Does Michael Fawcett Know Prince Charles Inside Out

Which servant bathes Queen Elizabeth II, including shampooing her hair and setting it?

A delicate question dear boy/girl. I believe i have read somewhere that a chap called Derek calls in once a week and does the lot all at once in one of those large mobile tubs. A good discount is applied and there has been no complaints about the service, to my knowledge.

What was the best thing you were told that made a change in your life?

When I got divorced, in my first visit to see a therapist she gave me a very empowering perspective. She said, "You do not need a husband in your life. You live in a country where women do not need protection; you can get sex anywhere; and you are clearly capable of supporting yourself financially." Until then, I was under the impression that a life without a partner was somehow unfulfilled. Her statement was so blunt and so truthful that it took me months to wrap my head and heart around it. Every time I felt worried to be single, I thought of her words. Further, with those words, she helped me break through a life long pattern of codependency where I had a habit of attaching myself to a person long before I got to know them well enough to do so responsibly. Even more, her statement helped me explore dating, polyamory, swinging, and other forms of physical and emotional relationship building as legitimate, potentially useful models for my life. From that one statement, I had the roadmap to my healing. I became more open minded about what makes me happy. I pleasantly discovered that if I let go of a couple of conditioned responses to the ways of life that I was taught, then I freed myself to accept a lot more happiness and pleasure into my life.***Update***The biggest change I made in my life after this discussion was probably invisible to everyone but me. The change was a mindset change. I used to think that the world was a place of scarcity. I thought you can find love only from your partner. I thought you can find affection, comfort, support only from certain people in certain ways. I thought this way because this is what I was taught. I began to read extensively. I read psychology, buddhist writings, self-help, historical literature, all kinds of mainstream and oddball stuff seeking to understand how other people are going through the experience of being human around all these other humans.What I found the most comfort in was a simple shift from a feeling of overall scarcity to a feeling of overall abundance. I realized that everything I need is available to me in the world. For the feelings of jealousy, loneliness, and unfulfilled needs to exist, you have to think that something is lacking. When you realize it's all at your fingertips, you abandon the ability to feel jealous or lonely.