Does My Nose Look Weird Or Awkward Pictures

Why does my nose look HUGE in selfies and pictures I take with my friends?

I am very insecure about my nose because when I try to take a picture myself or with my friends, it looks HUGEEEE.
Big nose:

Small because someone else took it:

Why does my nose look crooked in reverse pictures and mirrors?

When I look in pictures that were taken of me on my phone with the rear camera, My nose looks pretty straight and my features look pretty good, but when I take a picture of myself with the front facing camera and then the image comes out reversed, I look terrible. my nose is crooked, and in fact my whole face seems crooked.

I understand that front facing cameras show you a mirror image of yourself when you're about to take a selfie and then flip the image once it's taken, but if my face is symmetrical in the mirror and in regular camera pictures why do i often look so terrible on front cam just because the image gets flipped? Shouldnt it just look like all the other rear camera pictures?

Does my nose look awkward in this picture?

I'm always very conscious about the pictures I take and before i put them onto Facebook >< But anyways.. in this picture i think my nose looks a little off, but what do you guys think? Is the picture ok itself? (Oh yeah i was looking out the window because it was snowing!! White Christmas!! :D)
Here's the link :

Why do I always look so awkward in pictures?

Friend, I have never once met a person that liked a picture of themselves.

Some people think they are so bad, that they refuse to have their picture taken anymore. It's a shame, other people don't see like you may, and could think you are an excellent person to take a picture of.

I don't really think a psychology thing is needed, and i won't go farther than that tonight.

One of the things that pro's use, is looking to see if there is a part in the hair. People tend to cover the side of the face they think is less flattering. So if your picture is being taken, show the side of your face that has less hair over the face.

Another thing and possibly the most important is to enjoy getting your picture taken. I have shot people so uptight before that I had to actually stop the shoot and schedule for another day. People that want to look their best tend to look awful in pictures. They look rigid and proper instead of relaxed and joyfull.

The secret to a good picture is that it looks like it's natural, anything else looks forced and horrible.

There is an old saying when taking pictures of people, tell the person your taking a picture of to " hold it", act like you just took the picture. as soon as they relax, thinking that you just took it. Then take it. you will be surprised how well the pictures come out.

Why does my nose look crooked in pictures, but straight in mirrors? Others say it's not crooked, but I believe it is.

It will be to do with the way a camera captures an image. A photograph is a 2 dimensional image, so everything seems as if it is flattened out.A mirror gives the viewer a 3 dimensional perspective, with the addition of movement, so you can see yourself at different angles. A photograph is static, and the reverse of a mirror image, so it also changes the perspective we are used to seeing.If you have any features that look normal from the real life 3 dimensional perspective, the camera can take the slightest curve, or angle, and make it look more severe, or less pleasing to the eye.It's a very common thing for people to get upset when they see their own photo. It's because our brain is used to seeing a reversed, 3d moving image of ourselves. The photographic image of ourselves, is alien to the image, we are accustomed to recognizing as ourself.

Why does my face look weird in photos?

There's one main culprit to blame for this, and it's not you or your psychological perceievment of yourself.Mirrors.Every time you look at yourself, you're looking at a mirrored version of yourself. In fact, everything is backwards. This is the only ‘us’ we will ever see. And selfies make it even worse. When using apps like Snapchat, pictures are also mirrored.Have you ever taken a great-looking selfie on Snapchat and then try to take one with your phone camera app and it just looks terrible?That's because we are always used to seeing a mirrored version of ourselves.That's why when you see yourself non-reversed, it looks so strange and you might even think you don't look nearly as attractive as you would with a mirrored image of yourself.

Why does my face look crooked in a regular picture ? Professional Help Only Please?

with out a mirror image my features look crooked. my nose looks weird.. one eye looks lower. i am aware that the human eyes is 2 instead of 1 camera lens. i know that the mirror image is a reverse angle of how people see you. But my true question is HOW do other people see you ? Do they see that weird horizontal flip that makes my nose look crooked or the eye that is lower than the other. Honestly, ive read alot but id like to the truth.. HOW do people see me Threw their eyes not a photograph. Thank you.

Would a septum piercing look awkward on me?

I really would like a septum piercing. Just a small one. I think it could look awkward on my face though. my nose is small and kind of wide and upturned, and I have a big upper lip.

Here's a pic. I'm on the right closest to the camera.

What do you think?

I can't take good pictures!?

Well some people tend make an awkward face when taking pictures so try to relax your face and act natural.