Does Lithium Make You Gain Weight

Just started lithium-weight gain on stomach area?

There is a chance I could be pregnant. Had sex right after my period and started lithium around the same time. Used the pull out method during sex. I have always had very little stomach fat and more on my thighs byr now I have a little pot belly. Is this the lithium ??? For those who know about it - Alsi my diet has been very limited and I have fast metBlsm so this isn't normal. Thanks!

Does lithium always cause weight gain?

Whoa, I know how you feel because I have Bipolar Disorder & ADHD too. I take Adderall for my ADHD but both Concerta & Adderall are class 2 stimulant medications & it's possible the Concerta could have caused the panic attacks or through you into a bit of mania/hypomania. I took Klonopin for my anxiety & it was not strong enough for me, it's possible it isn't for you either. Now I take Xanax & it works. It comes in a short acting form or a sustained release form (brand name) that is more similiar to Klonopin but stronger. Now as far as her not returning your e-mails as far as I know they CAN NOT talk to you through e-mail due to the privacy laws & HIPPA (someone could hack into your computer or someone else could be reading them) so that is why she is probably not e-mailing you back. You should always call & leave a message with her nurse & explain the situation this way (many years experience with psychiatrists trust me) & state you want a phone call back today. Now the issue with Lithium. It's a mood stabilizer just like Lamictal but Lamictal has allot less side effects & it sounded to me like you were doing well on it so your going to have to speak to her as to why she chose to cut it down. It doesn't make sence to me either. Lithium is notorious for causing weight gain but some people lose because it can make you a little nausious. To be quite honest I have been on many mood stabilizers & anti-psychotics to help with mania & they ALL made me pack on the pounds. Lamictal is suppose to be weight neutral so again I would question why she wants you off it. I took it & didn't experience many side effects at all but it just din't work for me. There is an older mood stabilizer called Topomax that is also weight neutral & many people lose weight on it. There are many things to try first before Lithium. If this Doctor isn't taking your legitimate side effects into consideration you might want to get a second opinion. Okay, hope I helped:) I know the feeling your not alone. Update, here is a link to Topamax for BPD:

Does cannabis cause weight gain?

Cannabis in itself doesn't make you gain weight but it will make you hungry. And that will lead to you eating a lot more than you usually would which is what'll cause you to gain weight. Otherwise some studies have found that apparently cannabis could help with weight loss.

Does lithium have side effects?

Care to elaborate? I have checked the web for side effects for several drugs, but there is so much conflicting information out there that one never knows, really, unless they talk to someone who has experienced it themself or knows someone who has. thanks.

Does lithium really increase your appetite?

Absolutely. When I was on lithium I was constantly hungry. I craved sweets all the time (which I normally don't do). I would have eaten my sneakers if someone doused them in chocolate. I gained at least 35 lbs. It also affected my thyroid which controls metabolism and that added to the weight gain. I'm still on Synthroid to correct that. They switched me to Lamictal - no weight gain. Lithium doesn't cause weight gain in everyone, but if it does for you, you'll continue to gain.

Do lithium tablets cause weight gain or is it increased appetite that causes weight gain?

You can't gain weight without eating more.According to Why Does Lithium Cause Weight Gain?  lithium binds to a receptor 5-HT1B which influences the serotonine system influencing your mood, and also your appetite.This is the 1999 paper by Olivier Massot they refer to 5-HT1B Receptors: A Novel Target for Lithium: Possible Involvement in Mood DisordersIt seems that by stimulating 5-HT1B receptors it inhibits appetite, drugs that do that e.g. sibutramine and phenformine were therefore used to induce weight loss.  Lithium seems to go the other way.If you understandably are worried about weight gain, start eating less as a precaution, especially don't snack, avoid soft drinks, alcohol, sugars, portion controle would be good too, and do exercise since this will tone your muscles, and partly prevent muscle mass loss should you lose weight.All the best!

Would taking 600 mg less lithium a day make my lithium blood tests come back too low, and would I lose weight?

If you want to reduce your lithium dosage, you need to talk to your doctor. There is a possibility that a dosage reduction would not reduce your blood lithium levels to below therapeutic ranges, but if you change dosages you need to monitor blood levels more closely until you reach a new, safe, stable therapeutic level. It is unlikely that a 600 mg change is appropriate on a long term basis, but your doctor may be willing to 'tweak' your lithium level if you ask. Your doctor can tell you how much you can safely reduce your dosage, and how soon after the change you need to have another blood test. My guess would be that while you reduce the dosage you will need to have frequent tests. Is losing a little weight worth taking chances with your mental health?

Does cannabis interact with antidepressants or lithium?

I can’t speak for all of them but I have been on several antidepressants over the years and smoked cannabis with all of them with no issues. Lexapro, Deseryl, Zoloft, Lamictal and Mirtazapine I’m currently on Prozac and a small dose of Bupropion. Over the counter but by prescription I take Lithium Orotate at 6 a day which would be the lowest prescribed dose. I’ve had no interactions smoking marijuana with this combo. If I did I would change antidepressants. The marijuana is an important part of my mix.