Does Pure Rage Blind Humans To The State Of Being Just Like A Wild Animal

Do snakes recognize their human owners like other animals such as dogs and cats?

I believe my snake recognized my temperature and smell and music, Lestat a 12inch california king snake I got for christmas would specifically seek out the regular spots I would keep him not only for warmth but I think he recognized me as part of his enviroment. I would say give me kisses and he would flick his tounge for a scent wether it was concidence or I trained him that way I'm not entirely sure but he would go after other people if he didn't recognize the smell and lunge to bite, it was a really hard habit to break so when I introduced him to someone new I would hold their hands first or ease him into the transition over a few seconds. Eventually he was great with my baby sitting kids so I ended up donating him to a science class when my husband adopted Ripple our previously insane pitbull pointer mix who kept going after the tank, the kids got kick out of him.  I think he also recognized the vibrations of music I played so if I had music playing he would come out of his tunnel and squirm around for certain songs and other songs he would just dig himself in the sand and nap through. He came out for heavy metal and numetal, but never when I played their doors. My guess it was the vibrations.

Why doesn't Katara like Aang being in the Avatar State?

It's a little difficult for me to describe…Imagine if you had a best friend, and that best friend had awesome superstrength and could basically become Superman-- but only when he took a drug, and this drug also made him lose his mind in blind, wild rage. Your friend would take this drug to fight crime and it was really effective: he'd lose his mind but he'd take out all the bad guys really easily, but he'd also destroy everything around him in his blind rage. Worse, it was hard for him to come off the high; usually only when you came after him and held him down would he finally calm down and return to normal.That's why.Obviously, that friend is Aang and the drug is the Avatar State. Through books 1 and 2, Aang had no control over it. It took over him, basically seized his body, and used it to bring elemental fury upon his enemies. Whenever Aang woke up from the Avatar State, he'd look around with concern, having no idea initially what the damage was or who he'd hurt. You can see this most pointedly in the premiere of Book 2, “The Avatar State,” after General Fong had forced Aang into the State against his will under threat of hurting Katara. When he wakes up after, he simply looks around, eyes wide with fear and concern over who or what he hurt.And it hurts Katara deeply to see him that way. She even says it directly in that same episode:“I'm not saying the Avatar State doesn't have incredible- and helpful- power, but, you have to understand, for the people who love you, watching you be in that much rage and pain is really scary.”She hates seeing someone she loves being in such anger and rage. So out of control. So violent. And she hates having to coach him out of it and talk him through the trauma after.

Vegetarians claim killing animals for food is unethical, but plants have life too, why isn't that unethical?

I am an agriculturist. So here's my take. I would want to concentrate on the latter part of this question. The heated debate of whether its unethical to kill plants for ones sustenance is still a bone of contention. Nature has customised the physiology of each and every living entity that this universe has given birth to. Now ask yourself; would you ever knock down a shady, majestic tree ONLY to fill your tummy. Obviously you wouldn't. Instead you would rather harvest its fruits(if edible) for human consumption. Harvest them once and new spurs gives rise to new fruits the next season and so on... Thus continues the life cycle of a conventional green body that consists of roots, stem, leaves, fruits, flowers. This is exactly how a tree or a plant is customised to complete its ontogeny on earth. We all consume vegetables. Don't we? They are annuals and biennials (Meaning they complete their life cycles in one or two seasons). You don't dismantle a plant producing veggies once the harvest is over. Such plants tend to reproduce by seeds or other vegetative means to produce the next lot. eg. chop off amarathus/spinach leaves from its body, new leaves are making its way in the next few weeks.This is exactly how a plant meant for FOOD purpose functions. You do not kill an entire plant for food. You only feed on its vegetative parts. And you can regrow them for God's sake. In short you also maintain its interminable population on earth.So there's no question about ethics when you say plants have life too when we consume them as FOOD. It's unethical if the sole purpose is say deforestation leading to urbanization and so on....So before controverting the idea that killing plants for food is illegal, please think about it twice.

Does being really angry help to win a fist fight?

It can help or hurt depending on the situation.I was in a martial arts club, I was in my mid twenties but there were some younger students who were cocky.One of those students really thought he was something special. He had taken classes elsewhere, and I suspect had not taken to the strict discipline. Our club expected maturity but had fewer rules. But one of the rules was no weapons unless the sifu brought them.This young man broke the rules more than once. He felt entitled.We didn't spar a lot , but this kid was itching to spar, so my sifu asked me to oblige. He specifically asked me to teach him a lesson, so I obliged.Kid came at me with a jumping side kick, but of course needed a couple of steps to get going, which telegraphed his intent. I sidestepped out of his way , punched his side on his way past and he found himself on the ground.His anger swelled. I was peaceful and calm. He used all his anger to try to overwhelm me but I just followed my training and kept frustrating his attempts. He even tried to get me mad with a few choice words. After a final flip on his back the lesson was over. He never broke the rules again.A month or so later we were at a public event and while we had prepare a few things, we found we had more time to fill, so sifu asked he and I to spar. Unfortunately he froze like a deer in the headlights and I had to get a new partner.If you are fighting someone trained like a martial artist or boxer, your anger is your worst enemy.

Hindus, hows your relationship with your gods?

I was briefly interested in Hinduism (But I didnt because I would have had to change my name and stuff) and I was wondering if you guys communicate with your gods? Like visions, dreams, signs that occur within followers of the Egyptian and Greek gods. I know that certaintly doesn't happen with the Christian god because hes fake but I was just wondering.

Name of wrestling movie???

I am looking for the name of a wrestling movie about a kid who has to lose a lot of weight in 3 weeks. The movie is at least a few years old. Thanks for your help!!!