Does Racism Exist In The Work Place

Does Racism Exist?

Of course.

Listen, this guy has one foot in the grave. There is no way that he could have come of age during the period in time (the man was born in 1927 for goodness sakes) that he did without being at least somewhat prejudiced and without absorbing the prevailing thoughts of the day. Scientists have hypotheses to prove and those hypotheses are based on their personal observations/feelings and science is rather like the Bible, you can find evidence to support just about any claim you want to make. Obviously he's not too intelligent himself because if he was he would have known that making those statements were going to negate all of his decades of hard work and make the world at large question all of his findings. He'll never be taken seriously again and for what?

I'm not being smart or anything but I read ppl complain about the questions on here being too long all of the time. Do you guys not read books or newspapers or do you just mean too long for it to be a question?

Does Racism still exist in 2019?

Racism is illegal in the workplace. it’s against the law to hire based on skin color. Racism is illegal in Academia with affirmative action in place. Government contracts are mandatorily given out to minority firms. Private companies that don’t hire a qualified employee because of race can be sued but the free market will automatically take care of that since his business will underperform using unqualified substandard employees. Elections are free. School through high school is free to all. No more segregated schools and bathrooms from the past. So everyday life is pretty much free from racism. Where does that leave us? Yes there will always be people who don’t like people just because they belong to another race but it is such a microcosm of our society. The media and race baiters will always try to represent our society as racist because without that narrative they are irrelevant. The press will lead one to believe there is rampant racism in the US which is a false narrative and is so detrimental to society. I live in a town that is 65% black and we all get along fine regardless of the race baiting media columnists would have you to believe. They are a solution looking for a problem that is so minuscule it’s ridiculous. We do however have a crime problem but race problem? Nope. The few redneck people you see at these demonstrations are so few but unfortunately are depicted as some big part of society which is just not true. I would urge people not to drink the racism Kool Aid from the race baiters and media if possible!

Does racism still exist in 2018?

Racism is Magic.Racism is a drug that is more addictive than Heroin, Crack and Meth combined.Liberals are addicted to the term “racist”. They cling to “racism” like it’s the most valuable commodity that has ever existed.Racism is the excuse for failure.Racism is the excuse for stupidity.Racism is the excuse for laziness.Racism is the excuse for ignorance.Racism is the excuse for criminal behavior.Racism is the excuse for violent behavior.Everything would be perfect if it weren’t for racism…Great…go to Africa and test what would life be like without racist white men.How many people are starving to death while you hashtag - black lives matter?‘Man-Made’ Famine Leaves Millions Facing Starvation in AfricaUN: World facing largest humanitarian crisis since 1945Across Africa, the worst food crisis since 1985 looms for 50 millionEast Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World VisionMillions are on the brink of starvation in east Africa. We must act fast | Emma ThompsonStarvation stalks Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, YemenHow many people were raped, while Black Millionaires did nothing but kneel to protest America?South Africa: Where Corruption, Rape and Murder Are NormalRape in South Africa - Rape CrisisThe Horrific Reality Of South Africa's Rape Problem Will Shock YouHow rape became South Africa's enduring nightmareRape in DR Congo: An economic war on women's bodiesMilitia commits mass rape in Central African Republic - MSF | AfricanewsThey Fled Boko Haram, Only to Be Raped by Nigeria’s Security ForcesRape: Zimbabwe's silent political weaponWhat can anyone do to stop it?The love of racism is the perfect trap.I’m certainly not hypocritical enough to believe that I could escape it, were I unfortunate enough to be born into it.When someone tries to help Black People, how do they react?FoxNews -George W. Bush has saved more lives than any American presidentCNN –Commentary: Bush saved 10 million livesBono –Bono: President Bush Saved 11 Million Lives #2017USCABy attacking them…. After George W. Bush saved more Black Lives than any human that has ever lived, how did Blacks react?In the year 2008, 95% of Blacks voted against Republicans, 4% for Republicans.When someone tries to hurt Black People, how do they react?What is the Number 1 killer of Black People? Answered by a Black Man. -The love of racism is the perfect trap and it has no escape.

Does racism still exist and in what form?

First there are alot of definitions for the term due to the fact that they are different types of racism but one of the best definition was given by Abraham Lincoln on September 18th, 1858 :

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

Racism has been a motivating factor in institutional and social discrimination, racial segregation, hate speeches, violence, pogroms, genocides and ethnic-cleansing and in our culture. Despite the persistence of racial stereotypes, humor and epithets in much everyday language, racial discrimination is illegal and many of our leaders have practiced racism in the form of "race baiting" in an attempt to win votes.

Racism is evident amongst all cultures and people from the "caste system" to "profiling." Many of us believe that we have "intergrated" and that maybe true but society has not moved away from "racial oppression or racism", "we" are merely tolerated.

Many of you may say that i am wrong but look at the leaders of our nations. For instance you have in the USA, Democrats and Republicans and according to thought, the "Republicans" are in favour of racial discrimination (and i dare say that evidence supports the fact. e.g Hurricane Katrina.

What hurts more, is not when another race discriminates against another, but when persons of the same ethnic group does it to each other.

Why does racism still exist?

