Does The Definition Of

How does the definition of absolute value?

It simply means that we can consider positive and negative cases.

For example, consider a fairly basic inequality regarding inequalities:
|x - 5| < |x + 3|
To solve this, we need to consider every value of x in R.

Case 1: x ≥ 5 - in this case,
x - 5 < x + 3 --- this implies -5 < 3 which is always true so x ≥ 5 is an interval in which the inequality holds.

Case 2: -3 < x < 5. We have x + 3 > 0 and x - 5 < 0 so:
-(x - 5) < x + 3
-x + 5 < x + 3
2 < 2x
1 < x
This means (1, 5) is an interval in which the inequality is true.

Case 3: x ≤ -3
-(x - 5) < -(x + 3)
x - 5 > x + 3
Which has no solutions.

Thus our solution set is x ≥ 1.

I chose an inequality since I thought it would be more difficult than equalities, so that you can apply the same principles. Since the absolute value is piecewise defined and is continuous over all R (provided the original function is continuous), you can consider positive negative cases seperately.

The alternative algebraic method is to use the absolute value as the positive square root of the square of the function, that is |x| = sqrt(x^2).

What does "definition of character" mean?

The phrase is actually "defamation of character," and it has to do with causing damage to someone's good reputation.

Does a definition of 'flesh' include skin?

Of an animal, yes the skin would be part of the flesh. However, in plants, it refers to the soft part of a fruit that is eaten.

"Flesh is the soft part of the body of a person or animal which is between the skin and the bones. In ordinary speech, it typically contrasts with bone, as in the merism flesh and bone. It mainly refers to skeletal muscle and associated fat, though it includes all other internal soft tissue. The softness of a human body is generally attributed to flesh, although muscles can also give a notion of hardness."

Why does the definition of one word recall other n words and m definitions?

The question is somewhat opaque, but OP is getting to the question of, why is the definition of a word such a complex, and potentially circular, graph of links to other definitions. Your original question, OP, was in fact about circularity.The answer is:Dictionary definitions aren’t particularly concerned about rigour or non-circularity: you’re assumed as a language learner to already have a baseline understanding of the definitional human language, which you can use to bootstrap any other definitions.Attempts at a rigorous semantics of definitions will inevitably have to bottom out on a list of Semantic primes, a set of concepts that have to be taken as givens rather than defined themselves.Identifying that list of primes, and using them for definitions, has not been a popular pastime. It’s work. Natural semantic metalanguage is an admirable initiative in that direction.Unfortunately, NSM also wanted to use those primes in human-intelligible definitions. That makes things dirtier. The initial Spartan beauty of Anna Wierzbicka’s Lingua Mentalis had 14 primes; now it’s in the 60s.Definitions of words in NSM are a valuable discipline to get into: they really force you to break concepts down. They are also a hilariously forced subset of English.Look into Wierzbicka’s work, OP. Even if you don’t like the approach, it’s got some excellent insights. And start with the early stuff, including Lingua Mentalis itself.

Why does the definition of marketing changed over time?

Marketing is really all about the human story. I know that might sound a bit like hyperbole, but consider just what it is that marketing achieves: It informs the people who are interested, involved, desirous of just what is available to them.Taking this broad definition of marketing, ‘Education’ can be regarded as a form of marketing, it is through education that we provide the younger generations of people with the cultural equipment to make their way, and to continue our vision of how life should be lived.Looking at marketing in this more intense, broad light provides us with a much more useful and powerful way of leveraging the tools, media and platforms which are available to us.It used to be that only very wealthy, powerful people were able to do marketing.It used to require enormous resources and funding to build the awareness of specific developments, products, ways of thinking, philosophies, religious dogma, music, political movements, lifestyle groups - and the whole nine yards.This is no longer the case, but even today it seems people are oblivious to the new opportunities they have to present and promote; not enough people are truly aware of just how ‘Open’ the gates have been made.Hidden in plain sight, we have the ability to organize, and present just about anything cheaply, powerfully and with Global scale.Marketing is changing because our civilization is changing.The old orders are barely hanging on by their finger nails, they are quivering in their shoes, they are just waiting for that critical number of people to become aware of just what marketing power is available to them.The market does not care if you were born into a wealthy powerful family, it does not care if you belong to the elite Silicon Valley development club, or if you learned your skills from the internet and your father was an unemployed concrete worker.If what you present is good, if you can produce something of value to people, that solves some of their problems, they will just as soon buy from you as ‘the big guys’. If your music is good and you can reach the people who resonate with it, you can build your own audiences.You might not know this yet, but marketing is your path to liberation, to independence. I am not selling you anything, I am simply passing on the message. The market cares not about your background, if you offer something good, it will be interested in it.

How does the definition of ecosystem expand on the concept of the communtiy?

Community structure is usually very complex, even if it might appear to be simple at first sight. For example, there are many interactions such as competition, predation and parasitism within a community. And there are various levels of activity - the plants (primary producers) on which all other components of the community ultimately depend, the herbivorous animals that feed on the plants, the carnivorous animals that eat the herbivores, and the microorganisms that degrade the organic matter and thereby recycle the nutrients. All of these components make up the community and - perhaps most important - give it a high degree of stability, because all the components live in balance with one another

At the next level of complexity, ecologists study ecosystems - communities of inter-dependent organisms together with all the abiotic (non-living) factors such as climate and soil factors that influence the types of organism that live there. Ecosystems are generally defined by the types of organism they contain - for example, a forest ecosystem, a desert ecosystem, a freshwater ecosystem.

Does Occasia Cortes know what the definition of Marxism is?

And what do you think her answer would be if asked who should be the worlds richest person?? Do you think she would name a democrat or would she say the state should own everything like in Venezuela or the former soviet Russia Union

Does the definition of female "beauty" change by culture?

Yes, it varies by culture and also the times. For example, the bound feet of Chinese women was once considered a beauty or a point of attractiveness, but roundly considered a horror and abuse by Westerners.Of course, on a practical level in our modern times, some aspects are considered beautiful wherever we go. For example, most cultures generally consider a curvaceous cleavage to be beautiful. Fair skin is also generally considered appealing. Svelteness is also generally seen as desirable.