Does Someone Have To Be Able To Fight To Be An

How many times do you have to let someone hit you before you can hit back?

Lawfully and ethically you do not have to let anybody know who you are or what you do. Their own actions are based on their own ignorance of how the world works. All "rules" governing Martial Arts in the fighting world are just gossip rules.

If you are frightend by somebody and put in a position where you CANNOT escape you have every right and sometimes the very NEED to strike first and hard with COMPLETE conviction. It is when you fear your health is a direct risk of the situation with no way out.

In many cases if you are dealing with somebody in a matter that could quickly turn violent you shouldn't mention "I do MA, so you'd better watch out." That's exactly what it sounds like to an agressor who will most likely say "prove it". There you will have an issue in court as a potential provoking action. I know it sounds crazy but its happened before.

So, don't EVER LET somebody hit you in a negative manner before defending yourself. Don't warn them that you could beat them up. Just tell them you don't want to fight, you want to go on your way and be left alone. If they don't let you go... Strike first, fast, and hard.

How can I fight someone with fighting skills and win?

Scenario: Said person with fighter skills, let’s call him arsehole A, has you cornered in a back ally. You have tried to reason with him and apologize for the perceived slight from earlier, but he isn’t hearing it. You can see the menace in his eyes as he bunches his jaws and clenches his fists, tensing his body for violence. Said aggressor is your size or even slightly larger.—Ok… so this uh oh time.Arsehole A is mentally and physically prepared for violence. You have to make some decisions quickly. Assuming you’ve protested extensively, tried to “escape” and apologized for previous slights, now you are in self defense/survival mode because you have identified an immediate, substantial threat to your physical safety.Did you notice if he’s got a weapon? Open/Concealed carry firearm? Knife sticking out of one his pockets?Is he wearing a watch (is he left or right handed)?Is his left or right foot forward (is he left or right handed, where is the haymaker coming from)?When he steps within approx 3-4 feet of you, that’s striking range. I would feign (or show real) weakness & fear as they approach. They are the big, bad aggressor coming to rock your world. You’re some meek little victim they can easily play with as they wish.One of two things will happen:He will come close enough for you to strike without initiating an attack himselfHe will enter your space with a combative/strike starting the fightIf it’s 1, explode into violence and attack them like a wild animal. Knee them in the groin, claw their eyes out I don’t care. If it’s 2, you’re looking for the telegraph (most often a dominant side haymaker) and waiting to slip & counter or block and counter. Deliver your block and strike simultaneously, same with slips and dodges.Regardless which of the two previous things happen, push them after you land your strike(s) to disengage and RUN for your life.This assumes you don’t have a weapon of course.

If someone assaults you, and you fight back, how does that affect the charges pressed?

Generally, you are allowed to defend yourself and others and pets. What happens though, most people who engage in fights do so in an aggressive way and it ends up being retalitory. Which is where the law and I disagree. According to law, if you retaliate with the intention to do harm, you are assaulting the other person as well. So both can be charged. In my honest opinion, a person who attacks me deserves whatever punishment I choose to throw at him. But I’d rather be alive and sitting in prison than dead with no justice.To be more clear, in the eyes of the law, you are allowed to defend yourself up to the point of equal force. He throws a punch and you instinctively punch him back. Self-defence is viable. He throws a punch and you block and do a little foot work and all of a sudden hit him back, it is retalitory and not covered as you are no longer defending yourself rather, you are willfully engaging in the fight. You are not actively defending yourself or trying to get away rather, you are intending to harm a person.

Self-Defense: If you fight with someone who attacked you first, how do you prove that you have a justifiable reason to attack back?

You can only "prove" it by evidence such as videotape. The more eyewitnesses you have the better, in a case sans tape.A lot of people use the excuse that "he started it" when in reality they baited the person to make the first move so they could feel "justified" in inflicting violence on someone.This is why ego contests usually start with "chest bumping", name calling, and other enticements to tempt someone into being the "aggressor".Half the time this is simple word games. There was no true self defense at play. A state like Colorado even has a "mutual combat rule" where you are allowed to fight another, which seems rational, if not outdated for our day and age.In a true self defense situation you are allowed to strike back. But you need to end your assault the moment your attacker is no longer of threat to you. You can't say, "well, he touched me, and I don't allow ANYBODY to put their hands on me, so we threw down!"Sure, that will justify it to yourself, but it's not right to provoke someone simply to have an excuse for kicking their ass.If it's true self defense, for example a strong armed robbery or random street violence, then strike back, strike hard, and worry about your personal safety first and the law second. But as soon as it's over, look to clean up your mess (getting witnesses on your side) as soon as possible. Tell the police you were a "victim", and try to be the first one to call and talk to the police if at all possible You are not going to look very "victim-like" if you have a bloody body lying at your feet, so be careful to paint the proper picture of the incident to the police. Speak with an attorney as soon as you can too, obviously, and be careful how much explanation you give the police. Just make sure you are labeled as victim and complainant.

