Does She Wants To Befriend With Me Anymore

What do you do if your best friend doesn't want to be with you anymore?

I have been in your situation.Not once, but twice.When the same person who you trusted a lot, the one who used to share everything with you, the one who literally has other friends because of you, for the one you did all that you could ever do turns out to be the one who stops talking to you, not just this, the person refuses to give you a reason and ignores you constantly. It sucks, it really does.But that's how most of the people are.In my case I tried everything, called them pinged them, confronted them, only to face ignorance.Not every one is as sensitive as you. I felt so bad initially, I didn't give up. I wanted my friend back at any cost. No matter what. But there is a slight boundary between ego and dignity called self respect and you must respect your self respect.Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that people don't need you anymore in their life.Their work is done, maybe they are just bored of you. Accept their decision and move on.Also remember one thing, too much of attachment can be really really harmful.Sometimes, it's better to embrace solitude rather than cribbing over the fact that people don't need you. You need yourself. It hurts but You are stronger than that.

Why does my enemy suddenly want to be my friend?

We haven't talked or saw each other in about a year, but she is my friend's girlfriend. She forbade him to even talk to me so I suppose that means my friend really isn't my friend anymore, but she is still my enemy.
Well recently my friend called and wanted to come over and hang out with my group of friends and bring his gf. She told him that she would not start any fights with me and I promised the same.
When they came over, she laughed at every joke I made, hung on to every word I said, joined in all of my conversations, and then at the end of the night we ended up talking and laughing with each other, then she added me on facebook.
The initial reason that we ever didn't get along was because she viewed me as a threat to her relationship with my friend and was jealous of me for several reasons. So now that she wants to be my friend, does that mean she no longer views me as a threat and is no longer jealous of me?

My ex-gf hates me and i still wanna be friends?

ok, my ex hates me because i used to lie alot and be mean but i had depression now im a different person but she still hates me and says she never wants to talk to me or ever be friends.... how can i get her to at least be friends or not hate me anymore???