Does My Mars Being In Libra Place My Sun In Scorpio In Fall Accidental Debility

Question about debilitation and exaltation in astrology?

I have my scorpio moon sign in the 9th house and it's 7 degrees (what does that mean? Is it exalted or debilitated?)

And my ascendant sign is aquarius (24 degrees), is it debilitated or exalted?

Sun sign: Libra (9 degrees) [debilitated - I know]…I don't know about my rising and moon..Pls. help, I want to know :) Much appreciated!!

How can planets debilitated or exalted in astrology be seen?

They can be seen as providing a range of useful information.And there is more than debility and exaltation.There is rulership, exaltation, triplicity, term, face, peregrine, detriment and fall. Although “modern” astrology has discarded a few of those, sadly.They are all part of what is called “essential dignity.”A planet in its own sign, like Mars in Aries, is like being at home. It is essentially strong in this sign. Whereas in Libra, Mars is in detriment. And so is less able to express itself there.Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Exaltation is like being an honoured guest at a party. Strong, but not quite as strong as being in Aries (or Scorpio) because it is not “home.”The other essential dignities and debilities work along these lines. Combined - and in tandem with accidental dignities and debilities - we can get a very nuanced picture of a person’s horoscope.So planets can be “seen” rather like people.Mars in Aries is someone in their own home and best able to be their true self. But if the house floods (accidental debility) they are still strong essentially, but are in a difficult situation.Mars in Libra might be someone action-oriented who needs to connect and consult about what they do. Mars is not so good at doing this. And if this Mars is conjunct the Ascendant then it is accidentally dignified. Making it louder and stronger - for better or worse.

If Venus is very strong in my chart, does it affect my compatibility with other signs?

You do not specify how you consider your Venus to be strong. Sun, Moon, and Saturn will always have more influence over the whole.It is not possible to generalise because we need to take into account not only the positions of other planets, but any aspects from other planets to Venus - “easy” or “hard”.It is clear that many astrologers do not realise that all planets have their positive and negative effects - so if Venus is too “strong” it can lead to laziness and idleness.There is a very fine dividing line between the “peacefulness” of Venus, and cowardice. “Keeping the peace”.Venus is the planet of “Desire” - so strong desires can tend to override common sense - even leading to things like drug and alcohol abuse, if not obesity.It is also necessary to realise that Venus is the root of Sexual Desire and “Venerial” diseases. The “co-operation” of Venus usually has selfish motives (“keeping the INNER peace”).We can consider the activity of Venus with its rulership of Libra and opposition to Aries/Mars.Libra is opposite the Sign of Aries in the Zodiac. In the human and animal kingdoms Aries “The Ram” is basically concerned with “survival of the fittest” and Mars “God of War” to help achieve that. We have the Aries image of rutting rams in Spring - the Time of Aries. The Rams are not interested in females yet, they fight with one another to determine which of them eventually get to the females to ensure that the strongest DNA is carried forward to the next generation.This energy must later be modified by Libra/Venus as being concerned with “Partnerships”. If aggression continues, actual mating would not eventually take place in the Sign of Scorpio.So, at a basic level, Libra/Venus is concerned with “COURTSHIP”.If we observe Nature, we see that all living things such as animals, birds, insects, and fish - as well as humans - have Courtship Rituals to enable mating to take place.

Does the term 'affliction' in astrology only deal with the aspect and conjuction of malefic planets?

The idea of a ‘planetary affliction’ comes as a heritage from classical astrology, and although scarcely used in a modern interpretation, it comes even now into play in Horary or Electional charts.The term ‘affliction’ refers to essential and accidental debilities, as Morin de Villefranche stated for the first time in his ‘Astrologia Gallica’. The term essential debility means that the negative state of the planet is associated with its position in an unsuitable sign, namely in Fall, Exile or Peregrine (a planet is considered to be Peregrine when in a neutral position, e.g. Mars in Gemini). Sometimes retrograde planets are considered to be part of it, as well as a planet in Ferality (without any aspect).Accidental debilities on the other side refer to negative factors coming from the outside of the planet itself, in other words the circumstances that prevent the planet to achieve its goals. They include:1. Negative aspect with other planets, especially the outer ones and particularly if the grater and the lesser malefic (traditionally Saturn and Mars) are in poor condition themselves.2. Planets slow in motion, i.e. close to a retrogradation.3. Planet placed in 12th, 8th or 6th House, although some astrologers don’t agree with the evil action of the 12th House.4. Planets between 8 and 17 degrees of arc from the Sun, called combust or burned by the Sun itself. Surprisingly enough when the planet is close to the Sun or in conjunction (cazimi), it is considered to be in dignity, except for Mars.5. Planets conjunct the South Node or close to Algol (Beta Perseus, Taurus 25° 12’).6. Planets in the ‘combust path’ (from Libra 13° to Scorpio 9°).

