Does Medical Cover Psychological Needs

Is depression a medical or psychological condition?

The answer to your question is both. You've just heard it wrong, or actually, someone probably told you wrong. Medical depression is referred to that ONLY when depression is present when coping with a medical condition. Such as Epilepsy, Diabetes, Alcoholism.etc. The symptoms are similar but not to a severe degree as in those who suffer from it psychologically. Prescription medications can be given, but since it isn't a long lasting, going outside, or as you said finding an activity can get your mind off of the medical condition that is making you feel depressed.

Psychological depression interferes with a persons day to day life and isn't something that can be cured by just doing something else to 'snap out of it' . Since it affects the chemistry in the brain, and isn't something brought on by a medical condition, prescriptions are a must with this type of depression.

Being really bored actually can cause depression, but usually there is an underlying issue. Say for instance you are under house arrest and can't go anywhere. The internet and t.v. are going to get to you pretty quickly, so you end up depressed because you can't do anything. This type of depression is b

According to the medical model, psychological disorders are?

According to the medical model, psychological disorders are

a. learned habits that need to be extinguished.

b. purely imaginary symptoms of distress.

c. maladaptive responses to a troubling environment.

d. sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and cured.

Does India need clinical psychologists in schools and colleges?

Role of Clinical Psychologist is to provide psychological as well as education testing and counselings for children and their families. A clinical psychologist has his/her more focus of making assessment and designing treatment styles and techniques for those who have been diagnosed with some mental health issues/ disorders, whereas a School Psychologist typically works with the school and educational environment. A School Psychologist focuses on assessing and developing educational plans and programs for individual students under their consultative care. A school Psychologist may refer Clinical Psychologist with cases, in which they thinks they need help.You can also connect to School Psychologist online at our online psychological counseling portal. then you can read this article by My Fit Brain and team, it will make you understand that Why India Needs more Psychologists.

I need a psychological analysis. Where do I get one without a psychologist?

No where. It's like asking where to get an eye exam without an optometrist, a building designed without an architect, or a cake without a baker. Find the people trained to do the job, and have them do the job. Identify them using available resources: insurance companies, primary medical care physicians (who likely will be able to provide referrals), state licensing boards (you want to make sure the person you see is trained properly, right??) and even walk-in clinics. Be clear about what it is you're looking to have evaluated.A word of caution: mental health professionals are NOT easily interchangeable. Psychologists receive a specific type and level of training; if they are licensed or certified, their qualifications are even more stringently evaluated. Depending on your referral question, social workers, hypnotherapists, generic "psychotherapists", and even many psychiatrists will likely not be trained to administer psychological assessments relevant to your referral question. A psychiatrist would likely be qualified if your main concern is related to emotional difficulties or possibly overlaps with medical concerns.Be very cautious of people who refer to themselves as "therapists" or just "psychologists", instead of specific titles such as "Licensed Clinical Psychologist." Anyone can call him or herself a "therapist," even if they have no training. Each state specifies the "protected" names which require specific criteria to be licensed. For example, to be a "Licensed Clinical Psychologist" in most states requires a doctoral degree from an accredited program, a minimum amount of supervised training (typically over 1500 hours post-doctoral training!!), and passing a national licensing exam. These restrictions are for the protection of the public from unqualified practitioners who would likely do more harm than good.This is why I make the point about the importance of seeking out an actual psychologist for psychological assessment: they are trained to do so and have proven a minimum level of competence.Please be careful and I wish you the best.

Do you need to go to med school to become a psychologist?

No, you complete a bachelors, take the GRE then go to graduate school (usually you obtain a masters then go for you phd) to become a psychologist. If you go to medical school instead, you obtain an MD and can become a psychiatrist where you would do 3–4yrs of residency in psychiatry after medical school. As a physiatrist you could prescribe medication and you deal with patients who are seeking meds to treat their mental health problem (such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines, ect) for various reasons. As a psychologist you may have patients that are on meds but you do not mainly discuss medical treatment and focus more on the cognitive aspect and treat their behaviors through numerous methods.

My insurance plan doesn't cover mental health and I need a psychologist, what do I do?

Cigna should be separate from Healthy New York and Cigna IS the Mental Health coverage of state plans. So someone is giving you the runaround. However, why do you need a psychologist? The reason I ask that is this: Is it depression? Is it a traumatic experience? Did you have a head injury? In other words, is it something you can see a NEUROpsychologist for. If so, then the standard is that a NEUROpsychologist is NOT mental health, it is covered under Health/Medical because they test to arrive at a MEDICAL (not mental) diagnosis. If Cigna sent you the list then they do cover those psychologists. Stick with it until you get satisfaction. Cigna, like I said, is the mental health network offshoot of medical plans.

***ADDED NOTE:*** - Do you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through work? If you do, seek out the EAP Program Coordinator. They can help you. I would say that your last resort is to find someone and set up a Payment Plan with the billing department (as long as you do that and you're paying "something - I think the lowest is $10/mo) on your bill then they can't sue you.

What type of psychologist can prescribe medicine?

In a few US states, a psychologist who has taken extensive graduate-level psychopharmacology coursework (it is like an additional Master’s Degree on top of the PhD) can prescribe. These are usually states in which there is a great shortage of psychiatric prescribers (typically psychiatrists). A treating psychologist typically spends a great deal more time with a patient than the prescriber. Therefore most psychologists need to be aware of medical conditions that can look like psychiatric symptoms, and they also need to be aware of what medication side effects look like so they can communicate with the prescriber. There are quite a few primary care doctors who are actively prescribing psychiatric medications who have far less training in taking an appropriate psychological history and making an accurate psychiatric diagnosis than psychologists— we spend 5 to 7 years in graduate school focused on this specialty. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen a patient getting worse and worse who was put on anti-depressant medication by a PCP when the patient was actually bipolar— the MD just did not know how to properly screen for those symptoms in the 6 minutes the insurance company gave them to interview the patient. Physician assistants and nurse practitioners in primary care can also prescribe psychiatric medications with far less training in the diagnosis of mental disorders than a psychologist would have. There is certainly a need in this country for more experienced mental health providers who can prescribe. That might mean getting psychologists qualified to prescribe with extensive coursework, it might mean having way more psychiatrists, it might mean giving MDs, NPs, and PAs in primary care much more extensive and practical training for psychopharmacology, it might mean that insurance companies need to give medical providers alot more face-to-face time with patients. This is a big problem particularly in rural areas.

Do Psychiatrists study Psychology?

Psychiatrists must go through the full program of medical school, like every other doctor, and then they add on training in mental health. Psychiatrists are medical doctors.They learn the medical side of mental health, including the various biological reasons for different mental health problems, and medical treatments for mental health problems. To understand what is normal and what is a problem, psychiatric curriculum does include the study of psychology.Not all psychiatrists are extensively trained in clinical therapy, that is, they do not all learn to do the counseling side of mental health. But they all learn about psychology as a science.They learn to be able to recognize someone with a healthy psychological profile, to recognize when someone has some kind of psychological or psychiatric problem, to diagnose that problem, and to prescribe a treatment plan.Many psychiatrists do learn to provide therapy, but many do more work doing diagnosis, prescribing and following medical treatments for mental health needs, or working in hospitals.Psychology is a required subject, but learning to provide clinical talk therapies of various sorts, are not offered consistently to all psychiatry students, rather, it depends on the program and choice of the psychiatric student.

Do you need to study Psychology to become a Psychiatrist?

Both deal with the mind, and how it works, so yes you would need to study Psychology.