Does Not Eating Really Make You Gain Weight

How does not eating make you gain weight?

can someone please please tell me this im so lost. lol im 17 years old. trying to lose weight. lost 16 lbs last summer. the healthy weigh. and then gained it all back during my junior yr. but oh well so i started working last thursday at a restraunt and all i ate for the day was a slim fast cause not enough time to eat to busy... not a choice really.. but in the morning i was down a lb. so why do people say not eating makes u gain weight?

Does eating late at night REALLY make you gain weight...?

Sorry people but this is complete and utter nonsense, why any one ever believed it is beyond me...recent research has confirmed it is nonsense, the time of day has nothing to do with weight gain...and your bodies metabolism is not at it's highest at night, but it's lowest, (known as basal metabolic, or
resting rate) and your brain, in use is the highest user of calories of any body organ except the skin, it uses 10% of all the calories a human consumes anyway !!!

If you think about it a bit more clearly, are you or any one else saying that the body has two different mechanisms for energy use, one for day, and one for night ? so what happens to night shift workers, ? their bodies suddenly change their chemistry because they do not sleep at night ? .
Be reasonable people, because your answers, at the moment ,are plainly misleading, and based on error and urban myths, the only thing that makes a person put on weight, is the excess consumption, of calories, full stop, this is simply a dietary myth, no more, no less... nothing to do with the time of day, or night......

Depo shot?? Does it really make you gain weight ?

am thinking of going on the depo shot because I am taking other medications on a daily basis and other birth control pills interfere with those medications, thus the depo shot is one of my only optinos besides a diaphram and condoms. I want to get the depo shot, but I do NOT want to gain weight. I used to be 180 and now I am 120 and proud of it and have kept off the weight for four years.

Does the Depo shot make you hungier or make you crave more foods, and thats why you gain or does your body just NATURALLY gain weight? Like even if you were to just lay in bed and not eat a single thing all day, would you still gain weight due to it? (Not that I would do that, just asking in general that way.)

Will not eating make you gain weight? Why?

Hello, and thanks for this interesting question.You might think that not eating anything at all - effectively starving yourself - will cause you to lose weight. This is absolutely true. In fact, people who have an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa can die from the substantial weight loss and subsequent shutdown of organs and bodily systems that comes from not eating.However, if you’re starving yourself temporarily to lose weight, you might end up gaining it in the end.In order to lose weight, there is one thing that needs to happen - you need to burn more calories through physical activity than you take in via your diet. Starving yourself might seem like a good idea, and it’ll work - at least at first. When you stop taking in calories, your body notices a difference. It’ll go to work burning off fat and eventually muscle tissue to compensate. In turn, you’ll lose weight.There’s a dark side to this, though. Because your body has only minimal need to process food due to your limited diet, your metabolism slows down significantly. When you start eating again, your body will still be in starvation mode. It’ll take every single calorie it can and convert it directly into adipose tissue (read: fat) for fear that it may not see food again in a very long time. That’s where the term “yo-yo dieting” comes from. People who attempt to lose weight with harsh calorie restrictions almost always end up gaining that weight back, and then some.If you want to lose weight, change your lifestyle. Eat regularly, but eat a healthy, balanced diet. Get some exercise, and try to track how many calories you’re taking in versus how many you’re burning. You can and will meet your goals, but starving yourself is never the answer.We’ve covered some of the best methods for boosting your metabolism in our article How to Increase Metabolism ~ This will help your body learn to burn more of the calories you consume as energy and stop storing them as fat.Regards, and good luck!Erin - AnabolicCoCheck Out Our Facebook Page! | Facebook

Does eating popcorn make you gain weight?