What determines which sign a planet is exalted in in astrology?

When people  start studying astrology , and learn about exaltation and debilitation ( Fall) of planets , most  will do a literal translation of these words and would predict great things in case of exaltation and very bad things in case of debilitation of planets . In my initial years , I too committed this mistake but later I found that people with Jupiter debilitated had more wealth than those with exalted Jupiter . In Vedic astrology , exaltation is called "Uchcha" in Sanskrit meaning high.After looking over hundreds of charts , I can say that exaltation means " High Idealism" and debilitation means " Loss of Idealism" for the matters under control of that planet .Charles Jameson has beautifully described the difference between  rulership and exaltation.For example, Sun , the planet of administration  is ideally placed exalted  in Aries , the first sign of  Zodiac  for Sun rise , the border, head, courage , risk taking. A good king's or ruler's  first priority is to safeguard the borders (protection) and if possible , to extend the border ( growth)and make a big country and Aries is right place to prove that . The same Sun in Libra , the sign of wavering ( like a balance ) mind , in state of indecision , influenced by others greatly like a balance , will make the ruler poor decision-maker , therefore unfit for ruling over large territory and lOng duration. Libra is also sign for Sun set, consumption, sex , luxury . So, any king / administrator indulging excessively in such activities will soon lose the empire as history has demonstrated . Similarly , Moon ( Mind) is most happy when it gets wealth , food , comfort and that too within its own family and acquaintances . So Moon is exalted in Venus sign , Taurus , while in Scorpio , it gets mysterious setbacks , conspiracy from near and dears , death and unexpected losses , so  mind has to get most unhappy there .Planet ownership of Zodiac signs

How do you work with maléfics in the Seventh House astrology?

The “malefics” in traditional Western astrology are Saturn and Mars.If one or both of them are in the 7th house, then (very generally) the person will have partnerships or relationships with Saturn or Mars characteristics.But much will depend on other factors. Such as looking at the whole horoscope, and the planetary “condition” of Saturn and Mars in the horoscope.By condition, I mean essential and accidental dignity and debility.For instance, Mars in the 7th, in Capricorn, trine to Jupiter in a night horoscope, with no other planetary aspects.This is more likely to be a positive Mars, because it is in the sign of its exaltation (essential dignity) and is trine a benefic, Jupiter (accidental dignity). By being in the 7th, and in the same sign as the 7th cusp, Mars is also further accidentally dignified by being in an angular house. Since Mars is a sect ruler at night, then that is further accidental dignity to this Mars.And so long as there are no other afflictions (retrograde, combust, slow in motion, conjunct a malefic fixed star, etc) we can surmise that Mars in the 7th in this situation will likely express Mars qualities in a more positive way.On the other hand, if we had Mars in the 7th, but in Libra, and square to Saturn in a daytime horoscope. And perhaps this Mars is within 4 degrees conjunct the Sun.Here we have essential debility (Mars in the sign of its detriment), and while we have one accidental dignity (angular in the 7th), we also have a square to Saturn which is an affliction. And being close to the Sun (“combust”) is also weakening.In this case Mars will likely express poorly compared to the earlier example.Any planet in the 7th will indicate something about the person’s relationships and partnerships. Mars and Saturn will indicate potential inhibition or restriction (Saturn) and possible confrontation (Mars).But we also need to know what houses of the horoscope that Mars and Saturn rule. If Mars is ruler of the 10th, and located in the 7th, then we would get a sense of a connection between career (10th) and partnerships (7th).So you “work with” malefics in the 7th by looking at their condition, looking at the whole horoscope, and looking at the context of what these planets mean in this location, for this person.

How do you know if a planet is 'afflicted'?

In Western astrology, an affliction is an accidental debility.Just check the possible accidental debilities:Being combust (between 18' and 8°30' away from the Sun), under the Sun's beams (between 8°30' and 17° away from the Sun), or opposed the Sun (less than 8° distant);Being retrograde (moving "backwards") or stationary (not moving);Being slow (considerably slower, in relation to its own mean speed. This is not a debility for Saturn);In a bad house (6th, 8th, and 12th houses) or in close aspect to its rulers;In the house opposed to its joy (The joys of the planet: Mercury, 1st house; Moon, the 3rd; Venus, the 5th; Sun, the 9th; Mars, the 6th; Jupiter, the 11th; Saturn, the 12th. So, Mercury is debilitated in the seventh, etc);Closely opposed any other planet, or in aspect or conjunction to a debilitated planet (a planet in its own detriment or fall) - this is only important if it's less than 5 degrees apart;Being conjunct (less than 2 degrees) a bad fixed star (Algol, Antares, Vindemiatrix, Bellatrix, etc);Being conjunct the South Node;These are the most relevant, the ones I can think of without having to look any book.