Can you learn to fight without training against someone?

Can you learn to fight without training against someone?To a large extent you can learn to DEFEND YOURSELF without actually “fighting”.However, you would find it very difficult to learn to “Fight” without at least working at full speed against a training partner who is trying to win.There is a major difference between “self-defense” and “fighting”.The self-defense you learn will also be more likely to fail if you get to the point it resembles a fight.It’s impossible to know what will and will not work FOR YOU until you test the techniques at full speed against someone who refuses to “let you win”.If you actually wanted to learn to “Fight” you would almost certainly STINK at it until you gained some experience, either against a fully committed training partner or against real attackers (who would hurt you.)A big part of learning to “Fight” is learning what to do when your techniques do NOT work — they almost never work fully like you see in the movies and on TV.Another major part is learning to deal with being HIT or HURT by the attacker. Real attackers almost always get in some shots in a “Fight”.Learning to get hit, get knocked down, have a technique fail, and KEEP FIGHTING is essential to winning against real opponents.

Can I legally challenge someone to a fight in America?

Can I legally challenge someone to a fight in America?In Texas, yes. But there is still a likelihood that you could be charged with Disorderly Conduct - Fighting.The Texas Penal Code Chapter 22.06 says “The victim’s effective consent or the actor’s reasonable belief that the victim consented to the actor’s conduct is a defense to prosecution under Section 22.01 (Assault), 22.02 (Aggravated Assault), or 22.05 (Deadly Conduct) if the conduct did not threaten or inflict serious bodily injury…”Texas Penal Code Chapter 1.07(a)(46) says that Serious Bodily Injury “means bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.”So if you walk up to some stranger and go “You wanna fight?” and they go “Yup!” then punch you in the jaw and you fight until you decide you’re done fighting, it’s alright. Unless one of you threatens or inflicts serious bodily injury. And if, in the course of your fight, someone calls law enforcement and reports you fighting, when the police show up, the can arrest (or issue citations to) you both for Disorderly Conduct - Fighting [Texas Penal Code Chapter 42.01(a)(6)].I would advise you not to go around challenging people to fights. You may challenge the wrong person and end up in jail, the hospital, or the morgue.

Will i be able to fight after a boxer's fracture?

Most likely yes. If you did not require surgery just wait for like 8 weeks and start getting your strength back on the hand.

I had a boxers fracture for being stupid and hitting this bag i had with no hand wraps. The bottom of the bag is the hardest and i punched it as hard as i can and needed some plates and screws to fix my hand. I was devastated cus i thought i would not box again but my doctor told me i would be fine but i needed to wait at least 6 months.

I went through intensive therapy and was ready in 4 months. My pinky doesnt go all the way down now but i can make a fist and with plate it is impossible to get a break there again. I also realized how valuable my hands are and i take care of them very good now. I wrap them very well and for my birthday my cousin gave Winning gloves designed for extra protection. My hand feels great now and this december i got an amateur fight scheduled.

I still regret breaking my hand because although it didnt make me lose my power and i dont feel a thing sparring and training, outside of the ring my pinky doesnt go all the way down and when i force it it hurts a bit but the pain will go away as the doctor told me but most likely the pinky will never go down the entire way. But its no big deal cus i can still make a full fist with no problems and it doesnt hurt.

I guess what im saying is if you heal right yes you can fight. Besides many great fighters have broken their hands and healed right and continued to have successful careers.(Floyd Mayweather, Paulie Malignaggi, Eric Morales)

Do you know how to fight?

I fight well. I use the force/tactics that the situation dictates. I don't use eye gouges, groin, throat, spine, etc strikes unless the other person has a weapon. Due to my extensive and varied training I have more options than most people in any situation. ("If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" is a great adage to emphasize the importance of cross training in various arts)

It was actually funny reading how people belive you can do anything to anyone in a street fight and the other belief that "I'll fight dirty if the other guy does".
Legally, you will be dealing with repercussions if someone just yells at you and points their finger at you then you grab the hand roll into kote hinrei, break the arm with your opposite forearm, drive a knee up into his face, then drop an elbow down on his neck sending him to the ground and obviously doing substantial damage. Understand where I'm going with this? There has to be a reasonable justification for the force you use on someone especially when you have combat training.
Then there is the "I'll do it if he does it" answer. Someone eye gouges you, blasts you in the throat or uses a penetrating strike to your spine you're not going to just shake it off and say "OK now I'll do the same". So you should drop that fantasy and never underestimate what someone may attempt and try not to allow yourself to be in a position where they could easily execute such a move. A street fight isn't a UFC fight with a ref but it also isn't a death-match kumite (unless your assailant has a weapon, then you are justified to do virtually anything). This answer is getting way too long but I hope some of you will gain something from this.