Does Technology Change Society Or Does Society Change Technology

How has technology changed society today?

You presume that technology is a negative for kids, e.g. losing social and developmental skills. Why not look at the other side? Technology has afforded kids online tutoring, knowledge bases beyond their teachers, freedom in education (both high school and college degrees can be earned online). If you set aside the focus on kids and look at society in general, we benefit from technology through better health care (MRIs, ultrasounds, EKGs, organ transplants). As a result, our society (U.S.) lives longer.
(Hope this helps.)

Can a technology change a society?

How about the advent of electricity and later on, the personal computer? Let's look before that. How about the printing press?The unprecedented impact of Gutenberg-style printing on the long-term development of modern European and then world history is difficult to capture in its entirety. Attempts at analysing its manifold effects include the notion of a proper Printing Revolution and the creation of the Gutenberg Galaxy. The ready availability and affordability of the printed word to the general public boosted the democratization of knowledge and laid the material basis for the modern knowledge-based economy.[1]I'll give you an additional economic perspective. In economics we measure a country's wealth by its output Y. We assume that this output is produced by the factors of productions: Labor (L) and Capital (K). There's a third one, technology:Technological progress — For over a century, economists have known that capital and labor do not account for all of economic growth. This is reflected in total factor productivity and the Solow residualused in economic models called production functions that account for the contributions of capital and labor, yet have some unexplained contributor which is commonly called technological progress. Ayres and Warr (2009) present time series of the efficiency of primary energy (exergy) conversion into useful work for the US, UK, Austria and Japan revealing dramatic improvements in model accuracy. With useful work as a factor of production they are able to reproduce historical rates of economic growth with considerable precision and without recourse to exogenous and unexplained technological progress, thereby overcoming the major flaw of the Solow Theory of economic growth[1][2]

In what way can technology change society?

Ah, this. This question brings me all the way back to 2000.Where, this little guy was born.I was only 6 years old when Honda launched ASIMO.I imagined what the world will ever be with the creation of this little guy.I would hangout with this little guy, all my buddies will be amaze of my companion!Instead, it did this.AND,Thanks to this movie, ASIMO became a nightmare to the community around me.No one was cheering for the advancement of the technology developed by Honda.Instead, everyone was afraid that it would change the way we live by enslaving us when 1’s and 0’s are no longer entertaining to computers.The change is scary but, it is inevitable.Without Robotics, it is almost impossible for manufacturing and production to be done accurately and quick.Same goes for Artificial Intelligence. Human alone couldn’t achieve so much alone without the usage of computers.Even Elon Musk himself claimed that most cars will autonomous within 10 years.In the year 2000, who would have thought it was possible within 2 decades? Yet, it happened.The more people involved in this change, the faster the progress of technology.We often asked, ‘If more people develop A.I, will it develop itself quicker?’Then, we launched Audrey to see if it’s true.Audrey allows anyone to train her response and outcome without the needs of knowing any programming knowledge.The ability to join any form of artificial intelligence development reduces one’s uncertainty in the future.Anyway, it is certain that technology will blend itself into our life. Without it, we would never be the same it was in year 2000.AdamBot : I see you are trying to impress me, Madam.Claire : How’d you know?!AdamBot : I have already read it from ‘How to Impress a Guy’.

What are some ways technology has changed society?

Yesterday I have answered a similar question as to how technology has changed society in the last 100 years. I have mentioned, inter alias, the introduction of radio, automobile, insulin, television, penicillin and the programmable computer as having substantially changed society. I have outlined the contribution of transistor as a radical invention that has transformed the electronic industry and benefiting society as a whole. The internet, the World Wide Web, the mobile phone and their subsequent enhancements have paved the way to the explosion of the social media in our millennium in a way that no one could have imagined. Thus far the prediction of the Moores’ Law has been accurate. This law states that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles every two years. As a result, we are all witnessing an increased performance together with a miniaturization and a price reduction of most electronic devices. We all enjoy the convenience and usefulness of smart watch, smart phone and the role of this latter in our lives is still increasing.Based on the digital revolution, we are now entering in the Fourth industrial Revolution with automated production processes extended to most manufacturing service industries including those of the liberal professions. As said the famous futurist Carl Sagan who anticipated the rapid expansion of technology, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” A solution to many incurable diseases may be found in some application of Nanotechnology. Artificial intelligence in robotics and more recently driverless cars and for that matter in the transportation industry, have the potential for substantial savings. But these novelties also come with a huge social cost. The current trend of structural unemployment is expected to continue. Given the dimension of this problem, it remains to be seen as to whether retraining and early retirement will be sufficient to assist the affected employees. On a positive note, life expectancy at birth is expected to grow and a cure for aging is being sought promising healthy centenarians changing thereby the demographic profile of developed countries in the future decades.

HELP!!!! How does Technology effect Society?

ok here are some points you can explain about on your paper

1.. technology creates changes in life styles of people
2...and such changes bring about big change in society distracts people and the concept of society fades away
4...with technology advancing people are more busy going after it instead of spending time with each other
5...if technology isnt used properly it will harm society eg. war
6...people should remember that society comes FIRST and second comes TECHNOLOGY

How does culture and society affect changes in technology?

how does culture and society affect changes in technology?
I need the answer quickly...
It's one of the questions in my technology project about mobile phones and i don't really know what to say, so could someone help me please?

Does Society drive Technology or does Technology drive Society?

Well, every time there's a world war, there is also an arms race.
So society defines the direction and magnitude of research.

HELP!! How does technology of WAR affect society?

You could take about war thru history. Starting with the civil war and how people stood face to face and shot at year other. The to the invention to tanks and other that changed society. I believe the biggest piece of technology that changed society is the atomic bomb. WW1 brought the use of the plane that changed the face of war. The first planes just dropped bomb without a target. Imagine how that changed society.

the invention of the atomic bomb is still affecting society to this day. Look at the crisis with North Korea. They want this technology. Its invention itself fundamental changed society because now there is the fear that the wrong person can get a hold of this technology and use it.

you can even talk about the technology related to tv. Before vietnam people saw war in the abstract. They heard the stories but they didn't see what was happening. Vietnam was the first war were reporters were embedded with the military and the news brought the war into the living room.

How and why does society change?

Well, there’s no easy answer to this question! There are a lot of theories, some with better evidence than other. The simple truth is we’re far from complete knowledge on the subject. But we do seem to know a bit about a few factors that impact how and why society changesIdeas. The ideas we hold and value impact how we perceive, think, and act. The social practice of slavery was partially built upon the idea that people can be property. A society in which we reject that idea and instead embrace a concept of equal, negative rights has significantly less slavery. See Hayek’s “The Intellectuals and Socialism”Material conditions. Society is comprised of economic classes and the story of society is that of class conflict. The bourgeoisie will exploit the prolitariet until the proletariat organizes and begins a communist revolution. See Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto”Technology. Changes in society are not a consistent line but instead spurred by periodic jumps brought on by new technological ‘paradigms’. Every once in a while, revolutionary jumps in scientific knowledge lead to the questioning of concepts and institutions that were perceived as ordinary, opening them up for possible change. See Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”These three approaches are just the tip of the iceberg for this big question. You can study the relative role of different people, different organizations, different cultures, different time periods, different political forms, different philosophies, and many other factors that influence social change.