get federal funding for their campaigns?

Yes. There is federal funding available for Presidential campaigns. It is in the form of matching donations. The government will match up to $250 of any individual donor.However, in order to qualify, a party must first receive $5000 in donations from each of 20 states in the primaries or must have received 5% of the vote in the previous general election. Plus the party must agree not to spend more than $10 million in the primaries or $20 million in the general election.Needless to say, neither the Democrats nor the the Republicans would agree to $20 million campaign limits. So neither party receives any federal money. However minor parties have received funds. Gary Johnson’s Libertarian Party qualified by receiving more than 5% of the vote in 2012.

Can someone, explain why it costs billions of dollars to run for president of the United States of America?

Because it benefits people with immense wealth and power. It means to run for President, you either have to be one of them (Bushes, Clinton’s, Trumps) or court them, their money, and their issues (Obama).Why didn’t Obama force BP to take more responsibility after the Deepwater Horizon spill? Because he needed oil money to run for re-election. They were able to force him to sacrifice some of his values to get re-elected so he could get other things done.The Citizens United ruling took off caps on individual donations, resulting in a spiraling upward of costs to run for President—from approximately one billion dollars in the early 2000s, to an estimated 10 billion dollars in 2012. This recent election is hard to analyze due to Bernie Sanders’ low-budget appeal and the billions upon billions of dollars of free advertisement Trump is estimated to have received.But the systemic reasons behind this go back to the architecture of the constitution, and the Federalist-anti-federalist debate.In his federalist papers James Madison argued that ‘large districts are manifestly favorable to the election of persons of general respectability and probable attachment to the rights of property’. The founders were concerned that the colonists were taking their talk about democracy rather seriously, resulting in calls or fair prices, social leveling and true equality, resulting in uprisings such as Shay’s Rebellion. The federalists felt that the bigger districts were, and the more widely one has to broadcast their message to be heard, the more elections would be in the hands of those who control the means of communication.I mean, it’s not like they didn’t warn us.