Does Mixing Copper Sulfate Solution And Iron Powder Result In A Physical Change Chemical Change

Is adding blue Copper (ii) Sulfate to water a Chemical or Physical Change?

A physical change is different from a chemical change in two ways:
1) In a physical change no new substances are made; in a chemical change new substances are made.
2) A physical change can be easily reversed; a chemical change cannot be easily reversed.
Dissolving copper sulphate in water does not produce a new substance. The copper sulphate solution is a mixture, not a pure substance.
Also, by evaporating the water you can easily get the copper sulphate back again.
So, dissolving copper sulphate is a physical change.
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What changes in colour of iron nails and copper sulphate solutions do you observe after keeping the iron nails dipped in copper sulphate solution for about 30 minutes?

The answer is quite simple as it is,Fe is higher in reactivity series i.e. has greater tendency to combine with sulphate and so it displaces Cu and as a result we see CuSO4 turn in FeSO4 and thus the color changes from Blue to Green.And Reddish deposits on the nail.

What is the chemical reaction of zinc and copper (II) sulfate?

Explanation -Zinc is more reactive than copper. So, here , on adding zinc to CuSO4 solution,  zinc displaces copper from copper sulphate & forms zinc sulphate solution. This is indicated by colour change from blue to colourless. CuSO4 solution has a blue colour while ZnSO4 solution is colourless. Chemical equation -Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) -> Cu(s) + ZnSO4 (aq).Type of reaction -It's a displacement reaction.It's a redox reaction. Oxidation number of Cu decreases from 2 to 0 so it's reduced.  Oxidation number of Zn increases from 0 to 2 so it's oxidised.

Chemical and physical changes?

Copper sulfate reacts with Iron in a chemical reaction - it is a chemical reaction.

Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) --> Cu(s) + FeSO4(aq)

Baking soda mixing with water is just a physical change - you are just dissolving sodium bicarbonate:

NaHCO3(s) --> NaHCO3(aq)

Is dissolving CuSo4 in H2O a chemical or physical reaction?

I answered this question before. Here again,Dissolution of unhydrous CuSO4 (white amorphous powder) in water will form complex ion [Cu(H2O)6]^2+, and sulfate anion. It should be counted as a chemical change.Dissolution of hydrate [Cu(H2O)6]SO4 (blue crystal) in water separates the cation [Cu(H2O)6]^2+, and anion. There is no chemical bond change. So it is a physical change.

Difference between chemical change and physical change?

Specifically, when I add blue powder (copper II sulphate) with water, the powder dissolved into it and turns the water blue. Is this a chemical change or physical?

Because according to my notes, if someone dissolved into a substance, its a physical change. But if it changes color, its chemical.

What is the reaction between copper sulfate and iron?

This is reactivity series…I uploaded this image so that this might help you to remember the series…According to this series the more reactive elements are placed at top then are arranged gradually decrement of reactivity.Therefore as iron lies above copper it will displace copper from copper(II)Sulphate being more reactive…hence the reaction Is….Fe + CuSO4 --------> FeSO4 + CuHope it helps!Thank you!Soumo Saha

Is copper sulphate dissolved in water a physical change?

Dissolution is generally considered a chemical change. Remember physical changes change nointrinsic properties such as mass or volume and phase. When a molecule like copper sulphate is added to water it ionizes, or breaks apart into copper ions and sulphate ions. The charged water is able to stablize both ions, so the solution is no longer just water and copper sulphate but water and copper ions and sulphate ions.

What is the reaction between magnesium and copper sulphate?

The single replacement reaction of Magnesium and Copper Sulfate produce:Mg + CuSO4 → MgSO4 + CuTheoretically, if Magnesium is placed in Copper Sulfate solution, a single replacement reaction occurs. Copper solid is displaced and the magnesium loses electrons to copper ions. This is the case because Magnesium is more reactive than the metal Copper in CuSO4. For reference see the image below, I circled both metals on the reactivity series chart.**Update: Magnesium will replace Copper in Copper Sulfate because Magnesium has higher tendency to oxidize compared to Copper.

What type of change takes place between iron and copper sulphate, a chemical or a physical change?

It is a chemical change. Iron is more reactive than copper. In a copper sulphate solution it will displace the copper and form and iron sulphate solution. the copper sulphate solution is blue and when the reaction takes place the color changes to light green which is the color of the iron sulphate solution. The equation for the reaction may be written as:Fe (s) + CuSO(4) (aq) —-> FeSO(4) (aq) + Cu(s)