May I enlighten some of you? My father never once said anything about anyone and nether did my mom so why am I sometimes racist? Well lets put it like this, I worked in a restaurant and we had a black young man working the grill with about three, as you would call them white guys of the age around 20 years of age as I was also. Well I was at work one night and the owner brought me a black young man to teach how to run the dishwasher. It couldn't have been no more than about an hour when I heard this black trainee make the commit about the black guy at the grill that he acted too white and that he didn't like him! Well this went on for about another hour until I had all I could take and I went to tell the owner about it and he let him go. So you see I didn't grow up not liking certain people, but I have learned it from others! I see it and hear it all the time and it makes me sick, so does this make me a racist? I find it sad that we hate each other and don't trust each other and want to defeat each other so much that were about ready to explode as a people, no matter what country or race your from!

Does racism still exists in the US?

Hehehehe... if you want a really good comic take on the whole situation, you've got to see the movie I watched last night called "Outsourced". It is so good and illustrates nicely how India and the US tend to "miss" each other in communication.
**********end edit********

Racism exists anywhere that people live together in any kind of group. However, it is far less socially acceptable than it used to be. Unfortunately, many Americans are making the move to more tolerance one group at a time and haven't gotten to the point where they easily accept foreigners.

India and the US have much in common, mainly because of our British influences, but we also have much that is so different that it can sometimes seem un-fixable. What seems only natural to you (ie, treating office superiors with more respect) seems wrong to us (we treat everyone as equal regardless of work rank... often i doubt the wisdom of that idea...)

So, please have patience with this person... He clearly doesn't understand you and you don't' understand him. It is rude of him to make remarks about your clothing, but please do understand that he has probably never had much experience with anyone but Americans. It's going to take a lot of patience from both of you to work together.

You might even explain the custom of the purdhah to him when he asks by saying "Actually, that is only worn by people who..." in an informative pleasant way. We Americans tend to get a bit too direct and too informal at work. Don't let anyone cross into inappropriate territory, but if it's a cultural question, you might answer one or two to quell the curiosity, maybe also ask a few back yourself. You'd be surprised how much people really dont' know about your country!

Why does racism still exist?

Racism is a spirit, an evil one at best. While physical slavary was abolished by Presiden Lincoln in US and Wilberforce in UK, the mental slavary is more difficult and sometimes is outside the bounds of the law.

In ancients, it was realised people comes in different shades of skin complexion, but it was never been flagged up as a racial issue. It was until the last few hundred years a misconception was conceived to regard black as an inferior group of humans. It was such a misconception that people began to think there are different types (in contrast to class) of human and thus give rise to racism.

Such unfortunate misconception led to the mistreatment of certain groups of people. There is no such thing as a 'purist'. Different people with different skin intonation (even the whotes) at some stage of history may have arised due to mixing with other people of different tribes...

Going back to mental slavery. It is more difficult to break the mold becuase of the society subconcious suppresion on certain people, who in turn do not have a role model to look to and their parents were subjected to poignant memories of rejection and thus passing on such perception to siblings... Furthermore, these people become generally poor and under-previleged. It is a vicious cycle difficult to break.

The sad thing is that I do know quite a few of the blacks that are extremely intelligent but were unfortunately being 'kept' at school so that they can achieve only at a certain level. Subsequently, mental slavary and grudges arise and you have the vicious cycle again.

What we need is not just laws to safeguard one's right, but total annihilation of the misconception of race-superiority at the society wide and nation wide. Unfotunately, such is difficult to come by because there are now countries at war (don;t just finger point at US only) becuase one thinks theirs are better than the other.


There are four types or racism.

1. Historical racism
based on lineage and common decent; it identifies a population with a common origin in history, but not a population with a fixed biological character; used to define nation states in Europe; expressed through national symbols, such as Nazi eagle, Aryan cross; believed in superiority of some nations over others

4. Scientific racism/biological racism
believes we can all be characterized by race with certain physical traits, such as brain size, sloping forehead; there is a hierarchy of races; biology determines intelligence; some races need to civilize others providing a justification for colonialism

3. Institutional racism
those activities which are intended to protect the advantages of a dominant group and/or maintain or widen the unequal position of a subordinate group; certain structures in society that systematically discriminate against certain groups, such as apartheid in South Africa, Jim Crow laws in southern U.S.

4. New Racism
no longer any biological notion to indicate cultural or other inferiorities; not necessarily an assumption of inferiority or superiority; new expressions, such as immigrants, integration, cultural values, hide the racist sub-text in our culture

So the old biological form of racism has been replaced by the new racism. The type you were referring to is "new racism". So yes, racism does exist.

Does racism still exist today?

I saw movies that some restaurants did not allow black people to enter into their own restaurants. Does this kind of racism still exist even today. I am very curious, because I have never been to the states, and I am going to La for my state champion game. I am a Filipino, and I was wondering if that kind of racism still exist even today. Please answer, and no mean questions, cause I am kind of scared to go.

How does racism work in the US?

How does it work?If you are White (and not too ethnic of a White person) you can lay the blame for all of the socioeconomic problems at the feet of the minority population in the United States. If you are proven wrong (which always happens) you simply shift your thinking in any manner that allows you to blame others not like you (remember again you are WHITE) for those same issues.Bonus points if you are wealthy.Extra bonus points if you can do this while getting some minorities to at least buy into some of what your saying.