That really depends. But not necessarily, popcorn (or any food really) will make you gain weight when it puts you in a calorie surplus. This means eating more than you burn. If you eat 2000 kcal and you burn 2000 kcal, you’re eating around maintenance. Meaning you won’t gain or lose weight. When you eat an extra of 200 kcal of popcorn you’ll be in a surplus and start gaining fat. It does not matter where does extra calories come from, it can be from pizza, popcorn or pineapple. A calorie surplus is a surplus. Of course foods like fruits and veggies are a better option since they are low in calories, so it will be easier to stay under your surplus. If you eat popcorn and you eat under your surplus calories there is nothing that will happen. If you don’t know how much you burn on a daily basis you can use an online calculator to get a rough idea. To track your calorie intake you can use an app like Myfitnesspal.If you’d like to learn how to use Myfitnesspal, this link will help you out: you’d like to learn how to set up your own fat loss program, this link might be interesting for you:…fat-loss-program/

Do you gain weight eating rice and bread ?

No, it depends on the person and how much they eat as well as their lifestyle. If someone eats a lot of high-carb foods and then sits around all day long and doesn't burn the calories that they consume, that's when they start to gain weight. But if you eat a healthy amount of rices and breads and then are somewhat active and your body actually uses the calories and carbs, then you will be fine.

No one is fat because of what they eat, they can be fat because of how much of it they eat and what they do or don't do during their life. If you eat a lot of rice and bread but don't do anything, you'll start to gain weight. So just eat healthy, stay active, and you'll be in good shape. Although being asian doesn't really have much to do with it. Asians tend to be less overweight as a whole because they tend to eat healthier and have a more well-balanced diet. Just the fact that you eat a lot of rice and bread alone doesn't mean anything because you probably also eat a healthy amount of fruits, vegetables, meats and other products in order to have a healthy diet. If someone consumes an excess of one part of a diet and not enough of another, it leads to poor diet which can then lead to other health problems including weight gain. That's why Americans tend to be more overweight as a whole, we eat an excess of breads, meats and sugars but are often deficient in fruits, vegetables and dairy products. So since we don't have a balanced enough diet, we don't digest the food as efficiently and as healthily as we could.

Does not eating much really make you bigger?

The answer is yes and no. If you eat very little you will at first gain weight since your body will break down your muscle and conserve your fat stores. Your body will go into what is called famine or starvation mode to try and save itself. Eventually your body will adjust to the lower calories though and you will lose weight BUT most of it will be water weight, not fat and unless you do it forever you will gain everything you lost and then some the moment you stop. I tried this myself and it is not worth it.

Does eating when you're hungry make you gain weight?

Diet not needed, with respect to caloric intake.Every time your hungry, there is an insulin drop.Every time you eat an insulin spike. Just like a heart monitor in a hospital.The goal is a flat line with insulin, or low peaks and valleys.You accomplish this by eating smaller meals like 6 times a day. When I say meal, it could be a couple of granola bars.Don't allow yourself to feel hungry, eat frequently, and don't diet (restrict calories).By restricting calories the body will utilize muscle rather than fat for energy. Not good.That's why diets work short term, but you will gain back weight. Caloric intake would be the first step if you extremely overweight.If anything you eat leaves you hungry 90 minutes later scrap it. It's all carbohydrates, little protein and fat. Don't be afraid of fat.Carbs are the most efficient fuel for the body to use as energy. You need them but a much smaller amount.Example, I can eat two bowls of high protein, medium fat, medium carb cereal and be good for 3 to 6 hours, depending on if I'm trying to build lean mass.I can eat a bag of raisen bran ( the big bags 32oz) in one sitting and be hungry 3 hours later.Why, because it has no fat, protein, but loads of carbs. NO SUBSTANCE

Eating late can make you gain weight ?

Actually, despite common belief eating late does NOT make you gain weight. I can't tell you how often my dietitian told me this.... In biology (I'm a bio major) we also learned that metabolism is not as directly linked to weight gain/loss as commonly believed.

Eating late is only dangerous if you have a habit of snacking non-stop. A lot of people get in the habit of eating several snacks at night, as its a good time to eat 'comfort food'. However it can actually be healthy to eat a simple carb or something else filling/healthy at night. I'm a very healthy person, and I always eat something before I go to bed. In fact, I can't sleep without a bed-time snack. I usually eat a bowl of cereal, or some other carbohydrate.

Its not bad if your careful.....