Does My Crush Like Me

Does my crush like me?

so I like this popular guy in my grade. He's really tall, handsome,funny, and has a great personality. I have 2 classes with him. First of all, I'd like to put out there that he stares at me a one day in science, he sits at the table next to me. We were taking notes about the elements, and his head is on the table facing away from me. As I was looking at the board to see the next set of notes, I see him out of the corner of my eye staring at me like always. Also in class that day, he turns around and announces to my table that he plays me on bike race with me everyday, especially right before he goes to bed. Yesturday, my crush and another guy(the other guy likes me; he asked me out) were staring at my locker and were standing right in front of it like they were gonna write something or do something to my locker. My crush turned around and tried to walk away casually. Also once I was at this pool party and he ended up being there. He didn't say hi to any other girls except me. I was about to go in the pool and he waved to me and said class he always shows off and flirts with other girls around me. Also we got new assigned seats in english class and I ended up being at a two person table with another one of my crushes friends. My friends crush told my crush aw dang it can we switch places. And he smiled and agreed but the teacher says he couldn't.also in school we have to do a community service thing for a grade so we got to choose anyone we wanted for our group. me and my best friend paired up but we needed at least 3 people minimum. I noticed all my crushes friends have a group except my crush. He was staring at me constantly and it looked like he was about to ask to be in my group but it was to late. Two other girls are with my group now. Now I heard that some reasons why popular guys don't ask out normal girls like me. They either are too shy or they are afraid to lose their reputation of being popular. So does he like me or no????? :)

Does my crush like me back?

Im in high school and the hottest girl at school talked to me for the first time a week ago. Im usually shy around hot girls so this surprised me and she even patted me on the shoulder. Two days later we ran into each other in the hallway and talked for a bit. Today when I sent her a meme from instagram which was really funny she opened it and didnt reply anything back. What could this mean? In class we also glance back and forth at each other and she was also near me a lot in the morning but not talking to me. What is happening and what do I do?

Does my crush like me?

OK so my crush is on my school bus and I started liking him like 2 months ago. He hasn't actually noticed me until maybe last Friday. I sit diagonal from him and his friend sit in front of me( which I'd the seat next to him) so when he's talking with his friends, out of the corner of my eye I can see him looking at me, but whenever I turn to actually face him, he looks away. Whenever he doesn't look away fast enogh we make eye contact and once he smiled and waved another time I smiled at him first and he had this weird smile (I'm not really sure what it was because it was an awkward face he made), or he just stare at me while he's still talking to his friends. But when all his friends get off the bus he just stares at his phone and doesn't look at me
We only talked like maybe 3 times. 2 were because of a class we have together the third was when he started talking to me .
For some reason I have this tiny feeling that he might like me( I'm never wrong about my feelings but I'm just being super positive)
So how do I make him like me or get him to ask me out? Or do you think he doesn't like and I should just give up.
I also take these does my crush like me quizzes online and they all say 'maybe' so what do you honestly think?

What do I do if my crush doesn't like me back?

You move the fuck on.Do you hear me?Just get over them and go find someone better or concentrate on yourself and your goals.Here’s some tips because I want to help you get your life together:List your hobbies, friends and family or where you hope to be in the future. Appreciate your own life because at the end of the day all you have is yourself. Think about your future career, what you would like to do and where you see yourself ten years from now.Don’t contact them. Avoid texting or calling your crush as much as possible. If they are not interested they will just be polite with you or not even respond. If it’s necessary delete their number and push them out of your life. I’m sure you don’t want to be heartbroken, don’t you?P.S.: This doesn’t mean you should treat them like shit, be polite and kind. Wave at them if you seem them or make small talk. But that’s it. Just common courtesy.Don’t stalk them on social media. This is the most important step of all. Unfollow them and never look at their profile again. I know it can be tempting to see what they’re up to but KNOCK IT OFF!Keep yourself occupied. Locking yourself in your room won’t solve anything, so try going out instead: even by yourself. If you’re lazy do something you love like reading, watching your favourite movie or tv series, listening to music, writing.. it’s up to you.Delete your messages with them. Don’t get caught up in nostalgia and torture yourself. Get rid of those conversations, it’s time for a new start.Realize that you won’t care about them a few months from now. Life moves on and you should too. Nothing stays the same forever and you surely won’t be feeling this way for the rest of your life. If they don’t like you then fine, it’s their loss. They might not even know the real you or they are just not looking for a relationship right now.Don’t play the blame game. Stop creating scenarios in your head about what it could have been if you acted or said something differently. You did just fine.And lastly remember that it will feel so much better when you find a person that actually likes you back and is truly interested in you.Best regards.

Does my crush's brother like me?

he is very talkative to me. I haven't really got a chance to know him cause i broke it off with my crush, but his brother used to smile and stalk me. His brother played the piano for me, and always starts talking to me, something my ex-crush never did. Also he gets quite jealous? Like i told him im getting his bro (my ex-crush) to play something and he kept on asking me about it or any other guy? He helps me a lot, and he shows me members of his family !

Sorry its a long, but help !

Is my crush lying or does he not like me???

My crush is about 17 or 18. He is going of to collage next year and doesn’t really want to have a girlfriend (he said this to my friend Johnny). I talk to my crush about 3or 5 times a week at lunch or at a school club. I usually have to talk to him first BUT today he came over and sat at my table + Johnny was there too (he sat near me thou). Also “My crush” was pocking me the whole entire time. LOL!!!!!! Then Johnny opened his big mouth and said that he knew who I liked (and he does know) of course my crush wants to know who I like. LOL. So I tell him I might tell him if he calls me tonight/this weekend. So do you think my crush likes me or am I dreaming??????? He also told Johnny that he doesn’t like anyone. So is he lying or does he like me and wont tell Johnny the truth because he knows we are friends and that we talk???

I feel like my crush doesn't like me back. What should I do?

DON’T TRY TO MAKE HER LIKE YOU. Trust me, it isn’t worth your time. You can’t make someone like you.You say “I feel”, so obviously you are unsure. Make sure that he/she either likes you or doesn’t like you. I would highly recommend asking him/her yourself because you don’t want his/her friends to dupe you into thinking that he/she does like you when they really don’t.If you are sure he/she likes you, you know they do and you can ask them out, or whatever you choose to do.If you are sure they don’t like you(like a crush, but they may just like you as a person): Move on. Forget about them the best you can. Don’t make any moves. It’s a waste of your time and energy. Once again, you can’t convince or make them like you, it just happens on its own.

My crush's sister doesn't like me, what do i do??

i like a boy in my school, but his sister doesn't like me, so she plans to make my life misrable, she already tripped me and almost made me fall down the stairs, threw a wooden spoon at my back, and she pushed me into a puddle

i hate her so much and she is only one year younger then me, so i can hurt her, but i am scared that if i do anything to her she will tell her brother (who i really like)